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(Hat tip to the beautiful & talented Michelle.)

So help me Cthulu, I would Damned Near Pay Real Money&#153 if these pussies would try this in Texas.

A group of homeless people and housing activists took over a privately owned Mission District duplex on Sunday in what served as the climax of a protest designed to promote use of San Francisco’s vacant buildings as shelters for the needy.

But the owner of the property – who was targeted over his eviction of a tenant – said the demonstration was nothing more than breaking and entering.

“It’s not actually vacant. I use it for my own personal uses,” Ara Tehlirian of Daly City said in an interview, adding that he was in contact with the San Francisco Police Department. “I know nothing other than my property was apparently broken into.”

But that’s not the half of it, Denizens.

When the police were called, they did exactly…dick.

More than a dozen police officers were on hand, most standing on the sidewalk on the other side of the street. Asked earlier whether they would take action if protesters occupied the property, officers declined to comment. One said, “We’ll see.”

By 3 p.m., all had left but one, who stayed to ensure that “nobody is out of hand,” said a police official, Sgt. William Escobar. No arrests had been made.

Memo to you “Homes Not Jails” douchebag cowards out in San Transexual.

Come here to Texas and try to pull that shit.&#160 I guar-an-fuckin’-damn-tee&#160 you that none of you will survive the attempt.

We have answers for chickenshits like you, and they come in various calibers, IYKWIMAITYD.


Okay, Denizens, I’m waiting for the Lame Stream Media&#153 to file all their megabytes of stories conclusively linking this couple to the Glow-bull Wormening Twoofer&#153 movement.

A seven month old baby has miraculously survived being shot after the parents killed themselves and their two year old son, citing fears over a lack of government action on global warming.

Francisco Lotero, 56, and Miriam Coletti, 23, are said to have shot their young son in the back, killing the toddler instantly.


In a suicide note, reportedly discovered by police, the couple cited their extreme fears over the effects of global warming.

The couple were said to have expressed anger at the government in the letter for not doing more to avert a worldwide environmental crisis.

I mean, seeing as they were champing at the bit to link Joseph Stack to the Tea Party movement, this should be an effin’ slam-dunk, shouldn’t it?

Any Minute Now&#153, we should expect to see the shrieking, the sniveling, the Mega-Crybabying&#153 over these craven cowards’ connection to the Limp-Wristed Liberal Left&#153.

Any Minute Now&#153.

Should be here.




(Hat tip to the beautiful Michelle.)

Anti-ACORN activist (and conservative hero) James O’Keefe has been arrested in New Orleans for allegedly trying to plant a listening bug inside excuse-for-a-Senator Mary “How Much Is That BambiCare In The Window” Landrieu’s office – one of four people likewise arrested.

Supposedly, there’s a confession by all four involved.&#160 Supposedly, this would appear to be an open-and-shut slam-dunk of a case.

But this is New Orleans.&#160 Demoscum-controlled&#160 New Orleans.

Something stinks here.&#160 And it ain’t just the swamp.

I imagine more will be revealed in the days to come.&#160 But there’s something not quite right about all this.&#160 Y’wanna call it conservative bias – fine, whatever.&#160 But I don’t trust my eyes about all that’s going on here, and neither should you, IYAM.


Maybe I’m suffering from a case of blog burnout, or whatever.

But words are failing me over the mass murder at Fort Hood today.

A military mental health doctor facing deployment overseas opened fire at the Fort Hood Army post on Thursday, setting off on a rampage that killed 11 other people and left 31 wounded. Authorities killed the gunman, and the violence was believed to be the worst mass shooting in history at a U.S. military base.


A law enforcement official identified the shooting suspect as Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case publicly.

Publicly or not, didja’ll notice what was left out of the little needle-dick’s description?

Yeah, that’s right.&#160 His religion.&#160 Specifically, that of the Religion of Piss&#153.&#160 A cocksucker of the pedophile Mohammed (Piss Be Upon Him).&#160 A devotee of Numero Uno Raghead-o (a little Meskin lingo, there).

In short, a (hack, spit) Muslim&#160 (hack, spit).

