Der Sarahcuda has made her decision.
Wasilla, Alaska
After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for President of the United States. As always, my family comes first and obviously Todd and I put great consideration into family life before making this decision. When we serve, we devote ourselves to God, family and country. My decision maintains this order.
No surprise, really.  Except, perhaps, to her supporters.
Peter Singleton moved to Iowa almost a year ago to campaign for Palin, setting up a chapter of Organize4Palin in the first caucus state. He told that he “expected her to run.”
“I’m disappointed, but disappointed for the country because he was the best choice for president at this time,” Singleton said. “I believed she would run, but I understood there was a chance that she didn’t. It was always her choice. And I have enormous respect for Gov. Palin as a leader and I respect her decision.”
And then, there are these…
But don’t you understand … this “announcement” is just a diversionary tactic, after Milt and Rick tear each other apart she’s going to jump back in!
Gesh, any fool can see that, why can’t you?
I’ve lost all interest in the election at this point….very sad. MItt will win and it will be the same crap all over again.
The “I’m doing it for my family” crap is what they all say. The fact that she strung us along for these past several months is outrageous. Hell yes – I’m embarrassed! I’ve been defending her for over a year now.
She’s useless now. What a fool I’ve been. What fools you all have been.
You get the idea.
And then there’s this from Malicious Malkin’s resident cunt-licking sycophant, Pasa-weenie Phylicia:
She pretty much told us she wasn’t running last week saying that it would be too “shackley” when she needs to be free to be a maverick.
This confirms my opinion of her of it being mostly about the money for her. There was no way she could reconcile her conservative claims to being so close to Juan McCain to the point of endorsing him and the various RINOs he endorsed over their Tea Party rivals.
I’m just glad it’s finally over. I really don’t care what she thinks anymore.
That’s appropriate, Phylicia, you bloviating buttwipe – because no one  gives a shit what you  think.
(Come to think of it, ol Malicious herself didn’t have a whole lot to say about it her own sexist self.  Given that her other  hand-picked candiodate, Michele Bachmann, is circling the drain, our little Filipina skank is probably pretty heartbroken by now.
Which is always a good thing.)
Me?  I, personally, don’t give a shit.  Once she decided that pot was okay, that did it for me.  She’s nice to look at, but that’s about it.
S’long, Sarah.  Thanks for playing.
Or not.
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