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Item:&#160 Cher’s having a bad day

Reaction:&#160 Fine with me, Cupid Stunt&#153.&#160 Off yourself.&#160 (And take that…that…that whatever-you-gave-birth-to…with you while you’re at it.)

It’s not like anyone with so much as a quarter of a brain is gonna miss your skanky ass, anyway, y’know?


Who was it (de Tocqueville, maybe?) that said that a democracy was finished soon as its electorate figured out it could vote itself funds from the public till?

France, having decided that it wants its gummint cheese, merde!!!, has thrown out Nick Sarkozy and gone socialist.

French socialist Francois Hollande has won a clear victory in the country’s presidential election.

Mr Hollande – who polled just under 52% of votes in Sunday’s run-off – spoke of his pride at becoming president.

So long, Fwenchies, we hardly knew ye.


Here is the text of a post I made to Usenet this morning:

The article from which I am quoting can be found here.

An authoritative new analysis of the fall Electoral College vote finds President Obama just 23 Electoral Votes shy of reelection, and he could lose up to five states won in 2008 and still beat Mitt Romney.

But his hold is so weak and and the economy such a threat that Romney could win it all just by taking Virginia, a finding that should vault Gov. Bob McDonnell into the top tier of potential vice presidential nominees.

What I find interesting about this article is the distribution of the electoral vote. The Democrats get the northeast, the upper Midwest,the west coast and Hawaii. with the exception of New Mexico and Colorado, the Republicans get everything else.

This sort of distribution makes it easy for those of us who live in “red” states to look around, see no one who like the President, and assume that he will lose. To do such is a huge mistake. If Obama is turned out in November, it will be because he lost states in these solidly Democratic areas. If Romney cannot pull votes in those states, he has lost.


Following Mittens the Romerrhoid’s five-state primary sweep yesterday, Fox News Channel is reporting that aides are saying that Newt Gingrich will be “suspending” his presidential campaign by next Tuesday.

No real surprise – Newt’s campaign has pretty much been one long proclamation-then-reversal (say one thing, then have circumstances force a complete one-eighty days or weeks later) all silly-season long.&#160 But it’s one more reminder that conservatives have, once again, had delivered to them a proverbial kick-in-the-crotch by the GOP Establishment.

And then they have the balls to keep demanding that we give them the votes to which they’re supposedly entitled…because…because…because SHUT UP!!!!!

Lemme say this again:&#160 This is my&#160 vote.&#160 Not yours, GOP, mine.&#160 It does not belong to Gingrich, nor Santorum, nor Perry (necessarily), nor your beloved Romerrhoid, nor McCain, nor Palin…nor anyone else.&#160 It is mine, dammit, do you understand?&#160 MINE!!!

As the political party, it is incumbent upon you to convince me why the presidential candidate you place on the ticket is worthy of my vote.

You have not done that.&#160 Nor will you, if the candidate is Mitt Romney.&#160 Period, end of sentence, end of paragraph, end of topic, end of discussion.

You RINO bastard pusstards don’t like that?&#160 You should have thought of that before&#160 you tried to shove Mittens the Romerrhoid down my throat.

You’ve made your bed, RINOs, now lie in it.

It ain’t my problem any more.


ITEM:&#160 After Rush Limbaugh told the truth, then wussed out, about Sandra “Slut” Fluke…

(Yeah, that’s right, Sandy baby – I called you a slut, you’re also a prostitute, and there ain’t no apology coming from me, ever)

…the pusstard Demoscum launched the shit-for-brains meme that Republicans had launched a so-called “war on women”.

“We’re making an issue over the whole Republican war against women,” said Maggie Davidson, president of the Democratic Women’s Club of Northeast Broward. “We’re going to try to bring a lot of attention to what’s been going on in the state legislatures and in Congress.”

Specifically, the notion that conservatives like me & you are out to destroy women because we’re sick & tired of our tax monies going for them to fuck like minxes (minxes?) and abort damn the consequences.

But that’s another post for another time.

ITEM:&#160 One of Al-Obambi’s designated methane-spewing propaganda mouthpieces, Hitlary Hilary Rosen, late of the we-don’t-want-you-to-record-our-music (hack, spit)&#160 RIAA (hack, spit), had this to say about Ann Romney (hat tip:&#160 Hoft):

“Guess what, his wife has actually never worked a day in her life,” said Rosen, who was being interviewed by CNN’s Anderson Cooper about the war on women.

Same Al-Obambi that pays its female employees 18% less than men.

PotKettleBlack&#153 much, Jugears?

MERLIN:&#160 Ooooooh, RAAAAACIST!!!!

VENOMOUS:&#160 Bite me, Wizard.