For my part, I think the pussy got the ultimate punishment he was seeking:&#160 The death penalty.&#160 He probably died thinking he was going to get his 72 raisins.

My problem with that is this:&#160 He got his punishment too damned soon.&#160 Douchebags like Nidal Malik Hasan deserve to be royally disciplined before meeting their ultimate fate.&#160 Nipple clamps, car batteries and a puddle of water would be a good start.

The Realm&#153 sends its prayers to the town of Killeen, Fort Hood and all the families down there.&#160 We love you guys.

UPDATE:&#160 According to the Weekly Standard, Hasan is not&#160 dead, after all.

I gather that he’ll soon wish he were.


Don Hill was, at one time, the Mayor Pro Tem of the city of Dallas.&#160 He was convicted Monday of money laundering (or, what they’re calling the “funneling of bribe money”), among other official corruption charges.&#160 Essentially, they were found guilty of selling their votes on certain zoning cases involving projects in their districts.

Federal prosecutors say that public outrage over the selling of votes at Dallas City Hall led to near-complete convictions Monday in a historic corruption case that brought down former Mayor Pro Tem Don Hill and his cohorts.

Acting U.S. Attorney Jim Jacks called the verdicts a “resounding decision” showing that the public doesn’t want a government “where the game is rigged.”

It’s rather a shame Jerry FuckBuchmeyer couldn’t have survived to see this.&#160 This is his legacy, after all.&#160 When you’ve got, basically, 14 little fiefdoms run by 14 little slum lords, and those slum lords have almost totalitarian control over zoning issues in their fiefdoms, corruption was bound to occur.&#160 And since Jerry the Tin-Horned Bench Jockey&#153 was solely responsible for forcing 14-1 on the City of Dallas, the blood is on his hands for this one.

I didn’t say it before, but I’ll say it now:&#160 Good riddance, Jerry Fuckmeyer.


(Hat tip:&#160 Patterico.)

Looks like the Hahvahd Racist&#153 is now adopting the tried & true Demoscummic line:&#160 “Let’s move on.”

Black Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. says he’s ready to move on from his arrest by a white police officer, hoping to use the encounter to improve fairness in the criminal justice system

Because, as we all know, if the criminal justice system is to be fair, no black man is to ever be arrested, ever.&#160 Even if he’s there at the scene, holding the murder weapon, the victim’s blood dripping from his hand.

Because to do so, y’know – well, that would be RAAAAAAAAAAAAAACISSSSSSST!!!!!

and saying “in the end, this is not about me at all.”

Rule Of Thumb&#153 number 35,269:&#160 If they say it’s not about them, trust me – it’s about them.

After a phone call from President Barack Obama urging calm in the aftermath of his arrest last week, Gates said he would accept Obama’s invitation to the White House for a beer with him and Cambridge police Sgt. James Crowley.

In a statement posted Friday on The Root, a Web site Gates oversees, the scholar said he told Obama he’d be happy to meet with Crowley, whom Gates had accused of racial profiling.

“I told the president that my principal regret was that all of the attention paid to his deeply supportive remarks during his press conference had distracted attention from his health care initiative,” Gates said. “I am pleased that he, too, is eager to use my experience as a teaching moment, and if meeting Sergeant Crowley for a beer with the president will further that end, then I would be happy to oblige.”

Interesting change of tone here.&#160 Wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that, after he laid down this pile of shitty behavior, he then proceeded to step in it?

Gates: I would love to meet with Sgt Crowley …

King: Really?

Gates: I would love for him to look me in the eye and say ‘Professor Gates, I am sorry. I am sorry for the way I treated you. I am sorry for the fabrications I..I had to put in that report. And if he’s sincere, I would forgive him as a human being.

So what we now have, sportz fanz, is not only did that son-of-a-bitch Gates accuse Sgt. Crowley of racism, he’s now&#160 accused him of being a liar, to boot.

If I were Crowley, I’d stay as far away from that “meeting” as humanly possible.&#160 (I’d also change my registration to Republican, but that’s another post.)&#160 Then, when asked about it, I’d say, “Sorry, I don’t drink with assclowns who call me a liar.”

