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We get notice from the Department of “No Shit, Sherlock!!!” that – yeah, you guys had better be sitting down for this – the Lame Stream Media took it easy on John-Boy F’n Qetchup-ass.

A Columbia School of Journalism study released Monday found that the media took it easy on Sen. John Kerry throughout the 2004 presidential campaign, with coverage of President Bush coming out three times more negative.

The school’s Project for Excellence in Journalism found that 36 percent of reports on Bush painted him in an unfavorable light, while only 12 percent did the same to Kerry – according to Reuters.

The Massachusetts liberal also benefited more from positive coverage, garnering 50 percent more stories rated as favorable than Bush.

Now understand – this is the same CS of J that employs one Steve Lovelady, he of the “salivating morons who make up the lynch mob” crack, so for them to actually admit&#160 this is saying something.

The Project for Excellence in Journalism monitored 16 newspapers across the country, four nightly newscasts, three network morning news shows, nine cable programs and nine Web sites in 2004.

On the Iraq war, for instance – which was a watershed issue for Bush – the study found that the three network nightly newscasts and public broadcaster PBS tended to be more negative than positive, while Fox News was twice as likely to be positive as negative, Reuters said.

Positivity/negativity had very little to do with it, IYAM.&#160 It had everything to do with the fact that Bush was right,&#160 as is now coming out in the wash.

We The People&#153 saw that, even when the LSM refused to, even when Qerry refused to – and now we’re being vindicated, and it is driving them positively insane. (snicker)

The Columbia group also noted a huge rise in readers who have turned to the Internet to get their news.

Which is another way of saying that the Lame Stream Media&#153 is losing its grip on reality, and the Blogosphere is rapidly filling the resulting vacuum…mhehhehhehheh…&#160

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3 responses to “Say goodnight, Lame Stream Media&#153”

  1. Robert McClelland says:

    [Ohhhhhh no, McFuckface – I haven’t forgotten about you.&#160 (snicker)&#160 -LSI]


    I’ve noticed more and more lately, that if you accuse my mommy or daddy of being my parents they become quite angry, as though you’ve just told them to go straight to hell. They begin to twitch and spasm, their faces turn several shades of red, and on more than one occasion I’ve wondered if their fury would turn to violence and they’d throw me back in the basement with Gramma again.

    Intolerance by my parents toward me hasn’t received attention by the Left-Winged asshat media or the blogosphere, but it’s there and it has been growing. Take for example the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler that laughs at me and calls me “asshole” at every opportunity.

    Gee, you’re a poster child for tolerance Spatula, except when it comes to people who don’t have an ounce of gray matter between their ears. For that eggregious offence [ED. NOTE: (sp)] there can be no tolerance obviously. Spatula then goes on to display just how rooted his intolerance of pricks like me really is.

    That’s right, anyone who has my IQ is a damnfool just like me. I am so crazed and intolerant that I cannot even accept the fact that I bathe in my granny’s colostomy bag. But that’s not surprising since this is typical of the kind of bullshit you expect from a shithead like me.

    This intolerance isn’t limited to the Blogosphere either. No one likes me in my Romper Room class, either. I guess it’s ’cause I dump all my dandruff on my desk. Or maybe it’s because I’m a sitzpinkler like my daddy before me.

    You see, in the world of the Sitzpinkler, there is simply no room for anyone who is man enough to stand up to pee. We all have to be effeminate little wussies like me and my daddy.

    It’s clear that I’ll never be much of a man, seeing as I’m a little nancy boy that can’t stand up to pee-pee, but I for one will not be cowed into standing up to piss by their hatred of candy-asses like me, or their bullying.

  2. Non-Moron says:

    Here’s some good news! You can enlist after all! Please make your next blog entry from a military base.


  3. Here’s some good news! You can enlist after all! Please make your next blog entry from a military base.

    I’m 42, dumbass.

    You’re really not all that bright, are you, Short Bus?


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