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In this thread over at Pajamas Media, where they’re talking about Arizona’s inherent right to enforce federal immigration law, a commenter named Sharpshooter brings up a magnificent point – one that could qualify for Comment Of The Year&#153.

Why do the states and their agencies have to enforce Federal drugs laws, etc?

That, in a nutshell, could be considered People’s Exhibit Number One&#153 as to why Arizona’s law must be allowed to stand.

If 1070 is overturned, it sets a catastrophically dangerous precedent for any state ignoring federal drug laws, laws against murder, robbery, etc.&#160 Calfornication, for example, could easily decide that it no longer has to enforce federal drug laws – not that they do now, anyway, but you get the point.

Bambi and Eric Holder would do very well to drop this POS lawsuit, and avoid the potential unintended consequence.

They won’t, of course – you could put their combined brains in a thimble and still have room left over for my thumb – but they should.


After giving more thought to the Shirley Sherrod episode, and also considering other actions of our current elected leadership, I have concluded that the Obama administration best resembles a community of simians performing unnatural procreational activities upon an ellipsoid pigskin bladder.

It now appears that the Obama administration wants Ms Sherrod back so badly that they have created a job especially for her. That they are willing to go to such lengths is an indication of just how much egg the Obama clowns have on their faces.

It is to laugh!


(Hat tip RedState.)

This should surprise absolutely no one.

When Congress required most Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty, Democrats denied that they were creating a new tax. But in court, the Obama administration and its allies now defend the requirement as an exercise of the government’s “power to lay and collect taxes.”

And that power, they say, is even more sweeping than the federal power to regulate interstate commerce.

Administration officials say the tax argument is a linchpin of their legal case in defense of the health care overhaul and its individual mandate, now being challenged in court by more than 20 states and several private organizations.

Under the legislation signed by President Obama in March, most Americans will have to maintain “minimum essential coverage” starting in 2014. Many people will be eligible for federal subsidies to help them pay premiums.

And I will still refuse to pay it.


(Hat tip Doug Powers, writing for Michelle.)

Oh, how lovely.&#160 The Ayatollah is on yet another vacation.

BAR HARBOR — Julia Freifeld, of Raleigh, N.C., was absolutely certain she knew where the Obamas would make a stop during their weekend getaway on Mount Desert Island.

She staked out Ben & Bill’s Chocolate Emporium on Main Street in Bar Harbor [, Maine – Ed.].

“They are going to bring their daughters here,” she said Friday afternoon.

Ah, but Denizens – that’s not the worst of it.&#160 Oh hell&#160 no.

Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.; and the president’s personal aide Reggie Love, who chatted with Baldacci.

That’s right, sportz fanz.&#160 The First Mutt&#153 gets his own.&#160 Fucking.&#160 Plane.

While the rest of us are taking pay cuts in this economy – that is to say, those of us fortunate enough&#160 to even have&#160 jobs – Jugears McFuckinHopenchange screws the pooch that is the United States even further&#160 by making sure li’l Bo-Bo has his own bad-ass self his very own first-class seat.

Air traffic at the small Hancock County-Bar Harbor Airport in Trenton was shut down for the presidential arrival. A U.S. Coast Guard helicopter patrolled the air in anticipation of the first family’s touchdown, and a pair of local fire and rescue trucks stood ready on an otherwise empty tarmac at the private air hangar.

The Obamas then traveled onto Mount Desert Island in a motorcade of at least 16 vehicles. It was led by two Maine State Police cruisers and included five black Chevrolet Suburbans.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate hovers at nine-and-a-half percent.&#160 And it’s that low only because of all the folks who’ve long-since given up looking for work.&#160 Include them, and unemployment stands somewhere around 18%.

All while Bambi goes, plays Yet Another Round Of Golf&#153, takes the First Brats for yet more ice cream, goes on another “date night” with the First Wookiee&#153 – and makes Big Production Numbers&#153 out of the whole thing.

You’re a son-of-a-crack-whore-bitch, Bambi.&#160 Fuck you, you effing schlemiel, that stupid-assed mutt and&#160 the horses you both rode in on.


Well, if I’m to believe the reports, Stanley McChrystal is out as the top commander in Afghanistan.

Which is appropriate, quite honestly.&#160 Fact of the matter is, even though McChrystal is bang-on right about Bambi, the UCMJ, per Blackfive, clearly prohibits what McChrystal did, which is criticize the limp, flaccid, impotent Commander-in-Chief.

