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Those of you who’ve not been hiding under a rock for the last two weeks will have taken note of the goings-on in the 23rd dictrict up in Noo Yawk State, where the Stoopid Party GOP Republicans Stoopid Party has nominated leftist bimboid Dede Scozzafava – winner of the prestigious, heavily-sought-after-by-the-Right Margaret Sanger Award – as its candidate for that particular seat.&#160 And what’s especially disturbing about this is that not only has the local GOP up there endorsed her candidacy, so has another Republican of note.

Fellow by the name of Gingrich.&#160 Perhaps you’ve heard of him?

“The special election for the 23rd Congressional District is an important test leading up to the mid-term 2010 elections,” Gingrich said in a statement to supporters. “Our best chance to put responsible and principled leaders in Washington starts here, with Dede Scozzafava.”

Denizens, you didn’t hear from me last night because I was on the verge of being, to employ the aphorism, sick as a dog.&#160 And right now, I’m about to be that way again.&#160

This, right here, is what the philosophy of the Big Tent&#153 has gotten us.&#160 The idea that there was enough room in the Republican Party for diametrically opposing views on certain topics that have only one correct resolution…that is to say, if we were to uphold the values & ideals which have sustained us the last 230-plus years…has all but ruined us as a political party.&#160 There’s a reason we lost the majority in Congress in 2006 – because we were too fucking busy acting like Demoscum to remember that we’re supposed to be the conservatives around here!

And this “big tent” philosophy, which is nothing more than the surrendering of one’s spine in order to get more people to like you and vote for you – “naw, it doesn’t matter if you wanna kill babies, c’mon in here and have a drink with us and we’ll all be Republicans together!” – is a direct ancestor of the bogus concept of “compassionate conservatism”, just more of the same ol’, same ol’ “Pweeze, I’m not such a bad ogre, pweeze wike meeeee!!!!!”, until we’ve pulled so damned many of them into the tent that we get people like Dede Scozzafava, who’s so pro-abortion, pro-heterophobe “marriage”, pro-Porkulus, pro-everything leftist that she even got the endorsement of the pussy Markos Moulitsas over at the Daily Kos.&#160 (The link is over at http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2009/10/1/12236/8760 – and no, that son-of-a-crack-whore-bitch gets no direct link traffic from this&#160 site as long as I have anything to say about it.)

And Gingrich, I figured you knew better.&#160 You made your name with the Contract with America, where you laid out 10 of the best governmental initiatives I’ve ever seen, and on that strength of those initiatives, broke the stranglehold the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153 had on the American people for the previous 40 years.&#160 And ever since then, you’ve steadily drifited more and more leftward – until last year, when you lay down on the couch with San Fran Nan Piglousi, the Shrieker of the House, and bleated ad infinitum, ad nauseam&#160 about the long-since-debunked POS philosophy called “climate change”.

And now this.

You’re of scant little use to the conservative movement anymore, Gingrich.&#160 You’re just like Lindsey Grahamnesty, Olympia Snowjob, Susie “Barnabas” Collins John McLame and Benedict Sphincter – salt that has lost its saltiness, and is no longer worthy of anything save being thrown to the ground and trampled underfoot.&#160 “On the ashheap of history”, as Reagan so succinctly put it.

The fact is that we have become so damned fucking lukewarm as a party, not standing firm for one thing or the other, that it’s very small wonder that the electorate has spit us out of its collective mouth.&#160 And rightly so, too.&#160 We have lost our way – such that we kept sending the aforementioned leftist Sphincter back again & again to the Imperial Senate until he finally shed all pretense of being a Republican and turned Demoscum on us, and now we’re nominating an avowed leftist for public office and giving the coldest of shoulders to the bona fide&#160 conservative up there, Doug Hoffman.

We have a golden opportunity here, given that the Demoscum are tanking in the polls – yet, instead of pushing their heads down into the water, we seem hell-bent on racing them to the bottom.&#160 That’s a Republican seat up there in Noo Yawk, a rarity nowadays, and has been for years – but no more if Scuzzy & Newt have their way.

Ronaldus Magnus once said of the Democrats, “I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, the Party left me”.

The Republican Party & I have been somewhat estranged for years, though I still continue to vote for those conservatives who fly under the GOP banner, and in fact voted for McRINO because of the Sarahcuda.

But if socialist bimboid Dede Scozzafava is installed into NY-23, the Party will have finished leaving me, AFAIC.


And it’s such a shame, too – the poor boy was actually going to cruise to a win next November.

To Hell with all that now:

I’m very sorry to see that Pat Toomey, the Republican candidate for Senator Specter’s seat, has come out in support of Judge Sotomayor’s nomination on the feeble ground that the Senate’s confirmation role “should be limited to determining whether a nominee is well-qualified and within the legal mainstream.” According to Toomey, “judicial ideology is dealt with when we elect a president.”

