ITEM:  After Rush Limbaugh told the truth, then wussed out, about Sandra “Slut” Fluke…
(Yeah, that’s right, Sandy baby – I called you a slut, you’re also a prostitute, and there ain’t no apology coming from me, ever)
…the pusstard Demoscum launched the shit-for-brains meme that Republicans had launched a so-called “war on women”.
“We’re making an issue over the whole Republican war against women,” said Maggie Davidson, president of the Democratic Women’s Club of Northeast Broward. “We’re going to try to bring a lot of attention to what’s been going on in the state legislatures and in Congress.”
Specifically, the notion that conservatives like me & you are out to destroy women because we’re sick & tired of our tax monies going for them to fuck like minxes (minxes?) and abort damn the consequences.
But that’s another post for another time.
ITEM:  One of Al-Obambi’s designated methane-spewing propaganda mouthpieces, Hitlary Hilary Rosen, late of the we-don’t-want-you-to-record-our-music (hack, spit)  RIAA (hack, spit), had this to say about Ann Romney (hat tip:  Hoft):
“Guess what, his wife has actually never worked a day in her life,” said Rosen, who was being interviewed by CNN’s Anderson Cooper about the war on women.
Same Al-Obambi that pays its female employees 18% less than men.
PotKettleBlack™ much, Jugears?
VENOMOUS:  Bite me, Wizard.
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SG RAYEGUN: Merlin, if you’d get your crooked schnoz out of that ale pitcher more often you’d be sober enough to realize the truth when it slaps you in the face!