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Got this off the Yahoo! Sports site (good luck looking for it if you go there, just enjoy the anti-Minnehaha schadenfreude):

(Sung to the tune of Oscar Meyer’s “My Bologna Has A First Name”)

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel blog:

My interception has a first name, it’s B R E T T

My interception has a second name it’s F A V R E

Oh I love to throw them every day, but if you ask me why I’ll say

‘Cause Vikings players have a way of C H O K I N G

Oh, SNAP!&#160


Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it, Brett?

You threw one pass too many last week, but you got away with it.

This week…not so much.

After a battered Brett Favre threw away the game with an interception deep in Saints territory at the end of regulation, Drew Brees guided New Orleans to the Minnesota 22. Hartley, suspended at the start of the season for using a banned stimulant, split the uprights.



I understand that our Fearless king and tyrant’s football team had issues this past week? 😉


Coach Stay-Puf Wade Phillips and the Cowboys finally – finallygot off the schneid.

Dallas 34, Beagles 14.&#160 The torch – for now, anyway – has passed.&#160 The Cowboys are now officially, provably, better than Philthydelphia.

Good work, Wade.

Now, whaddya got for an encore?&#160


Memo to Widdle Mackie Brown and the rest of Texas Third Pro Team&#153: Ain’t so easy when it’s your&#160 quarterback getting knocked out of the game, is it, chumps???



If Bambi wants to house the Gitmo prisoners anywhere, AFAIC, he can fucking house them in Idaho.




Free to roam.

Especially around Boise.&#160 Or perhaps in the neighborhoods of that half-assed excuse-for-a-zebra-crew.

Then – if anything were to happen around there – I’d be inclined to forgive it.

Fuck ’em all.


The most satisfying thing about the last weekend in the NFL regular season was not the C’boys win over the Beagles – though that certainly is very satisfying.&#160 Nor was it the fact that they shut Pussydelphia’s skanky asses out – though that does rank right up there.&#160 Nor was it the ‘Boys winning the NFC East – though that’s certainly worthy.

And it wasn’t the fact that the New York Football Douchebags – Widdle Bwandi Jackoff, E-Puss (Wo)Manning, Justa Fuck and the rest of those pansies won’t be making the playoffs, and in fact got knocked out last week by virtue of Dallas beating Washington.&#160 Nor is it that they got their&#160 asses waxed by Brett Favre & the Minne-haha ViQueens yesterday, 44-7.

And it’s not even the fact that the Pittsburgh Tinners and their Aluminum Curtain defense won’t be in the playoffs, one year after being handed the Super Bowl (no, you still can’t convince me that Santonio Holmes had both feet in).

No, the most satisfying thing about this weekend is that the supposedly Greatest Team Ever In The History Of Ever, Ever, EVAH!!!!&#153, the Denver Glue-Factory Nags, won’t make the playoffs at 8-8 after getting home cooking against the aforementioned Cowboys, starting the season 6-0 and being anointed as the Saviors Of The NFL&#153, the Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread&#153 and having Widdle Joshie McDipwad crowned as Coach Of Eternity, AYYYY-MAYYYYYY-UNNN-UHHHH!!!!!!1!!ONE!!1

That…was schweet.&#160


Last week it was Darth, this week it is me.

As of 3 Jaunuary, I will be the vicar at St Luke’s Lutheran Church in Starkville MS. This means that for the next two weeks I have to keep up my duties here, get packed, and move.

For those of you who are Football fans, Starkville is the Home of Mississippi State University. State’s instate rival is Ole Miss. So, the new preacher is moving into Mississippi State’s back yard, and he is married to an Ole Miss fan. Think life is going to be interesting? 🙂


Rivals.com is reporting that Turner Gill is leaving UBuffalo for the Kansas Jayhawks.

This, in turn, means that we say sayonara to the Bulls for the 2010 PFW.

Turner, your next step is to see if Bo & Carl have another Pelini brother…


Yeah, yeah, I know what I said about going silent.

But Denizen & fellow blogger Alan K. Henderson pointed me to this, and it’s just too good.&#160 (And too true, too, but that’s another post.)

No kidding.&#160 (sigh)


Last week, I posted a little blurb on the St. Louis Rams being bid upon to purchase by a group including a fellow named Limbaugh.

This afternoon, in the wake of the biggest pile of bullshit spewed by retarded leftist pussies (outside the Demoscummic Party) in quite some time, Rush was dropped from that group.

And while it’s not quite enough to compel me to tell the NFL to go piss up a rope & pound sand, my estimation for commissioner Roger Goodfella Goodell and the rest of the chickenshits populating that league, ESPN, Fox Sports, et. al, has dropped a minimum of 20 notches.

Not to mention the RCOB&#153 that’s down around my eyes right now at the thought of the aforementioned leftard pussies.

Congratulations, needle-dicked pissweasels.&#160 That’s one more step.&#160 Not too many more to go before your own personal Armageddon of a backlash hits.

Don’t say you weren’t warned, douchebags.

UPDATE:&#160 And welcome to readers of the asshat not-ready-to-make-nice (&#160 &#160 ) blog A Chicken Is Not Pillage.

All two of you.

Poor widdle Poodlegar whines thusly – after admonishing against whining on others’ part in his rules – about having been “threatened” (again, I’m not giving this dipshit the honor – if you want it that bad, lemme know):

‘You’ll get yours, intolerant liberal darky lovers!’

…he bleated, directly linking here.

Not surprising that a libtard dickweed would quote me as saying something I’ve never said.&#160 Guess I know how Rush feels now.

Anyway, Poodleboy, I’d not worry so much about some guy down in Texas.&#160 You have quite a few more problems up there in Montana – or rather, you will&#160 when finally the Shit Hits The Fan&#153 up there.

But who knows?&#160 Maybe you can get one of your moose boyfriends to help shield you.

Just remember:&#160 “Against all enemies, foreign and&#160 domestic”.


This could get verrrrrrrrry interestink (a little Arte Johnson lingo, there)…


I’m fairly certain that the Blushing Bride&#153 will kill me if I ever suggest going to one of these football games…&#160

MERLIN:&#160 To say nothing about putting them in the PFW&#153…

VENOMOUS:&#160 Hmmmmmm…&#160


To hell with LeGarrette Blount.&#160 At least he&#160 was provoked.

When you go and not just tackle a quarterback after he’s let go of the ball, but drive him into the ground and cause him to injure his shoulder, you’re a fucking dirty-assed player.

And you fucking Mormons can kiss my ass.&#160 That’s my First Amendment-protected opinion, so come say it to my face if you don’t fucking like it, pussies.


The question has been raised – are we once again doing fantasy football?

For my part, I hadn’t planned on it, because the four-team league last year wasn’t all I’d hoped it would be.


If you guys wanna do FF, I’m up for it.&#160 Just let me know fairly quickly, so I can set something up.&#160 Here or in email – doesn’t matter, so long as you get the message to me.


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