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AUSTIN – Just a reminder to all Denizens (and LCs too, since this’ll be cross-posted in the Empire

Don’t buy anything today.&#160 Big-ticket items, groceries, gas if you can possibly avoid it – anything.&#160 Keep your wallets in your pockets and your purses at home.

Instead, buy everything you want/need/gotta have/can’t do without tomorrow,&#160 May 1st.

The reason, as you should know by now is that the pendejos&#160 who are still here illegally plan on attempting to cripple our country’s economy – as if they think that the 11-12 million of them&#160 is somehow a larger number than the 280-290 million&#160 of us.

Oh, and if you should happen to notice any businesses closed tomorrow for this illegal alien temper tantrum, make a note of it and resolve not to do business there again.&#160 Let us know, too, so that we can show them our&#160 economic clout, as well.


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7 responses to “Just a reminder…”

  1. caveman82952 says:

    Can do, Lord Spatula…..anybody else notice how government services were not mentioned during this boycott? Yes, by all means! Boycott hospitals, welfare offices, courtrooms, jails and school! Please! Be my fucking guest! I’m goin’ shoppin’…….

  2. R.L. Hunter says:

    I’m with you caveman, I got a bunch of major purchases going on tomorrow!

  3. Should we boycott Taco Bell, too?

  4. genthe says:

    you should also go work at a perdue chicken on monday.

  5. Happy to, Genthe.&#160 Any in Texas you know of?

  6. genthe says:

    “Happy to, Genthe. Any in Texas you know of?”

    I think they’re mostly in Arkansas. Some Tyson foods meatpacking plants were forced to close too. I’m sure you could last a day in there.


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