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And just to demonstrate how irrele1vant the little coward is in the Overall Scheme Of Things&#153 – in all the boredom that was yesterday…I completely forgot about this.

It was one year ago yesterday that I exposed Widdle Mikey Cortese, aka the Reverend Mykki Chickenshit of the Church of the SubTarded, for the fucking coward he is.

That’s right, Denizens – one year ago yesterday, he was invited to bring his bombast down here and get his ass handed to him.&#160 His response:&#160 bloviate in front of his half-assed excuse-for-a-church, the Slashdot community, et. al, wave his needle-dick around (actually, I’m rather surprised he managed to find it), then go film himself playing with his inflatable dolls.

You’re still a limp-wristed yellow-ass, Cortese.&#160 And you always will be.

Sucks to be you, huh?

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20 responses to “And he still&#160hasn’t shown up…”

  1. Lefty says:

    hmmmm, seems to me it was you who wouldn’t show

  2. Ah yes, and you’d be the expert on not showing up, wouldn’t you, Firefaggot?

    After all, ’tis been nearly a year now for your own pansy-assed self, only – unlike Mykki Chickenshit – you’re&#160 just in the next county.&#160 Oh, well, at least you emulate your boyfriend Mykki quite well. (snicker)

    And as I recall, you claimed to be in the military.&#160 Why haven’t you been deployed back to Iraq or Afghanistan, “soldier”?

    Or is your unit the 69th Homo-Rimjob’s Brigade? LOL!!!!!

  3. FireFaggot says:

    Are you up for meeting me on neutral ground? I bet not, since you wouldn’t meet me on the street. You just want an easy out, a call to 911. I told you I would be there,you couldn’t do the same.

  4. Are you up for meeting me on neutral ground?

    Awwwww, whassa matter, pussy?&#160 Mommy won’t drive you all the way to Dallas?

    Observe, Denizens.&#160 This is the same coward who wrote me, and in the title of his emailed methane, penned “I want some and i’ll come get it”.&#160 He then went on to state, and I quote, “I live here in the DF dub and would be more than willing to come by and I don’t need anyone to pay my gas or anything. When would be a good time for you? Yes, fat boy, I’ll come right to your house. you gonna back down from this too?”

    Now he’s figured out (finally!) that his mouth’s written a check his body can’t cash, and he’s trying to wuss out on his Billy-Bob Bad-Ass act.

    No, Firefairy, you fucking coward, I’m gonna hold you to your word.&#160 You wanted some – come get some.

    I bet not, since you wouldn’t meet me on the street. You just want an easy out, a call to 911.

    Observer further, Denizens.&#160 He says this, knowing full well that he will have called the cops and have them staged nearby, ready to arrest me the minute I set a toe out on his beloved “street”.

    He’s also figured out that, if he were to come to my door, that I – knowing full well what he was there to do – could lay into him, claim self-defense, and there’s not a damned thing the cops could do about it…’cause I’ve saved all his emails and can prove that he wasn’t on my doorstep to sell me a brush.

    Obviously the wanker didn’t major in common sense in college.

    I told you I would be there

    Uh huh.&#160 And you still&#160 haven’t shown up, now have you?

    you couldn’t do the same.

    I already told you, fagboy – my schedule is my schedule, and I don’t put things on hold just to wait for some chickenshit to browbeat his mommy into driving him over for an ass-whipping.

    You’ve already proven you don’t have the balls to back up your big talk.&#160 All you’re doing now is showing everyone that you’re my bitch. (guffaw)

  5. FireFaggot says:

    Don’t be telling my mommy that ise a cowardly needledick. she thinks i had a nambla meeting over there. Just like Mykeru, ima scared little bitch.

  6. Amused says:

    I’ve tried to get moose to hump me all over Canorkistan. But im really fat and ugly.

  7. gus says:

    Dude, we lost. You exposed all of us as pussies. We can’t get over it. And still outing us with the homosexual imagery? Jesus, we;re horny. Where’s our goats?

  8. Dominion says:

    Late comment, but man, this is not something Mykki should be bragging about. He got his ass handed to him on a platter. But for those interested, don’t take my word for it, go visit http://spatulacitybbs.net/archives/2005/07/yet_another_chi.html.

    It is the funniest thing I have ever read!

    Who knew I was such a pussy?

    [Most folks reading this blog, I’d say, McAssclown. (snicker)&#160 -LSI]

  9. Kamron says:

    You were offered a free trip to neutral territory and a fight at a neutral venue wth a ref.
    You declined.
    Ergo, you are an obese coward.
    Live with it.

