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Just bullshit.

One hundred percent pure, unadulterated, non-biodegradeable bullshit.

First Mikey “Needledick” Schiavo, now this.&#160 What the everlovin’ fuck&#160 is it about Flori-duh and their nadless inability to get justice for cold-blooded murderers?

One thing’s for sure – there are between twelve & fifteen cowardly douchebags in Orlando right now.


(Hat tip for the new title to Patterico, who got it from some of his commenters.)

Fox News is reporting (and the lovely & gracious Michelle is apparently confirming) that Little Toni Weenie – the star of the hit reality series Whom Can I Tweet My Dick To Today?! – is, after weeks of defiantly (and arrogantly, I might add) maintaining that he won’t step down…stepping down.

Proverbs 16:18.

G’bye, Toni, thanks for playing.


Okay, Denizens, I’m getting a report from this blog that the Defense of Marriage Act has been declared unconstitutional…by a bankruptcy court.

This is the only report I’ve seen thus far – Prof. Jacobson doesn’t have it; Michelle doesn’t have it…hell, Drudge&#160 doesn’t even have it.&#160 Nor do I know the blogger very well, truth be told.

48-hour rule is most assuredly in effect.&#160 Stay tuned.

UPDATE:&#160 Looks like we have something resembling independent confirmation.

(JDSUPRA) Debtors were legally married under California law prior to the passing of Proposition 8. They filed a joint petition for relief under Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code and the United States Trustee moved to dismiss. In a well reasoned 26 page decision

Well, I dunno how “well-reasoned” it is to go against the will of a majority consisting of seven million California voters – but hey, whatever floats the guy’s boat, hm?

the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California, Judge Thomas Donovan presiding, held, among other things, that DOMA did not meet the heightened scrutiny standard and would not prevent these two debtors from filing a joint petition and seeking relief as joint debtors under Title 11.

The Leonard article is a lot more in-depth, and is worth the time to read.

What fascinates me, though, is this blurb:

Perhaps reacting to the repetitive nature of this issue, Judge Donovan and his colleagues decided to go the extra step and tackle the DOMA issue head-on.

They produced a scholarly opinion, in which they gave great weight to Attorney General Eric Holder’s February 23, 2011, letter to House Speaker John Boehner setting out the Justice Department’s analysis of the constitutionality of Section 3 of DOMA. In that letter, Holder contended that discrimination based on sexual orientation merits “heightened scrutiny,” a standard of judicial review under which the challenged discriminatory law is presumed unconstitutional unless the government presents very strong policy justifications for it.

Furthermore, Holder opined that Section 3 cannot survive that standard of judicial review. President Obama, a former constitutional law professor at the University of Chicago, agreed with Holder’s analysis, leading the Justice Department to announce that it would no longer defend Section 3 against constitutional challenges, leaving it up to Congress to decide whether to intervene to defend the statute in particular cases.

However, until Congress repeals Section 3 or an appellate court definitively declares it unconstitutional, the Justice Department is bound to continue enforcing it, thus these repeated motions by the U.S. Trustee to reject joint bankruptcy petitions by married same-sex couples.&#160 (Emphasis mine.&#160 -Venomous)

So it looks as if, in the absence of a clear, definitive appellate victory by either side in the matter of DOMA, this bankruptcy court decided to be proactive and do it its own self.

Now, I’m no lawyer, nor do I play one on TV – but it seems to me that a bankruptcy court has absolutely zero jurisdiction over laws passed by any&#160 legislative body, let alone the highest one in the United States, no matter how&#160 many fellow bankrupcty judges sign off on it.

This is akin (though certainly not identical) to black-robed tyrant Maryann Sumi attempting to hijack the legislative process from the Wisconsin Legislature and assume a jurisdiction she clearly does not have.

An action which, by the way, got its ass kicked today.

Tyrant Donovan, et. al…take note.


Fox News is reporting (and Wikipedia, crappy source that it is, has apparantly confirmed) that Jack “Dr. Death” Kevorkian has died.&#160 (No word on whether anyone helped him or not.)

Good.&#160 Fucking.&#160 Riddance.


Believe it or not, Texas used to be a Demoscum state.