No, Toomey, you dumbass, judicial ideology is “dealt with” anytime before you doofus fucks vote to confirm the nominee.&#160 I’m not sure whether this will ever get through that thick-assed head of yours, but we don’t send conservatives to Congress just so that they can be a fucking rubber-stamp to Demoscummic pussies trying to plug racist bitches in for lifetime appointments to the highest court in our land.&#160 We expect just a little more thought and effort&#160 from people who aspire to represent us like that, y’know?

Apparently not.

Damned shame you had to expose your liberal ass like this, Toomey.&#160 Guess it’s a good thing you never made it to Capitol Hill.


I have two words for any Demoscummic pussy who would scream “RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIIIIISSSSSSMMMMMMM!!!!!!”&#160 over conservative opposition to Consuela Oscar-mayer:

Miguel.&#160 Estrada.

I have three more&#160 words if you leftist fucks still have a problem with it:

Janice.&#160 Rogers.&#160 Brown.

Now I have six words for the GOP:

Grow.&#160 A.&#160 Pair.

Take.&#160 Her.&#160 On.


It is hardly a secret, Denizens, that the George Bushes that bookended Kaiser Wilhelm von Slickmeister all but ruined the Republican Party.&#160 Bush the Elder&#153 raised taxes by half a billion dollars, and Shrubya couldn’t keep his grubby hands off the supposed&#160 generated excess.&#160 Together, they destroyed the conservative movement started by Ronaldus Magnus.

Now, along comes Jebidiah Bush, He Who Wouldn’t Lift A Finger To Save Terri Schiavo&#153 himself, saying we need to leave President Reagan behind.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said Saturday that it’s time for the Republican Party to give up its “nostalgia” for the heyday of the Reagan era and look forward, even if it means stealing the winning strategy deployed by Democrats in the 2008 election.

So what you’re saying, then, Jebidiah, is that you favor us forming an ACORN-style group and forging signatures of real – and imagined – people, football players, comic book characters and the like?&#160 You’d support smuggling illegal aliens across the border and signing them up to vote?&#160 It’s okay if we smear Demoscummic HQ door knobs with virii, like they did to us some time back?&#160 Those the kind of things you talking about, Jebbie boy?

“You can’t beat something with nothing, and the other side has something. I don’t like it, but they have it, and we have to be respectful and mindful of that,” Mr. Bush said.

The other side, Jebbie my boy, has outright lies, sexual innuendo and old, tired, Communist-laden bullshit.&#160 And ou want us to be “respectful” of that?

“So our ideas need to be forward looking and relevant. I felt like there was a lot of nostalgia and the good old days in the [Republican] messaging. I mean, it’s great, but it doesn’t draw people toward your cause,” Mr. Bush said.

“From the conservative side, it’s time for us to listen first, to learn a little bit, to upgrade our message a little bit, to not be nostalgic about the past because, you know, things do ebb and flow.”

Oh, you mean back in the past when Republicans stood for conservatism and were winning elections, eh, Jebidiah?

And you wonder why it’ll be a Cold Day In Hell&#153 before you or anyone else in your family attain high elected office again&#160


I guess what they say is true about hell having no fury and all that.

Gubernatorial candidate Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison said Gov. Rick Perry should be looking for ways to accept $550 million in unemployment fund stimulus money but without committing the state to future federal mandates.

Which sounds to me like proof positive that ol’ Kay Bitchy didn’t read the stimulus bill before creaming her panties to go sign off on it, either.&#160 The Al-Obambi excuse-for-a-government has been very clear in emphasizing that there were going to be strings attached with just such an acceptance.&#160 How it could be spent, where it could be spent, when, etc.

But I guess Kay Bimbo-y was too busy being the fuckin’ Breck Girl&#153&#160 to worry about that.

She told reporters at a Texas Daily Newspaper Association meeting Monday there may be a way to do that. She said Perry should be looking at every avenue to keep employers from facing higher unemployment taxes next year.

Yeah, well here’s an idea, Kay Bint-y:&#160 Howzabout cutting taxes so employers can, you know, PUT PEOPLE BACK TO WORK AND NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THAT, HUH?!?!?!&#160 I dunno, seems to me that if the citizenry at large is, y’know, actually working, employers aren’t having to worry so much about paying to have these guys sit on their asses.&#160 Y’think?

One wonders how the hell Kay Bitchy’s managed to stay in the Senate all these years, given how atrophied that fecal grey matter between her ears is.


Memo to Chuckles Grass-is-ass-ley (RINO-IA):

You first, assclown.

And take Dingy Harry, San Fran Nan Pig-lousi, Chrissy Dodd-eringIdiot and Barney Fag Bonnie Fwank with you.



Gather ’round, Denizens, gather ’round.