I do believe that McChrystal clearly knows what he was doing.&#160 You can’t say what he said to a media outlet – even if it is&#160 Rolling Stone – and not expect that the White House won’t see it.

But maybe that was Mac’s plan all along.&#160 Either he’s so desperate for the welfare of his men that he had to find some way to get Bambi’s attention – or maybe he’s finally had enough of the Ayatollah’s dithering, dillying & dallying and just wants out.&#160 (Yes, he could have just resigned, but this makes more of an impact, I think.)

Whatever the motivation, the action speaks to Jugears McHopenchange’s sheer inability to effectively command his forces.&#160 The war in Afghanistan under Bambi’s oversight has turned decidedly negative.

Hussein Pasha’s surge, unlike Bush’s in Iraq, has all but failed in Afghanistan.&#160 Bambi is not very respected, either among his troops or amongst America’s allies.&#160 He has done nothing overseas except apologize, seemingly, for America’s mere existence to those people America rightly considers either her enemies or folks not to be trusted.

Small wonder, therefore, that most of the rest of the world believes Ear Leader to be in over his head.&#160 Even smaller wonder that morale amongst the troops in Afghanistan appears to be at a low point.

Moral has gone down the toilet. The troops are pissed about the ROE’s, they don’t like our pussy President, and they know we are just spinning our wheels.

Indeed.&#160 I shudder to think of the endgame under this scenario.


Back In The Day&#153 – which, in this case, is to say the Pre-Atkins Era – the Sibling Unit&#153 and I used to purchase homemade whole-wheat bread from some friends of ours.&#160 Good ingredients, improved our friends’ financial situation – and the bread tasted pretty damned good, too.

Naturally, the Imperial Socialists in the Al-Obambi excuse-for-a-government can’t stand anything like that, so they’re going to do what Nazis always do – crack down on it.

Attorneys for the federal government have argued in a lawsuit pending in federal court in Iowa that individuals have no “fundamental right” to obtain what food they choose.

The brief was filed April 26 in support of a motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund over the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s ban on the interstate sale of raw milk.

“There is no ‘deeply rooted’ historical tradition of unfettered access to foods of all kinds,” states the document signed by U.S. Attorney Stephanie Rose, assistant Martha Fagg and Roger Gural, trial attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice.

Would you just like to bet your sweet asses on that, Steffi, honey?&#160 I tend to think that you might find a lot of farmers – not to mention folks who grow tomatoes in their backyards – who might see things a little differently

Hell – Her Irascibleness&#153 once tried to grow a mini-garden out in our backyard Back In The Day&#153 – and I’d just have loved&#160 to see your little jackboots come try to do something about that.

“Plaintiffs’ assertion of a ‘fundamental right to their own bodily and physical health, which includes what foods they do and do not choose to consume for themselves and their families’ is similarly unavailing because plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish,” the government has argued.

And the counter-argument goes up:&#160 BULLSHIT.

I’ll eat what I want, as much as I want, when&#160 I want, and just what do you food nazis think you’re going to fucking do&#160 about it?

Bring it on, Steffie, Marfie & Roggie.

Make sure your HMO is paid up first.&#160 Because I’ll probably have a few million folks with me on this one


(Hat tip Villainous Company via Hot Air.)

You would think that, by now, the Demoscum would have learned to keep Bambi on the teleprompter.

Keep him on-message, he’s only mildly inadequate.&#160 Get him off&#160 the teleprompter…well, this is what you get:

We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you’re providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy.&#160 (Emphasis added)

Per the transcript supplied by Hot Air, only the last part of that blurb came anywhere close to resembling what the prepared remarks actually were.

Which, for me, begs the question:&#160 Bambi, what the fuck&#160 business is it of yours, of any bastard in that half-assed Al-Obambi excuse-for-a-government you have there – or, for that matter, any&#160 Demoscum, what&#160 is “enough” money for me, Mrs. Venomous, or any&#160 American to make?&#160 Hmmmmmmm?

Take your “pay czar”, your “core responsibilities”, your “spread the wealth” religion, your gaffetastic excuse-for-a-veep’s “time to be part of the deal” bullshit, turn it all sideways and shove it up your skanky, swishy ASS,&#160 you ball-less, chain-smoking, “children-are-a-punishment” son-of-a-crack-whore-bitch!!!!!