Now, Donks here weren’t anywhere near&#160 as bad as what you had (and have) back Northeast – but they were bad enough.

Texas is overwhelmingly Republican today, and Bill Clements was the man who got it started, back in 1979, when he became the first Republican governor elected in over 100 years

Bill Clements is dead tonight at 94.

Clements, who served two terms as governor despite losing his first re-election bid, died Sunday after what his family said was a brief stay at a Dallas-area hospital. The family said Clements had been ill for several months and grieving the death of his son, who was shot and killed by a neighbor last year.

“It is somewhat fitting that he died Memorial Day Weekend since he so appreciated the opportunities he had to serve his state and country,” the family said in a statement.

The Texas House honored Clements with a moment of silence Sunday on the chamber floor.

“As the father of the modern day Texas Republican Party, Gov. Clements is responsible for the growth, success and election of Texas Republicans in every corner of our state,” Gov. Rick Perry said. “Today, Texans and Americans have lost a leader whose leadership, service and patriotism were unparalleled.”

Our thoughts & prayers are with the Clements family tonight.&#160 The governor will be sorely missed.


Denizens, someone correct me on this – but this doesn’t look like a “long form” to me.

It looks more like the same “Certificate of Live Birth” that Bambi & his sycophants have been trying to pass off as legitimate for the last three years or so.

Now Patterico & Worthing seem to think this is the bona fide.&#160 Professor Jacobson, however, respectfully disagrees.&#160 We are, therefore, right back to square one.

Aside:&#160 Trump was on Fox News this morning taking credit for Bambi finally “caving in” (if that, in fact, is what he’s done).

However, Trump’s been going on about this for at least a month & a half now; thus, I tend to discount this.&#160 It’s more likely that Bambi finally decided to address the issue after CNN got involved.

Make of all this what you will.&#160 I remain skeptical for now.

UPDATE:&#160 The Vicar does correct me, in fact, and posts the “short-form” over which there was the initial brouhaha.

So, fine.&#160 For now.

But these are Demoscum, and Demoscum are simply not to be trusted.

On anything.

One eyebrow remains raised.&#160

UPDATE the 2nd:&#160 Sure e-fucking-nough.

Never, ever, trust a Donktard.


Time for a massive RCOB&#153 moment.

The four-lettered network word is reporting that a tin-horned, black-robed bitch of a tyrant-ette who doesn’t know a fucking thing about football has donned her kneepads for DeMaurice Smith’s needle-dick and lifted the NFL lockout.

Fuck you, Susan Dickhead Nelson.

If I’m the NFL owners, I keep the locks on nice & tight, and just dare her to come enforce her pissweaselly excuse-for-a-ruling, if she’s such a hot little shit-ette.

And you NFL player pussies?&#160 Yeah, I’m talking Pay-ton, Mr. Gisele “Tommi Bwady” Bundchen and half-assed hasn’t-proven-shit-yet wannabe Vonn Miller?&#160 How about you douchebags get a real&#160 job in the salt mines of the Real World&#153 before you go bitching to some shit-for-brains excuse-for-a-judge about how pissy-poor your lot is in life, huh?

Fucking bastards.&#160


…and probably not as newsworthy as the budget debate, so sue me.

It is one of those things that I like to call “Things ta make ya go hmmmmmm” though.

Check out what I’m referring to here and head back here because there’s some insider information below.

Well, now that you’ve read the news here’s the insider stuff. The General and Generalette attended the opening show for Glenn’s Spring tour recently and he had some news he wouldn’t completely divulge but did give some REALLY strong hints about. The crack intel team here at the base tells me that this move is not completely outside of what Glenn hinted at, and actually provides more proof that other major changes are probable.

Glenn stated that while this wasn’t his first trip to the Southern Command surveillance area, it wasn’t going to be his last and in fact he said he couldn’t rule out that moving to this part of the country wouldn’t be a bad idea. At this point the Generalette and I looked at each other and almost simultaneously exclaimed “Hot DAMN”. Rush has already moved his complete operations to the Southern Command Southeastern Sector (aka Florida), so it makes sense that Glenn would also potentially want to move shop to more hospitable surroundings here south of the Mason-Dixon Line.