But that’s just me.


Feel like crap tonight, so I wasn’t gonna post anything.&#160 But I do&#160 have one question:

Who the fuck is Henry Louis Gates?

By now you guys know the story:&#160 Cop responds to call about break-in, finds black man trying to jimmy a door that, apparently, had been jimmied once before.

(Which raises the question “so why did it have to be jimmied again?”, but that’s another post.)

Cop proceeds to question black man, who – it turns out – is the legal resident.&#160 (Not the owner, just the legal resident.)&#160 Black man becomes belligerent & disorderly, which interferes with the cop’s ability to properly handle the situation.&#160 Cop proceeds to arrest the black man; black man keeps screaming “RACISMRACISMRACISM!!!!!&#153” like the fifth little piggie squealing all the way home.

The Grand Ayatollah, B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi, goes out of his way during a failed press conference about health care to criticize the Cambridge, MA police department, calling them “stupid” in the process.&#160 Obambi alienates all the cops in America in so doing.

And he says this DESPITE&#160 admitting at the beginning of his answer that he didn’t have all the facts.

Which is, presumably, the exact reason Jugears McHopenchange opened his skanky piehole in the first place.

What a national embarassment.&#160 I never thought we’d find anyone worse than Peanuthead, but damned if he didn’t just spill in our laps like a barrel of toxic waste.

Dumb son-of-a-bitch.


Time for yet another WITY&#153.

Remember, Denizens, when I said (and I quote):

Translation: “How long are you bodathious brutethhhh in the Fort Worth Polithe Department going to let uth beat you with our pink feather boathhh until you thurrender and admit that you’re nothing but duthky homophobic devilth in bwue and let uth thwithh around with your headth on piketh like trophiethhhh?”

Sure enough.

Hot Links: TABC admits fault in FW gay-bar raid

Admits&#160 fault?&#160 More like they were browbeaten&#160 with the aforementioned pink feather boas into admitting it.

1. Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission boss Alan Steen says his agents committed “clear violations” of policy during the controversial recent gay-bar raid in Fort Worth, the Dallas Voice reports. The agents’ supervisor has retired amid an internal investigation.

Fucking spineless pissweasel.

Shame that wasn’t me.&#160 I’d’ve told them this:&#160 “Panties in a wad, heterophobinas?&#160 If you don’t shut your swishy little pieholes about it, I’ll be ever-so-happy to schedule a raid like this every fuckin’ night&#160 if I have to.&#160 So shut up and dive back into your pink-triangle rainbow closet, limp-wrists!”

‘Course, that’s just me, and I tend to have a thing against whiny little weenies like the faggots over at the Rainbow.


I’ve said this before, and likely I’ll say it again.

As a Christian, I’m supposed to show love to someone like this, yea even pray for her.&#160 And in a perfect world, that’s exactly what I’d do.

But I’m sorry.&#160 Compassion fails me in favor of the Red Curtain O’ Blood&#153.&#160 I cannot for the life of me help but want to take my .380 and put a slug through this stupid-assed little bitch’s skull.

A heartless kitty killer hissed angrily at animal rights activists Wednesday, grinning widely as she took credit for stuffing the helpless pet into a 500-degree oven.

“It’s dead, bitch!” snapped an unrepentant Cheyenne Cherry, sticking her tongue out after a plea bargain that will put her behind bars for a year in the May 6 killing of tiny Tiger Lily.

A year.&#160 That’s all the trampy little piece o’ shit whore gets.&#160 A fucking year.&#160 (Of course, if it were a baby&#160 she had done that to, she’d be a fucking hero – right, NARAL?)

You’ll forgive me if I want to do things to her involving a forklift battery, cables, a big tub of water and whatever she’s got that passes for nipples.

Gonorrheic ape.


I absolutely despise headlines like this:

Questions linger about raid at Fort Worth gay bar

And then the first four paragraphs sentences go like this:

Two weeks after a heated sweep of the gay Rainbow Lounge left one patron with a serious head injury, a key question is left unanswered: Did the raid go too far?

And if so, why?

Was the club singled out for inspection by Fort Worth police and Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission officers because it caters to gays?