Mark the date & time.&#160 I’m about to say something dramatically monumental.&#160 Or monumentally dramatic.&#160 Something I never thought I’d hear myself say ever again.

MERLIN:&#160 You’re getting married again.

[Venomous throws his outstretched hand at Merlin and sautées him with Force-lightning.]

VENOMOUS:&#160 Shut.&#160 The.&#160 Fuck.&#160 UP.

MERLIN:&#160 Ow.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 Then what, m’liege?

Simple, really, guys.

I was wrong.&#160 Very wrong, and massively stupid to boot.


That’s right, guys.&#160 I’m admitting to massive judgmental error-ery.

KORRIOTH:&#160 Who are you and what have you done with Lord Venomous?

VENOMOUS:&#160 Shut up for a minute and I’ll explain.

As you guys’ll recall, about a month ago, I rendered an opinion positive on the election of one Michael Steele as RNC chair-type-person.

I said, and I quote:

Steele is an unabashed, unapologetic conservative, the first since Haley Barbour in this humble scribe’s opinion. He will provide dynamic leadership as we strive to rebuild the party from the disasterous era of “compassionate conservatism” and Demoscum-lite-ness.

Well, after reading about what Steele really thinks of Rush, I’m throwing the bullshit flag on myself.&#160 15 yard penalty, loss of down, fourth down.

On the same night he was offering the keynote address to the Conservative Political Action Conference, Rush Limbaugh drew criticism from an unlikely source: Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele.

In a little-noticed interview Saturday night, Steele dismissed Limbaugh as an “entertainer” whose show is “incendiary” and “ugly.”

And when failed half-assed suckweed excuse-for-a-comedienne – no, that’s not a typo – D.L. Hughley likened Limbaugh & the CPAC attendees to Nazis…the son-of-a-bitch Widdle Mikey Steele Linguini sat there with his thumb up his ass and let it go.

A real chairman would have called Hughley the race-baiting fuckstick that he is.&#160 A real man would invite the ball-less little shitheel outside for an ass-whipping of gargantuan proportions.

Anytime you’re ready, Dick Lick.

As for Mr. Linguini, he supposedly called Rush later Monday to, quote unquote, “stop the feud”.&#160 The damage, however, has been done, and it’s probably irreparable at this point.

Rush said it best earlier today on his show:

Now, Mr. Steele, if it is your position as the chairman of the Republican National Committee that you want a left wing Democrat president and a left wing Democrat Congress to succeed in advancing their agenda, if it’s your position that you want President Obama and Speaker Pelosi and Senate Leader Harry Reid to succeed with their massive spending and taxing and nationalization plans, I think you have some explaining to do. Why are you running the Republican Party? Why do you claim you lead the Republican Party when you seem obsessed with seeing to it that President Obama succeeds? I frankly am stunned that the chairman of the Republican National Committee endorses such an agenda. I have to conclude that he does because he attacks me for wanting it to fail.

Steele, you stupid-ass, you’re either with us or you’re with the socialist scum on the Left.&#160 And if you want conservative money lining the coffers of the GOP, it probably behooves you, dumbshit, to get on your hands and knees before the base of our party – the base that, frankly, keeps you assclowns in business! – start kissing our feet and try to convince us that all that pathetic display amounted to was nothing more than a putrid brain-fart.

What you fail to understand, Mikey, is that conservatives were already sufficiently pissed-off to make your life a living hell BEFORE&#160 you opened your skanky piehole.

Throwing Rush and his conservative listener base under the bus like the Ayatollah does with his tax-cheating Cabinet-pick du jour&#160 is not&#160 gonna win friends & influence people, idiot.&#160 Especially&#160 if you’re going on national cable TV endorsing&#160 the plans of someone who’s ostensibly your opponent, no?

“Shaky start”?&#160 Trust me, Mikey, you doofus:&#160 Rush was being nice.

Your ass oughta be fired.&#160 Like, yesterday.


A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real&#160 money.&#160


The Department of Adding Insult To Injury brings us this where we find out that Linguinispineya, ever being the dickless wonder that reaches across the aisle, suspended illegal-alien deportation activities until after last week’s election.

According to my sources, the Bush administration issued a 72-hour cease-and-desist order to all fugitive apprehension teams to spare Obama embarrassment over his Kenyan half-aunt, Zeituni Onyango.

The Associated Press reported on Nov. 1 that Onyango was a deportation evader — one of an estimated 700,000 illegal alien absconders who have ignored orders from immigration judges to leave the country.

Hell, Weenieya, why didn’t you just grant Aunti Zeituni a full fucking pardon while you were at it, huh?

But wait, it gets better.&#160 Not only did he put the order into effect for Mary Magdalene dear old Aunti – he shut down deportation proceedings nationwide.

But the politicized order was even worse than the AP reported. The deportation process wasn’t simply slowed down for public relations reasons and fear of a media backlash. The process was completely frozen.