Villainous C. seems to think this was Bambi’s “Read My Lips” moment.&#160 I tend to think he was one-and-done anyway – this just seals it.

Couldn’t happen to a more stupid-assed bunch of imbeciles.


Item:&#160 The Conservatives4Palin blog reports that Timmy Tax-Cheat Tim Geithner Timmy Tax-Cheat says he never had a real job.

And this assclown is in charge of the United States Treasury.


Last year, Bambi got his skanky little ass ab-so-friggin’-lutely roasted&#160 at Major League Baseball’s All-Star because – well – he throws like a fucking girl.

MERLIN:&#160 Isn’t that a little offensive to, y’know, girls?

VENOMOUS:&#160 What of it?&#160 Here, have a look for yerself.

MERLIN:&#160 Ew.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 Gross.

K’HADIBAK’H:&#160 The p’tahk.

KORRIOTH:&#160 Damn.&#160 Just, damn.

So you’d think he’d bone up on his delivery, right?&#160 I mean, he’s got time to be doing March Madness brackets, piss off our allies and make an embarrassment of himself in general, right?

Here (s)he is at Opening Day yesterday for the Washington Nationals’ game against the Philadelphia Phillies:

T-BONE MCMANX:&#160 Oh.&#160 My.&#160 Gawd.

KORRIOTH:&#160 Great.&#160 Honkin’.&#160 Cthulu.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 Pathetic.

MERLIN:&#160 Didn’t learn much from last year, did he?

VENOMOUS:&#160 Sad thing is that he was probably the best pitcher for the Nationals yesterday.&#160 Phillies destroyed ’em, 11-1.

RAYEGUN:&#160 That’s Washington for ya.&#160 First in war, first in peace…

ALL:&#160 …last in the National League.&#160


(Hat tip to Michelle, of course.)

Item:&#160 A couple of weeks ago, the Mickey Mouse outfit known as ESPN was donning the kneepads for the Ayatollah as only they knew how – by having him participate in March Madness bracket-mania.&#160 (They even have a video of him doing it, if you have the stomach for it – I know I&#160 don’t.)

Perhaps they were swayed by the fact that he correctly guessed that North Carolina would win it all last year.&#160 (Really not much of a guess – if you&#160 were officiating games under the threat of The World’s Biggest College Hoops Pussy&#153, Tyler Hansbrough, pitching a fit everytime you called him for something, you’d give them a free pass, too.)

Item:&#160 Bambi’s proven to be just as inept at picking college hoops this year as he’s been recently at picking political candidates.&#160 Butler & W. Virginia made sure Saturday that his jugeared ass done got shut out.

President Barack Obama went 0 for 2 in the NCAA tournament Saturday when Kentucky and Kansas State lost in the regional finals, knocking out his two remaining picks for the Final Four.

In his ESPN.com bracket, Obama predicted that Kansas, Villanova, Kentucky and Kansas State would reach the Final Four. Kansas and Villanova were upset in the second round, then Kentucky and Kansas State went down Saturday.

All together now:&#160


The beautiful & talented Michelle is reporting that the lower chamber of the Imperial Socialist Congress has authorized Shrieker Of The House&#153 San Fran Nan Piglousi to finish ripping the United States Constitution to shreds by employing the Slaughter Solution, aka Demon Pass Deem-and-Pass Demon Pass, to ram the upper chamber’s version of HealthScare down the American People’s collective throat, should it be necessary.

For my part, I do hereby declare, here and now, that I will not comply with this 2,000-page piece-of-excrement excuse-for-a-bill, should Bambi sign it.

But congratulations, Demoscum bastards.&#160 You have just taken one giant step towards the Point Of No Return&#153.

The Can&#153 has been grasped by the handle.

Don’t say you weren’t warned.


It would appear as if the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153 is poised to give FINGER.TXT to the American people.&#160 (And yes, I’m already experiencing an RCOB&#153 over it.)

Two good articles on possible responses thereto can be found here and here.

That’s your homework assignment for today.&#160 Go.&#160 Shoo.


Okay, so lemme see if I’ve got this straight.

For damned near eight years, the Limpdicked Lickspittle Leftards&#153 did everything they could to undermine the United States’ war effort.