Were the officers fueled by homophobic hang-ups as they knocked drinks out of people’s hands, slamming one young man into a pool table and gang-tackling 26-year-old Chad Gibson, the Euless computer technician who wound up in the ICU with a blood clot in his brain?

Translation:&#160 “How long are you bodathious brutethhhh in the Fort Worth Polithe Department going to let uth beat you with our pink feather boathhh until you thurrender and admit that you’re nothing but duthky homophobic devilth in bwue and let uth thwithh around with your headth on piketh like trophiethhhh?”

As far as I’m concerned, the FW police department & the TABC have all the credibility on this and the heterophobe community has zero.&#160 The limp-wrists could show me video of the cops doing the Rodney King on this punk Gibson, and I’d ask what Gibson did.&#160 I am not&#160 going to take the word of the Pink Pussy Brigade&#153 just on their say-so, in other words.

Moral to the heterophobes:&#160 Take your perversions and get the fuck back in your closet.&#160 Neither you nor the perversions are welcome amongst decent folks.

What you do is not&#160 okay with me; you wern’t “born that way”, and you will never get me to declare otherwise, so save your lilac breath.

Come see me when you’re ready to apologize and beg forgiveness for Jesse Dirkhising, fuckheads.


If you’ll recall, a few days ago I opined that Steve McNair’s death might be the result of a gang hit.

Far-fetched, yes – but that’s what the initial evidence suggested.

Of course, we all know now that that guesstimate was – surprise, surprise – JUUUUUUUUUUST a bit outside.

Former NFL star Steve McNair was shot dead in his sleep last week by a 20-year-old girlfriend distraught about mounting financial problems and her belief that he was seeing someone else, police said Wednesday.

Sahel Kazemi “was spinning out of control” when she shot McNair four times as he dozed on a sofa early Saturday, then turned the gun on herself, Police Chief Ronal Serpas said.

I guess you could call it the Woman Scorned mob.&#160 As in, “Hell hath no fury…”?

On the other hand, I guess the mistress just did the wife a favor, since doubtless she would’ve wanted to, had she known about the affair in the first place.


(Hat tip Michelle.)

Shades of Rodney King.

In a perfect world, Zen Master Philicia and his little band of merry men (including Thug Kobe) would be banned from the NBA playoffs for the next five years, regardless of record.

Just sayin’.

(Yeah, I know the Clippers are there, as well.&#160 Like they ever make the playoffs?&#160 &#160 )


As a conservative and a Christian, I’m supposed&#160 to wring my hands and pull my hair out in angst that one of God’s children was shot & killed today in church.

But in this particular case, I’m gonna be extremely hard pressed to give much of a shit.

Prominent late-term abortion provider George Tiller was shot and killed Sunday in a Wichita church where he was serving as an usher, his attorney said. The gunman fled but a city official said a suspect is in custody.

The city official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the case. The official did not provide additional details.

Long a focus of national anti-abortion groups, including a summer-long protest in 1991, Tiller was shot during morning services at Reformation Lutheran Church while his wife was in the choir, his attorney Dan Monnat said. Police said the gunman had fled in a car registered in Merriam, a Kansas City suburb nearly 200 miles away.

Nope, just not there, sorry.


The Department of Absurdity&#153 apparently can’t wait to bring us this story.

Seems the Detroit brownshirts, having recently vanquished the politically-late-yet-unlamented Kwame Kilpatrick, needed a new target on which to practice their particular brand of Draconianism.

Enter the Pillow Fighters&#153.

Police in Detroit have ruffled some feathers after they cracked down on an organized pillow fight at a downtown park.

The Detroit News reports that police at Campus Martius Park prevented the feathery fight Saturday by disarming pillow-toting participants.

What was that old canard?&#160 Something about not bringing a pillow to a gun fight…?

The bout was part of a worldwide event organized on social networking Web sites. Other bouts included one on Wall Street, where hundreds pounded each other in front of the New York Stock Exchange.

Michael Davis of Hamtramck, Mich., said police confiscated the 32-year-old man’s pillows but returned their cases. He said he was told that he needed a permit.

