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If you don’t and don’t want them delivered, check out this Lifehacker article.

Might want to consider bookmarking the site, they’ve got tons of really useful Windows, Mac, and Linux tips….as well as the occasional time-saving household tidbit.

That’s all for now….it’s been a rough week.  Maybe some more tomorrow since it’s a down day for the Command Staff.

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One response to “Who still uses the hardcopy version of the phone book?”

  1. David Hartung says:

    Hmm, Venemous is packing for a PCS, the General and his staff are having a down day, and preparations are in full swing for the Vicar’s busy day.

    This week the Gospel lesson is from Luke, the parable of the widow and the unjust judge. How much trouble would I get into if I stuck my tongue firmly in my cheek, and made the judge a Ferengi, and the widow from Betazed? 🙂

    Come to think of it, as typecasting goes, a ferengi judge would fit.

    Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, the Vicar’s congregation consists largely of current and retires college professors and their families. They probably wouldn’t appreciate the symbolism.

    Um, Mississippi State University professors, I might add.

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(KORRIOTH:  Oh, great.  More wormholes.)

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