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement source familiar with Western field offices told me: “The ICE fugitive operations group throughout the United States was told to stand down until after the election from arresting or transporting anyone out of the United States. This was done to avoid any mistakes of deporting or arresting anyone who could have a connection to the election, i.e., anyone from Kenya who could be a relative. The decision was election-driven.”

Another source close to ICE operations in a Southern California field office confirmed that immigration officials there received the same directive: “The reason they included all offices in the United States was to show that they were not targeting the district office where Aunti lived. They don’t want to pick her up by mistake and cause a big problem.”

Yeah, why enforce the law when you can grease the skids for the opponent of He Who Dared Oppose You In 2000&#153?&#160 One last shiv in the ribs for McRINO, as it were.

Except it missed McZhamnesty and hit the American people flush.

One last betrayal of the conservatives who put El Weeniedente&#153 in that office in the first place.

And in the meantime, Jose Compean & Ignacio Ramos continue to rot in prison simply for doing their jobs as Border Patrol agents.

This is what he and the rest of the fucking RINOs think of us, Denizens.&#160 Bush and the rest of the crapweasel moderate&#160 Repukes are more fucking concerned with politics, with being “kinder, gentler”, with their fucking so-called “new tone” than they are about, you know, ACTUALLY UPHOLDING THE MOTHERFUCKING LAW!!!!!

This, sportz fanz, is why we, as conservatives, must purge the GOP of its RINO influence and take it back for&#160 conservatives.&#160 This is why we tell the McLames, the Chris Shays, the Lincoln ChappedAss Chafees of the party that they either follow us, or go join the Donktards and cast their lot with them.

And this is why no person named Bush must ever&#160 occupy the White House ever again.


Denizens, your reading assignment for this evening is this bang-on treatise by Mike over at Cold Fury.

You milquetoast Republican pusswads and RINOs could stand to have this cold hard truth shoved up your asses as well, so that goes for you, too.

Go.&#160 Shoo.



(Hat tips to Malkin, Active Rain and The Tax Foundation, which has a comprehensive list of all the earmarks.)

Bailing out banks that were stupid enough to gift-wrap loans to people who had no business taking them out – 700 billion&#160 (yes, that’s with a b) dollars.

Wooden arrows designed for use by children – 2 million dollars.

Clauses that allow auto tracks easier depreciation of their facilities – 100 million dollars

Rebates on excise taxes for rum producers in Puerto Rico & the Virgin Islands – 192 million dollars

Reduced tariffs for makers of wool fabric that use imported yarn – 148 million dollars

Tax breaks for Hollyweird – 478 million dollars

Tax breaks for the plaintiffs in the Exxon Valdez&#160 lawsuit, i.e. the enviro-nutjobbers and the limp-wristed green&#160 pussies – 49 million dollars

Destroying the American free enterprise economic system and getting to blame it on Republicans?&#160 Priceless.

As a public service, I present to you (below the fold) the House Repulicans who betrayed their party, their oath of office and the American people by voting for this execution of our economy.&#160 (And if anyone wants to send me a list of Senate RINOs who voted for this travesty, I’ll publish that, too.)

Barrett (SC)
Bono Mack
Brady (TX)
Brown (SC)
Camp (MI)
Campbell (CA)
Cole (OK)
Davis, Tom
Inglis (SC)
King (NY)
Kline (MN)
Kuhl (NY)
Lewis (CA)
Lewis (KY)
Lungren, Daniel E.
Miller, Gary
Peterson (PA)
Pryce (OH)
Rogers (AL)
Rogers (KY)
Ryan (WI)
Sessions (Pete Sessions&#160 voted for this piece of shit?????)
Smith (TX)
Tancredo (Tom Tancredo&#160 voted for this piece of shit?!?!)
Walden (OR)
Walsh (NY)
Weldon (FL)
Wilson (NM)
Wilson (SC)

If any of these Congress-scum represent you, vote to get rid of them.&#160 They do not give a shit about you; they do not give a shit about the United States of America; all they give a shit about is keeping their power, and their perks, and bending over & grabbing the ankles for the Demoscum who are only too happy to sodomize them.

We need to throw them out.

The sooner, the better.


Memo to John-boy Cornyn:&#160 You just lost my vote, asswipe.

Senator Noreiga, anyone?

No, Denizens, you can relax – I’m not going to vote for that stupid little Demoscum pussy.&#160 But neither am I going to vote for Cornyn.&#160 Ever again.

Same thing goes for the original “Breck Girl” herself.&#160 She’s already said she doesn’t plan to run again – she’s eyeing a run for Texas govern-ette – but I’ll sooner vote for Big Dickhead Perry than this bitch.

Keep your powder dry, guys.&#160 Socialism’s coming, and it’ll need to be met with a strong response, if you catch my meaning.


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