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(Hat tip to Doug Powers from over at Michelle’s site.)

Paul McCartney is going senile.

At a Whine House (no, no typo) function – and GollyGeeWhiz&#153, isn’t it nice how Bambi can play golf, take Memorial Day vacations in Shitcago and party-hardy while beaches along the Gulf Coast are awash in the residue of his oil spill? – He Who Got His Ass Whipped By A One-Legged Woman&#153 couldn’t help but try his own little dogpile on the last real&#160 President we had:

A sweet moment, but McCartney topped it off with a bite. After thanking the Library of Congress one last time, he let it rip: “After the last eight years, it’s good to have a president that knows what a library is.”

Really, McMoron?&#160 ‘Zat so, Paula?

Guess you’ve forgotten that President Bush attended both Harvard and&#160 Yale.&#160 And, unlike your honey boy Jugears McHopenchange, Bush hasn’t gone to the ends of the earth to hide his&#160 transcripts.

Guess you’ve also&#160 forgotten that Bush is married&#160 to a librarian.&#160 Haven’t you, you little tossing dumb-arse (a little British slang lingo, there)?

At least Bush had more intelligence than to let his wife screech with him in his post-Beatle days (*cough*Wings*cough*), huh?

Take your ass back across the pond, Paula, you little pissweasel.&#160 Bambi needs to “Get Back” to work.

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