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Shame the ranges are closed as I’m writing this.&#160 I’m having an RCOB moment right now, and some range time would come in most handy at the moment.

To say that I’m somewhat pissed about this story would be the understatement of the fucking century.&#160 Maybe the millenium.

Tom DeLay’s Congressional career is over.&#160 Ronnie Earle has finally managed to smear a FUCKING INNOCENT MAN into giving up his seat in the United States House.&#160 Once again, a son-of-a-crack-whore-bitch has managed to thwart the will of the people and overturn an election.

Congratulations, you fucking leftist Donk bastards.&#160 You’ve just brought this country one step closer to what your fellow rump-rangers over at the Daily Kossack and Demoscummic Underpants have been screaming for for a while now.

This will be remembered, you Motherfucking Michael Moore-on Mongoloids&#153.&#160 When the shit hits the fan for real and the Watering Can gets picked up and turned over, I want you socialist fucks to remember that you asswipes begged for it – with bullshit just like this.

Now to go find that range…

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7 responses to “RCOB moment:&#160 DeLay to resign”

  1. FJL says:

    The only way you are going to get a peace of my sister is to tear her off my dick first. I cant hold it any more I has to go! All my mommys sexual services must be paid for and provided by the government, free for everyone. That includes condoms, health care for the clap she’s spreading, food for me and sissy when she cant turn any tricks, clothing so no one has to look at her trailer trash ass, red-light housing and ALL othr liesure. We need to stop her from breeding and start eliminating the kids like sissy and me shes already had, recliam the once pristine air my familys farted away, and start building free menteal insti…mental insty…mentel ins…nut housses in the cities. We demand the end of private restrooms, and demand public bathhouses run by NAMBLA. We need to stop the spread of my daddys jizz, and start giving out standard and uniform condoms for free for everyone so therell be no one else liek me and sissy. my whole sitzpinkling family are evil! They corrupt everything. SHORT BUSISM RULES!

  2. Mike M says:

    Wow, FJL. Sucks to be you. Even though it’s clearly torturous for you and you may feel it’s cathartic to get this kind of thing off your chest, you probably ought to think twice about posting your innermost feelings publically. Not everyone is as sympathetic to your personal problems as I’m sure Lord Spatula is. In fact, most of us will just laugh at you.

  3. Elephant Man says:

    I’m with Mike M on this one.

    In fact, I think FJL is taking advantage of Spat’s kindness in letting him use his blog to relate his innermost secrets.

    They say “confession is a good thing”, but Jeeeez….


  4. Anyone check FJL’s email address?

  5. David Hartung says:

    From AKH:
    Anyone check FJL’s email address?

    David Sputters and Spews:


  6. Stan Russo says:

    My name is Stan Russo. I posted the above email signed FJL. I am impersonating FJL because I want my revenge on her. I am a complete idiot. No one will ever employ me, or listen to my views.

    [Uh, okay.&#160 Sure, Stan.&#160 Or whoever you are.&#160 Whatever you say, bud. (rolls eyes)&#160 -LSI]

  7. Daniel Hart says:

    Stan Russo wants to take the credit for the disgusting post, but it was me, Daniel Hart. Stan Russo is always impersonating FJL’s username to get his revenge, trying to make out she wrote posts she didn’t, but I’m the UK moron . See my copyright terms.

    I don’t rightly much give a shit who it was.&#160 Both you sock puppets are banned now.&#160 -LSI]

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