WBAP 820/96.7 has reported (and Fox News has confirmed) that Widdle Ricki Santorum has “suspended” his campaign.

Mittens the Rommerhoid wins.

I don’t vote in the presidential election.

And all you RINO pusstards who claim that I’m gonna help get Bambi re-elected – come say that to my face if you have the balls.


Well, whaddya know?!&#160 A Demoscum finally&#160 submitted a bona fide, for-real budget proposal!!!!!1!!ONE!1!ELEVENTYQUADRILLION!!~

Holy crap!!!&#160 That Demoscum was actually B. HUSSEIN!!! Obambi!!!

And…uh…well, it was a close vote, anyway.

President Obama’s budget was defeated 414-0 in the House late Wednesday, in a vote Republicans arranged to try to embarrass him and shelve his plan for the rest of the year.

Actually, like one of the commenters to this story pointed out, you don’t really need the GOP to embarrass the Ayatollah.&#160 He’s doing a pretty damned good job o’ that&#160 on his own.

Now, consider for a minute.&#160 This “budgert proposal” (if you wanna call it that, it was so pathetic) got shot down 414-0.

Bambicare is looking like it&#160 might be toast, as well.

Gas prices?&#160 Don’t even&#160 get me started on that.

Yet, poll after poll after poll I’m seeing suggests the American people want to give this douchebag a second term.

If the presidential election were held today, 47% of Americans would vote for President Obama, 39% would vote for Mitt Romney and 14% are not at all sure. Last month, 46% said they would vote for President Obama while 37% said they would vote for Mitt Romney. Among Independents, it’s a closer race with 43% voting for the President and 41% voting for the former governor and 48% of adults in the 2012 Swing States (Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia) voting for President Obama and 41% voting for Mitt Romney.

Anyone else besides me see a big disconnect here?


It’s looking more & more like I won’t be casting a Presidential ballot in November.

As you all know, the Rommerhoid won Ill-noise – and though he didn’t garner 50 percent, it wasn’t really that close.

And then, today, Widdle Ricky Santorum pretty much committed political suicide when he said we’d be better off with a second Bambi term instead of the Mormoncharian Candidate (hat tip: Jim Hoft):

Rick Santorum today suggested it would be better to stick with President Obama over a candidate that might be “the Etch A Sketch candidate of the future” — a shot at chief rival Mitt Romney.

“You win by giving people the opportunity to see a different vision for our country, not someone who’s just going to be a little different than the person in there,” said Santorum. “If you’re going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk with what may be the etch a sketch candidate of the future.”

It’s yet another “Booker T moment”: “He didn’t just say that.&#160 Tell me he didn’t just say that.”

Denizens, you heard it here first: Santorum is leading in Louisiana at the moment.&#160 If he manages to keep from screwing that one up, it’s still the last state he’s gonna win.&#160 If I’m Romney, every single commercial I run from now until Tampa Bay will have that quote in it.

Every.&#160 Single.&#160 One.

G’night, Ricky, thanks for playing.

(And for what it’s worth, I’m writing in Rick Perry – both in the primary & the general.&#160 Not that it’ll do any good, but still)

An old friend of ours here at the Realm&#153, Robert Plett, would be shaking his head sadly at us and mouthing, “I told you so, I told you so…”

Don’t be surprised if we have a bona fide&#160 third party in 2013.


So Santorum won Tennessee, Oklahoma and North Dakota; Gingrich won Georgia; the Rommorhoid took everything else, including Ohio.&#160 (Fuck you, Ohio.)

Expect Newt to drop out AnyDayNow&#153.&#160 Mr. Conspiracy-Ass, Widdle Ronnie Paul(tard) should probably drop out, too – but, like the doddering old fool he is, he probably won’t.

On the plus side, Dennis “Lame-Assed Bad Comb-over” Kucinich finally got handed his walking papers.&#160 On the minus side, it was Marcy “Mousy Little Bitch” Kaptur that beat him.

She’ll face Joe “The Plumber” Wurzelbacher, who won the GOP nomination, for Ohio’s 9th district seat.

And I’m still&#160 not voting for the Rommerhoid.&#160 I don’t give a shit if every fucking delegate in the GOP goes to him – I’m not voting for him for dogcatcher, let alone President.

Do you hear me, GOP?!?!?!


If I hadn’t seen this for myself, I don’t think I would have believed it.

Ron Paul.&#160 Blame-9/11-on-America Ron Paul.&#160 Inflation-conspiracy-theorist Ron Paul.

And he’s accusing Widdle Ricky Santorum of conspiracy theories.

Words fail.&#160 Words.&#160 Just.&#160 Fail.

And yet the Ronulans, the Paultards, the Paul cult-of-personality fools, continue to support this son-of-a-bitch.


