Denizens, the Stupid Letter Of The Month™ award goes to some moron named David Swaim in Dallas.  Since I’ve no idea how long the Dullest Moaning Snooze  will keep it on their site, I copied it here.
(As before, sorry – don’t have access to the original letter to which Swaim the Short Bus Swami was referring.)
Here is what has to be one of the most stupid-assed lines ever uttered in any letter to the editor ever:
Entering the U.S. illegally is not a crime.
Let’s hear little Davey Swaim utter that brilliant line once again, shall we?
Entering the U.S. illegally is not a crime.
One more time, just for posterity’s sake:
Entering the U.S. illegally is not a crime.
Davey Swaim – you, dumbass, are one of the most stupid, fuckheaded, asshatted MORONS it’s ever been my displeasure to read.
Where the fuck  did you ever get the idea that doing something – anything – illegally was not a crime,  you fucking loon?
Damn,  we need to send some of these shitheads back to Romper Room™…
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I hope that this individual is not a typical Texan, if he is, you are in trouble.
Trust me, he’s not, David. He’s probably a transplanted Californian.
Man, that is the Event Horizon™ of Stupidity.
‘Nita, that’s a great line!
I hope you don’t mind if I steal er, borrow it…