    If you’d like to interpret that as a challenge, feel free. My wife’s got some relatives in East Texas, so I occasionally make it down that way.
    I’d take UFC rules & pro as a reasonable standard, but if you have other suggestions as to format or pro we can discuss.

    No way I’d come to your house, though- a coward like you might shoot instead of coming out emptyhanded. Or use other weapons. Etc. Neutral venue, in Dallas.

    If you can’t agree to alter your alledgely busy schedule to drive across town, I think you’d have to agree that you’re chickenshit. So what do you say, fatty?

  10. XeroMan says:

    The only way you are going to get a peace of my sister is to tear her off my dick first. I cant hold it any more I has to go! All my mommys sexual services must be paid for and provided by the government, free for everyone. That includes condoms, health care for the clap she’s spreading, food for me and sissy when she cant turn any tricks, clothing so no one has to look at her trailer trash ass, red-light housing and ALL othr liesure. We need to stop her from breeding and start eliminating the kids like sissy and me shes already had, recliam the once pristine air my familys farted away, and start building free menteal insti…mental insty…mentel ins…nut housses in the cities. We demand the end of private restrooms, and demand public bathhouses run by NAMBLA. We need to stop the spread of my daddys jizz, and start giving out standard and uniform condoms for free for everyone so therell be no one else liek me and sissy. my whole sitzpinkling family are evil! They corrupt everything. SHORT BUSISM RULES!

  11. Lady Heather says:

    Dayum Spats,

    Who are these people?

    Did they come from some homosexual porn blog? And they have made you a sex symbol?

  12. Max Renn says:


    I’ve noticed more and more lately, that if you accuse my mommy or daddy of being my parents they become quite angry, as though you’ve just told them to go straight to hell. They begin to twitch and spasm, their faces turn several shades of red, and on more than one occasion I’ve wondered if their fury would turn to violence and they’d throw me back in the basement with Gramma again.

    Intolerance by my parents toward me hasn’t received attention by the Left-Winged asshat media or the blogosphere, but it’s there and it has been growing. Take for example the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler that laughs at me and calls me “asshole” at every opportunity.

    Gee, you’re a poster child for tolerance Spatula, except when it comes to tossers like me who don’t have an ounce of gray matter between their ears. For that eggregious offence [ED. NOTE: (sp)] there can be no tolerance obviously. Spatula then goes on to display just how rooted his intolerance of wanker pricks like me really is.

    That’s right, anyone who has my IQ is a silly fuckface just like me. I am so crazed and intolerant that I cannot even accept the fact that I bathe in my granny’s colostomy bag and wet my bed every night. But that’s not surprising since this is typical of the kind of bullshit you expect from a goat-humper like me.

    This intolerance isn’t limited to the Blogosphere either. No one likes me in my Romper Room class, either. I guess it’s ’cause I dump all my dandruff on my desk. Or maybe it’s because I’m a sitzpinkler like my daddy before me.

    You see, in the world of the Sitzpinkler, there is simply no room for anyone who is man enough to stand up to pee. We all have to be effeminate little wussies like me and my daddy.

    It’s clear that I’ll never be much of a man, seeing as I’m a little nancy boy that can’t stand up to pee-pee, but I for one will not be cowed into standing up to piss by their hatred of candy-asses like me, or their bullying.

  13. You were offered a free trip to neutral territory and a fight at a neutral venue wth a ref.

    Bullshit, douchebag.&#160 I was “offered” a whole $66 as “reimbursement” from Mykki Chickenshit’s alter-ego, Von Vockerman – and like your butt-buddy the limp-wristed “Reverend”, it never showed, either.

    Of course, this is what I’ve come to expect from you liberal pussies, so…

    If you’d like to interpret that as a challenge, feel free. My wife’s got some relatives in East Texas, so I occasionally make it down that way. I’d take UFC rules & pro as a reasonable standard, but if you have other suggestions as to format or pro we can discuss.

    18959 Lina St, #601
    Dallas, TX

    Bring it on, pussy.

    No way I’d come to your house, though- a coward like you might shoot instead of coming out emptyhanded. Or use other weapons. Etc. Neutral venue, in Dallas.

    Why not, dicklick?&#160 I mean, if you’re the hot shit you claim to be, coming to my doorstep shouldn’t be a problem for you, should it?

    Unless, of course, you’re every bit the limp-wristed little needle-dicked pansy-ass your honeyboy Mykki is…?