UPDATE:&#160 Don’t ask me how, but it looks like I posted the wrong video.&#160 Should be fixed now.


Fox News (hack, spit) has called Arizona for the Rommerhoid, and is praying to Maitreya for him to win Michigan, as well.

Fuck you, Arizona.&#160 Then again, what can one expect from a bunch of fuckheads that keep sending Juanita McRINO back to the Imperial Socialist Senate&#153?

I say again, and for the record – under no circumstances whatsoever will I vote for that turd for President.

UPDATE:&#160 And now Unfair & Unbalanced has called Mi-shit-gan for the Rommerhoid, as well.

I am now officially glad I drive a Hyundai.&#160 And even moreso that I didn’t buy the Mustang on which I’d had my eye.

And not to put too&#160 fine a point on it, Dee-troika – I bought this Hyundai from a Honda-Subaru dealership.

Northeastern asswipes.


This is not necessarily a defense of Widdle Ricky Santorum, mkay?&#160 I mean, I’m not too fond of the idiot, particularly since he lied through his teeth when he downplayed the role of Newt Gingrich in the 1994 Republican Revolution during the S. Carolina debate.

And I say that with you guys well aware of my honest opinion of Newt.&#160 (Which is to say, it ain’t very good.)

I for one wish the GOP would grow a spine, look the Demoscum in the eye and flat-out state, “Listen, dumbasses, no one wants to ban contraception, the states least of all – even though, thanks to a little something called the Tenth Amendment, they bloody well can if they so choose – so drop the effin’ subject and let’s talk about where you and your honeyboy B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi have dropped the ball…namely, the economy and foreign affairs, M”KAY?!?!?!”

But this bullshit about the reaction to Santorum questioning the theology behind Bambi’s policy?&#160 The whining and sniveling that’s&#160 caused?&#160 I mean, here’s “Baghdad Bob” Gibbs bleating that Santorum went over the line for the cardinal&#160 sin of “questioning [Bambi’s] Christian faith?

Hey, Baghdad Bobby?&#160 I’ll do more than question it – I’ll fucking challenge it outright.&#160 The bastard ain’t a Christian.&#160 Certainly not in the traditional sense of the word.&#160 Look at his track record if you don’t believe me.

And Santorum Franklin Graham’s bang-on right about one thing:&#160 Bambi gives more of a shit about Muslims than he does about the Christians the Muslims are killing overseas.&#160 I mean, when was the last time you heard Bambi mention anything about that, hmmmmmmmm?

Santorum’s right about another thing, too:&#160 Satan is targeting this country.&#160 I fucking dare anyone to look at what’s happened to this culture over the last 50 years and deny it.

So you pisstards on the Left can take all your kvetching about what Rick Santorum has said about our culture and shove it back up your pieholes.&#160 You pussies are a big cause of it, so I for one don’t give a shit that you don’t like us pointing it out.


So Mittens won Flor-i-duh.&#160 Emphasis on the duh.

Makes you start to think that maybe the Donks were right about that shithole of a state.&#160 Chalk up yet another reason, O fair Lady Spatula, why I wanted you out of there and up here with me in Texas in the first place.&#160 N’awlins isn’t the only&#160 place in the US where you can find putrid swamps.

Anyway, for a really good take on things (and this is a Homework Assignment&#153), read Misha’s treatise here.

Go.&#160 Shoo.


Memo to Artur Davis of National Review Online:

Enter the last dream date that Republicans may have at their disposal. His name is Jeb Bush, and this time, there is a feasibility around the idea that seemed unthinkable months ago.

Oh, do&#160 go fuck yourself.


Well, Denizens, I may have been a liiiiiiiitle&#160 bit premature in my writeoff of Newt Gingrich.&#160 (Of course, I’d already said so, but he subsequently slipped, and even I didn’t quite anticipate this.

Newt Gingrich defeated Mitt Romney today to win today’s South Carolina primary, boosted by a fiery debate performance this week that deflated the former governor’s front-runner status overnight.

Rick Santorum will place third and Ron Paul will be fourth first-in-the-South contest.

Propelled by voters who were heavily influenced by the pre-primary debates, and a strong evangelical showing, Gingrich claimed a landslide victory, winning virtually every county in the Palmetto State save for a handful that went to Romney.

So now…with Widdle Ricky Santorum coming from behind to win Iowa, Mittens “Mr. Inevitable” Romboma – with four years and an inordinate amount of cash and so-called “momentum” – has now only won one of the first three primaries/caucii.

And that&#160 one was a hop, skip & jump from his home state.

And that…wasn’t even anywhere near the slam-dunk it should’ve been.

“Mr. Inevitable”?

I wouldn’t exactly call this guy Sherman marching through Atlanta, y’know?&#160


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