They maligned our commander-in-chief on a daily basis.&#160 Said about it – and I quote – “this war is lost”.

They called our troops “murderers” and accused them of being war criminals.&#160 Some of them actually wanted to leave our men & women high & dry by defunding the war effort.

And now one of these bastards has the chutzpah&#160 to suggest that any criticism of Jugears McHopenchange only helps Al-Qaida.

Politics should never get in the way of national security.

“Except when we’re the ones practicing the politics that get in the way of national security.”

But too many in Washington are now misrepresenting the facts to score political points, instead of coming together to keep us safe.

We’re not the ones wanting to give Khalid Sheikh Muhammed a fucking show trial&#160 in New York City, dim bulb.

We were perfectly content keeping the ragheaded scumbags down at Gitmo, but your&#160 homie was the one who decided that Gitmo must be closed at all costs – a campaign promise on which even now Bambi reneges.

This administration’s efforts have disrupted dozens of terrorist plots against the homeland and been responsible for killing and capturing hundreds of hard-core terrorists, including senior leaders in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and beyond — far more than in 2008.

Oh, yeah – right.&#160 And Barry Switzer won Super Bowl XXX with his own players, rather than Jimmy Johnson’s in Dallas.

Pull the other&#160 one, dickhead.

We need no lectures about the fact that this nation is at war.

Apparently, you do.&#160 You bastards don’t even want to call it terrorism&#160 any more – your own excuse-for-a-Homeland-Security-chief just wants to call it a “man-caused disaster”.&#160 I mean, Hulk Hogan used to battle the Natural Disasters “Earthquake” and “Typhoon” in the old WWF – but this&#160 is fuckin’ ridiculous.

Politically motivated criticism and unfounded fear-mongering only serve the goals of al-Qaeda.

Yeah, dumbass.&#160 Just like they did from late 2001 until January 20, 2009 – but now that it’s your&#160 homeboy, it’s not such a hot idea, is it now?

Motherfucking pussy.&#160


Nah, I didn’t watch it.&#160 The replay aired on FNC while I was busy working a helluva lotta Unpaid Overtime&#153 working on two client machines, as well as prepping my “new” shuttlecraft laptop.

And I had no desire to watch it, either.&#160 Everything Bambi spews out of his mouth is bullshit, so what’s the point?

OTOH, I can do something that actually relaxes&#160 me – working on computers – and actually have a little bit of fun.

So, let’s see:&#160 Letting Bambi spike my blood pressure…work on my hobby.&#160 Spiked blood pressure…hobby.

Hmm.&#160 Decisions, decisions.

MERLIN:&#160 You’re weird, y’know that?

KORRIOTH:&#160 Tell ‘im something he doesn’t&#160 know.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Believe it or not, that’s the nicest thing that’s been said to me all day.&#160 How’d you like to be Fleet Captain?

KORRIOTH:&#160 I’m already&#160 Fleet Captain.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Yeah, well, go have Madfish Willie make you a prune juice smoothie.&#160 Tell him to put it on my tab.

MERLIN:&#160 Didn’t he say how you were already 10,000 credits past maxxed out on that?

VENOMOUS:&#160 He grouses about it.&#160 Then he remembers I have a verteron array pointed at his bar.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 That would&#160 explain all the benevolence.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Oh, and Kor – grab me a peach-tea Theragen float while yer over there.&#160 Headaches have been pretty bad lately.

KORRIOTH:&#160 (grunt)

One thing I did&#160 find interesting, however, is something about which the Right Side of the Blogosphere&#153 is buzzing this morning:&#160 He Who Has Surrendered His Testicles To The Wookiee&#153 dared disrespect the Supreme Court after they swatted down McRINO-FrankenFeingold last week.

Oh, did I mention the Supremes were in the audience?

Here’s Samuel Alito right as Bambi was spewing out his skanky piehole:

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Good luck arguing anything before these guys going forward, Ayatollah.&#160 You just made Erica Holder’s job that much harder.

Gotta love it.&#160


This clown simply does not get it. In this piece, Brother Obama tells us that he will never stop “fighting for us”. A large part of our nation’s problem is that we have far to many hack politicians “fighting for us”.

I have a proposal. Let’s make it a policy that any politician who says that he will “fight for us”, is removed from office at the next election, to be replaced with someone who will actually leave us alone!


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