Welcome to the Realm™ - Version 5.0...

[SCENE:&#160 Realm&#153 command.&#160 Delta Shift is positively bored, and technicians Holland and Craft are so bored, they’re playing two-dimensional chess.]

HOLLAND:&#160 So d’ya think we’ll ever get out of Rayegun’s doghouse?

CRAFT:&#160 Not unless His Rudeness or Cap’n Korrioth give the word.&#160 And given that they’re in the Umagakhali Nebula at the moment, we’re prob’ly stuck here a while…

[Pan past Craft’s shoulder to a monitor showing nothing but deep space…until…

Cut to a direct view of that section of space.&#160 Suddenly, we hear & see a brilliant flash of bright light and an incredibly loud explosion (we’ll pretend, for the moment, that sound doesn’t travel in a vacuum – it worked well enough in ST VI, didn’t it?), and waves of purple, green & white energy bands travel at speed towards Command.

Holland & Craft, of course, took no notice.&#160 Yet.]

HOLLAND:&#160 Well, if you ever get into the Romulan ale like that again, at least save some for me, hm? If I’m going to be on a shit list like this, I’d prefer to have ear—

[It’s about this time that both Holland & Craft notice the chess piece start to bounce around, accompanied by…]

CRAFT:&#160 An earthquake?&#160 On a space station?!

HOLLAND:&#160 What in the…

[And in glancing around, Holland finally&#160 notices what’s coming.]

HOLLAND:&#160 Holy shit…!!!!!!!

CRAFT:&#160 Shields!!!&#160 SHIELDS, DAMMIT!!!!!

[Too late.

As Craft dives for the control board, the station is violently rocked by the first wave.&#160 A panel that was&#160 threatening to nail Craft in the solar plexus now rises up and catches him flush on the chin, knocking him unconscious.&#160 Holland, being bounced off the walls like a ping-pong ball, is of no help.

Cut to various shots of Realm&#153 crewmembers being similarly tossed about bulkheads & decks.

The second wave fortunately knocks Holland towards the controls for the shields.&#160 Using Craft to break his fall (ouch), Holland managed to hit the switch…not that he was aiming for it.

With something resembling shields now online, Holland starts punching buttons in an attempt to stabilize the wildly tumbling station.&#160 With some effort – not to mention continuing protests from the inertial dampening systems – he manages to get Command down to a slow rotation, not unlike the restaurant at the top of Reunion Tower.&#160 That accomplished, the third wave resembles but a mild tremor, easily absorbed.

Stopping to catch his breath – and not really noticing that he’s still on top of Craft – Holland notices the comm board flashing with an outside hail.&#160 He makes his way over and slaps a channel open.]

HOLLAND:&#160 Realm&#153 Fleet headquarters, Holland.

LT. TURNER:&#160 Mr. Holland, this is the Southern Command, Lt. Turner speaking.&#160 Our instruments have registered a massive explosion in the vicinity of the Umagakhali Nebula.&#160 Do you concur?

[Holland looks around a bridge where nothing not nailed down is not where it was – and even some things that were&#160 have been dislodged.]

HOLLAND:&#160 Uh, you might say that, yes, sir.&#160 What do your sensors show down there?

LT. TURNER:&#160 Our instruments registered a 300-million megaton explosion approximately four minutes ago.

[Holland blanches.&#160 And even over subspace, the lieutenant catches it.]

LT. TURNER:&#160 Mr. Holland?&#160 What’s the problem up there???

HOLLAND:&#160 Lieutenant…is the General down there with you?

[A second voice crackles through the speakers.]

RAYEGUN:&#160 This is Rayegun, Ensign.&#160 Talk fast, son.

HOLLAND:&#160 (ulp) Uh, General…the new engines on Pegasus are rated at 300-million megatons.

RAYEGUN:&#160 Oh, shit.&#160 (more muted, as if over his shoulder)&#160 All hands, red alert!&#160 Turner, call rescue stations, now!&#160 Holland, son, find Mrs. Venomous and…

Down again, guys.&#160 Complete rebuild of the network in progress.

Vicar, General, you guys have it.

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One response to “Here we go again…”

  1. It doesn’t help that I had to rebuild the computer core here this past week. Well not a complete rebuild, more like a remodel. Well not a remodel as so much as an in-place update. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

    News mobo, new RAM, new CPU here now. Kept the other hardware from previous. But at least now I have a mobo utilizing UEFI BIOS and SATAIII speeds. As for the CPU, I went whole hog and got the AMD FX-8150 (look it up). On the RAM front, upgraded from DDR2 1333 4GB total to DDR3 1600 8GB total. Next step is going to be just what Darth describes….a complete wipe-n-reload.

    Have to see though.

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