Sorry, Denizens, nothing today.  Between trying to fix the Sibling Unit’s™ computer, reacquiring my Dell certifications and cooking dinner for Mrs. Venomous (meat loaf off a recipé from the SpatulaGoddess and homemade Tuna Helper© from scratch), not time to do much of anything today.
KORRIOTH:  So how’d dinner turn out?
VENOMOUS:  Coulda been better, but Mrs. Venomous liked it.
KORRIOTH:  So there’s some left, right…?
VENOMOUS:  Do I not pay you well enough?
MERLIN:  You don’t pay us at all, m’Liege.
VENOMOUS:  I might if you people weren’t just figments of my hyperactive imagination.
OZY MCCOOL:  He’s got us there, Wizard.
MERLIN:  (grunt)
Relax, guys.  Got plenty of stuff here, plus the PFW recap’s tomorrow.  Chillax.
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