Darth, Glenn stated that offers of steaks and copious quantities of beef have been extended to his offices if they were to move to your overwatch sector. Would you have anything to do with them???? Just be advised, the Southern Command has a highly more coveted product (for Glenn) that is manufactured almost nearly in our literal backyard. The General will personally visit this manufacturer to ensure several 53′ semi-trailers of their product gets delivered to the Mercury Radio Arts offices if they decide to move into the protection of the Southern Command. So yes, it’s on!!!

Folks, basically what is one thing that is keeping Glenn and his staff in NYC? The television show. It’s a network show, the network offices and studios are there in NYC. If there’s no TV show, there’s no reason to stay in one of the most heavily taxed cities, county, and states in the country (if not THE most heavily taxed). As I said earlier, Rush moved his operations to Florida many moons ago and has proven repeatedly that a conservative radio talk show does not have to originate out of NYC or Californication in order to work efficiently. Just to get away from all the taxation (without representation).

We here at the Southern Command look forward to whatever Glenn and his staff decide to do or move to. It just needs to be down here is all. PERIOD.



And Drudge.

In any court of law in America, this is commonly known as “kidnapping”. Typically a major felony offense that usually will get quite a few years in a hardcore penitentiary.

Will that happen in this case?

Do we really need to consult Vegas odds-makers on this one?????

I hope the lawyers at the Orlando Sentinel have a field day with the whole lot of them…all the way up to the Vice Doofus himself!

UPDATE: (0700 28 Mar 2011): It seems that Camp Biden feels sowwy for their boo boo and apparently apologizes here. Will the Orlando Sentinel sue, I certainly hope so. Will Scott Powers sue, he damn well should. Will it happen? See my reference to the Vegas odds-makers above.


Fox News is reporting that Phaggoty Phred Phelps and his horde of syphilitic inbreds can, indeed, picket soldiers’ funerals.

Like the Travis Tritt (Travis Tritt?) song said, Phaggot Phreddy…the First Amendment can protect you from the government – but it can’t protect you from us.

Ropes, trees, Westboro pussies…y’all know the drill.


Denizens, those of you who’ve not been living under rocks pretty much know about the goings-on in Egypt.

Hosni Mubarak, fully expected to have stepped down today by the throngs of protesters in Cairo…didn’t.&#160 He instead “delegated” his powers to newly-appointed Egyptian vice-president Omar Suleiman and stated his intention to remain as president until elections occur in September, at least.

This was met, as one might expect, with more outrage on the part of the Egyptian protestors.&#160 It could be about to get very&#160 violent in Egypt.

Al-Obambi is all over the map with regards to Egypt.&#160 Resign, don’t resign, do resign but not until September – he’s a dictator, he’s not a dictator, he tortures his people, no he doesn’t…it’s like nailing Jello&#169 to the wall.

A Venomous administration, if you were to ask me what I’d do (and you didn’t, but humor me, mkay?)…would watch & wait, and not do anything until a government (of any type) emerged from this madness.

Look.&#160 They’re adults over there in Cairo.&#160 They might be dumb-asses, yeah – but they’re still capable, and deserving, of determining their own destiny, independent of this country and what it might want for that region.&#160 Nor are we the world’s playground monitor, standing there with arms folded, whistle in mouth, eyes narrowed, waiting for the first push or shove so that we can step in.&#160 (We do&#160 have a vested interest in what happens in the Middle East, given how much oil we import from there, but that’s it – then again, some may say that’s all&#160 of it.)

Okay?&#160 Okay.


To employ a Nixonism, let me make one thing perfectly clear.&#160 The “Muslim Brotherhood” must not, under any circumstances whatsoever, obtain any power in Egypt.&#160 Period, end, stop.&#160 They must be prevented from ruling that country by any means necessary.

Look.&#160 The Muslim Brotherhood is the progenitor of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Al-Qaida.&#160 Put them in charge over in Egypt, and it’s almost a certainty they’ll attack Israel – and God knows whom else.