    If you can’t agree to alter your alledgely busy schedule to drive across town, I think you’d have to agree that you’re chickenshit. So what do you say, fatty?

    Come say it to my face, coward.&#160 Let’s see whatcha got, big boy! (guffaw)

  14. Karmon says:

    [Goodbye, pussy.&#160 I didn’t think you had the balls to face me – thanks for the confirmation.

    Incidentally, asshole – there ain’t a gate anymore.&#160 Really need to quit listening to your butt-buddy Mykki, y’know? (chuckle)&#160 -LSI]

  15. Elephant Man says:


    A year later and Mykii’s monkeys are still watching this site with the same fervor they exhibit when gawking at gay midget porn.

    Good to see that Spats still has them dancing like the proverbial crack smoking chimps.

    Hey Spats!

    Had my computer blow up and thats why I suddenly dropped off the “face of the Earth” here and over at the Rott for the last couple of months.

    If you would, spread the word to the denizens (i.e. Misha, B.C., Lady Heather, Denita TwoDragons, etc. etc.) that I’m alive and kicking and will be back online in a couple of weeks when get set up.

    Right now I’m in a cyber-cafe trying to get “the word out” and catching up on the online “doins” of the blogosphere.

    Thanks, E-Man

  16. GMTA, my friend.&#160 Was wondering just today where you’d been.

    I’ll pass the word along.

  17. Kamron says:

    [Well, well, well!&#160 We have us an IP spoofer!!! Gonna have a lot o’ fun with those!

    Keep it up, pussy.&#160 I can ban the IPs as fast as you can change ’em.

    And if you want a piece as bad as you say you do, you have the address.&#160 Put up or shut up, chickenshit.&#160 -LSI]

  18. Lady Heather says:

    Oh, yeah…..I remember Mykki.

    That’s kind of a “feminine” way of spelling “Mikey”, wouldn’t you say?

    Glad we’re all in touch with our feminine side, gang! 🙂

  19. Dr Pecker says:

    I is full of shit and I is retarded. Just direct your mouse to this link, remember that Mykki still hasn’t shown up in Dallas, and make your own minds up.

    If, like the overwhelming majority of visitors, you conclude that Mikey Cortese is a piss-poor excuse for a man, a morbidly limpwristed bag of quivering shit with a propensity for writing cheques his woefully inadequate body couldn’t possibly cash, you can only laugh at this loathesome net bully’s attempts to save face a year after the event.

    If, somehow, you come to a different conclusion, may I suggest a small donation to the Von Vockerman “Help Pay For Poor Mikey’s Trip To Get His Ass Kicked” fund? I don’t know about you, but I for one am sick of seeing him use my penis as a lollipop.

  20. Bran says:

    [Nice try, asshole.&#160 -LSI]


    I’ve noticed more and more lately, that if you accuse my mommy or daddy of being my parents they become quite angry, as though you’ve just told them to go straight to hell. They begin to twitch and spasm, their faces turn several shades of red, and on more than one occasion I’ve wondered if their fury would turn to violence and they’d throw me back in the basement with Gramma again.

    Intolerance by my parents toward me hasn’t received attention by the Left-Winged asshat media or the blogosphere, but it’s there and it has been growing. Take for example the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler that laughs at me and calls me “asshole” at every opportunity.

    Gee, you’re a poster child for tolerance Spatula, except when it comes to tossers like me who don’t have an ounce of gray matter between their ears. For that eggregious offence [ED. NOTE: (sp)] there can be no tolerance obviously. Spatula then goes on to display just how rooted his intolerance of wanker pricks like me really is.

    That’s right, anyone who has my IQ is a silly fuckface just like me. I am so crazed and intolerant that I cannot even accept the fact that I bathe in my granny’s colostomy bag and wet my bed every night. But that’s not surprising since this is typical of the kind of bullshit you expect from a goat-humper like me.

    This intolerance isn’t limited to the Blogosphere either. No one likes me in my Romper Room class, either. I guess it’s ’cause I dump all my dandruff on my desk. Or maybe it’s because I’m a sitzpinkler like my daddy before me.

    You see, in the world of the Sitzpinkler, there is simply no room for anyone who is man enough to stand up to pee. We all have to be effeminate little wussies like me and my daddy.

    It’s clear that I’ll never be much of a man, seeing as I’m a little nancy boy that can’t stand up to pee-pee, but I for one will not be cowed into standing up to piss by their hatred of candy-asses like me, or their bullying.


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