Participant Scott Harris added that as far as he knows it’s “not illegal to own a pillow.”

“When pillows are outlawed, only outlaws will have pillows.”&#160

Detroit police spokesman James Tate said the issue wasn’t about the bout but the mess it would have created.

I call bullshit.&#160 Your politicians spew that much crap every day, and you morons do nothing.&#160 What’s their&#160 excuse?

I mean, pillows don’t kill people, people do.

Pissweaseled killjoys.


Most of our Men (and Women) In Blue&#153 are honorable folk who want nothing more than to serve the public at large.&#160 They’re salt of the earth people who’d give you the shirts of their backs if they thought it would help.&#160 (And some of my family have served, so I know whereof I speak.)

Then we have assholes like Robert Powell.

During the traffic stop, caught on the officer’s in-car camera, Powell berated the driver, 26-year-old NFL running back Ryan Moats, and threatened him with arrest for running a traffic light.

“I can screw you over,” said Powell, 25. “I’d rather not do that.”

There’s a helluva analogy I could make here, if I didn’t think I’d have a SWAT team busting down my door shortly thereafter – so I’d rather not do that.

Moats’ mother-in-law, Jonetta Collinsworth, was struggling at 45 with breast cancer that had spread throughout her body. Family members rushed to her bedside from as far away as California.

On March 17, the Moatses had gone to their Frisco home to get some rest. Around midnight, they received word that they needed to hurry back to the hospital if they wanted to see Collinsworth before she died.

The couple, along with Collinsworth’s father and an aunt, jumped into the SUV and headed back toward the hospital. They exited the Dallas North Tollway, just down the street from the hospital.

Moats turned on his hazard lights. He stopped at a red light, where, he said, the only nearby motorist signaled for him to go ahead. He went through.

Powell, watching traffic from a hidden spot, flipped on his lights and sirens. In less than a minute, he caught up to the SUV and followed for about 20 more seconds as Moats found a parking spot outside the emergency room.

Now, most&#160 of Dallas’ Finest&#153 would have, upon learning of the situation, allowed the family to proceed, and dealt with any incurred infractions later.&#160 And of that subset of Dallas officers, an overwhelming majority would have let a minor thing like running a light pass – particularly in light of the mitigating circumstances.

Not widdle Nazi Bobbi, though.

Tamishia, 27, was the first out. Powell drew his gun and yelled at her to get back in.

“Get in there!” he yelled. “Let me see your hands!”

“My mom is dying,” she explained to him.

Powell was undeterred.

“I saw in his eyes that he really did not care,” Tamishia Moats said. “Honestly, I don’t think I cared that he had a gun pointed at me. My train of thought is that I’m going to see my mom in the hospital before she dies.”

Tamishia Moats and her great-aunt ignored the officer and headed into the hospital.

“It was almost like a movie,” she said, “It felt like we had robbed a bank or something.”

Ryan Moats, who stayed behind with the father of the dying woman, said Powell also pointed his gun at him. He said he put his hands on the car because he was afraid that he might get shot.

That probably would have given widdle Bobbi a widdle ol’ stiffie, y’know?

But that’s not the hell of it, though, Denizens.&#160 This fuckface still&#160 doesn’t think he did anything wrong!

Powell was hired in January 2006. Assistant Chief Floyd Simpson said Powell told police officials that he believed that he was doing his job.

Oh?&#160 So his job involves making an already shitty day for someone, about as bad as things can normally get during an average day, just that much worse?&#160 And then just claim that he was just “doing his job”?

Now, the top of the above-linked article has Dallas police chief David Kunkle apologizing for Officer Powertrip Powell’s actions.&#160 Somehow, it rings a little hollow RightAboutNow&#153, y’know?

On the Dallas Police Department’s web page, they promise&#160 us that

The men and women of the Dallas Police Department will work with the citizens of Dallas to provide the highest level of quality, professional service that the City of Dallas deserves.

You’ll understand if, just for this one night, I call bullshit.

Pardon me, guys.&#160 I can’t say anything more.&#160 There’s an RCOB covering my eyes at the moment.&#160


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