The United States currently holds Israel in a voluntary check when it comes to using military force.&#160 (Has to be, otherwise why does Iran still have a nuclear program?).&#160 If the Muslim Brotherhood ascends to power over there, a Venomous administration would not only let Israel take Egypt to the woodshed militarily – it would go over there to help them.

Al-Obambi won’t do that.&#160 Then again, Al-Obambi is chock full of amateurs who, when they got that 3 a.m. phone call, knocked the phone off the nightstand and went back to sleep.

UPDATE:&#160 BREAKING – Okay, Mubarak has stepped down, according to Fox News.

Now&#160 things get interesting.

Limbaugh was talking yesterday about how it’s never the first&#160 revolution that sticks, but the second.&#160 And to demonstrate, he cited Germany (Kaiser Wilhelm to the Weimar Republic to the Nazis) and Russia (czars – Alexander Kerensky – Communist Party (side note:&#160 this was the first I’d ever heard of Kerensky)).

So keep a very&#160 close eye on what goes on now in Egypt.

Israel will be.


In a piece of great news to start the Vicar’s cruise off on the right foot, a federal judge – who for once, wasn’t&#160 acting in the role of a black-robed tyrant-wannabe – just took Bambicare and shoved it right back up Bambi’s ass:

The full text of the decision from Federal Judge Roger Vinson is not available yet, but according to reporters who’ve seen the decision, he’s ruled the entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. The ruling favors of the 26 state attorney generals challenging the law. The judge ruled the individual mandate that requires all Americans to purchase health insurance invalid and, according to the decision, “because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void.”

And what makes it even more delicious is the way this Hemingway turd phrased it.&#160 You could almost see & hear the tears flowing as he wrote it.

One down, two to go.&#160 Gotta love it.


I’m not 100% certain if His Nastiness and the General will agree, but it seems to me that this sort of lawsuit is long overdue. We all want to be secure when we travel, but there has got to be a way to ensure this security without destroying our rights and dignity.


Drudge and many others (including Michelle) are reporting that Democrat US Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot at point-blank range at a local event in Tuscon.&#160 There are conflicting reports as of this writing on her medical status, i.e. whether or not she is still alive.&#160 Anywhere from four to six others are reported dead in the event.

48-hour rule in effect, and our prayers go out.

UPDATE:&#160 The attending surgeon just stated in a news conference broadcast on Fox News that Representative Giffords is, repeat is, alive and in critical condition in ICU at the Tuscon hospital where she was transported after being shot in the head.&#160 Currently, we have one dead (a young boy girl) at the hospital (making a total of six (corrections?)), five more in surgery.

Thanks be to God, and condolences to the families of the young girl.

UPDATE the 2nd:&#160 Shep Smith at Fox News is now quoting the death toll at five.

UPDATE the 3rd:&#160 CNN & Fox have confirmed that one of the dead is United States District Court Judge John Roll.&#160 He was a Bush (41) appointee back in 1991.


possibly has been turned back on.  Check this one out.

Incoming House Speaker John Boehner and his Republican colleagues are acutely aware of public anger over how Congress operates… and plan to do something about it.

“They see a government in Washington that isn’t listening, doesn’t get it, and frankly the American people think that Washington doesn’t really care,” Boehner recently said.

And Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) says, “I was elected with a mandate to change the status quo. We have to change the way we do business in Washington.”

So when Republicans take control of the House, they want to implement some new rules.

Well, as several of the commenters mention, this sounds good but I’ll believe it when I see it.

But these paragraphs right here give me the most hope that change is coming.  REAL change and not the Jugears McHopenchange variety.

Republicans will also require lawmakers to take another step, says Jason Chaffetz. “When you submit your piece of legislation, you’re gonna actually have to cite constitutional authority for that bill.”

In fact, Republicans plan to read the constitution on the floor when they return next week.

And that’s only the beginning. They also want hearings to expose the details of any regulations proposed by the administration that are not specified in legislation approved by Congress.

Looks like the radar teams here at the Southern Command have a new target to track in the new year. If Boehner, Chaffetz, and other freshman reps can do what they are saying here it actually could be interesting to watch C-SPAN again. Just for the chance to see the progressives go into apoplectic shock.



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