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Observed today at a local eatery:&#160 A white pickup.&#160 Windows rolled about halfway down.&#160 Evidence strongly suggests that it belonged to a shit-for-brains liberal.&#160 Two things bore this out:

1.&#160 The plethora of PETA-style bumper stickers on the back – everything from “eat vegan” to the old bullshit saw about how “animals are not ours to eat as food, test, have as pets”, etc, to the bitching about animal abuse, all that stuff.&#160 And –

2.&#160 The sheer hypocrisy demonstrated…by the terrier mix in the cab of the unattended pickup.

(Fortunately, it wasn’t all that hot today, and there was a cloud cover.&#160 A call to Animal Control yielded the opinion that the dog was probably okay, given the circumstance.)

And the animal-rights terrorist bastards wonder why they’re not taken seriously…


“My blog, my rules”.&#160 It’s a principle by which we all here in the Blogosphere abide, and it’s one I’ll support ’til the day I die – yes, even for the fucksticks over at Demoscummic Underpants or that shithole run by Markos “Screw ’em” Moulitsas.

But when certain folks stand up for an asshatted troll who would normally get pissed on, then slap the hand of he who actually did&#160 try to piss on said troll…well, there’s a sense of betrayal there that’s highly bewildering.

And when said troll then gets the kid-glove treatment for committing an offense for which another&#160 completely different troll got bitch-slapped not three weeks ago…then one has to wonder what the Hell&#153 is going on around here.

To say I’m a little confused (not to mention pissed off) is a bit of an understatment.&#160 When did we go all Queensbury on the leftards?

It tends to put me in a mood similar to what I experienced back in 1996 – the last time Spatula City BBS! closed its doors.&#160 Why beat my head against the brick wall?

(Not to worry, Denizens – I’m not going anywhere…at least, not yet.&#160 I’m just extremely po’d at a couple of folks right now.&#160 Carry on.)


The link to Chris Muir’s Day by Day&#160 has been fixed.

Memo to Chris:&#160 Now that Sam’s sister Skye has made it there, it might be a good time to introduce Zed’s brother into the mix as her love interest.

You know…the “brother” we discussed a while back…?


No, Denizens, it wasn’t bad enough that the NY Slimes&#160 had to go and blow the whistle to their johns in Al-Qaida about the secret surveillance programs the United States had in place, thus giving them a boost in their attempts to keep us from destroying them.&#160 At least there’s not doubt one about whose side the traitorous tumblefucks are on.

But now they’re acting like spoiled little third-grader Johnny who’s throwing a temper-tantrum ’cause he got bitchslapped for showing little Suzie his wee-wee.&#160 So now everybody’s&#160 gonna hear all the secrets little Johnny knows.

Starting with this:

Beware of travel feature stories posing as invitations to terror.

“The New York Times points cranks, radicals, al-Qaida operatives and would-be assassins to the summer homes of [V.P. Dick] Cheney and [Defense Secretary Donald] Rumsfeld” writes FrontPage Magazine’s David Horowitz, who sees the June 30 Times feature article as an apparent retaliation for administration “criticism of the Times’ disclosure of classified intelligence to America’s enemies.”

In the “Escapes” section of the June 30 edition, the N.Y. Times printed huge color photos of the vacation residences of Cheney and Rumsfeld, “identifying the small Maryland town where they live, showing their front driveways and, in Rumsfeld’s case, actually pointing out the hidden security camera in case any hostile intruders should get careless,” Horowitz writes.

Times Travel section writer Peter Kilborn even makes sure enemies of the two men will know such details as where Mrs. Rumsfeld shops in the eastern shore town of St. Michaels, Md. where the two administration officials have weekend retreats.

He even lets the curious know what street the Cheneys and Rumsfelds have to use to get to their own road.

Misha’s pretty much covered it, but I just have this to add:

Kilborn, you cowardly asshat – if harm comes to either the Cheneys or the Rumsfelds, you’d best hope that the government gets to you before some folks out here do.

With the feds, you’ll get three hots and a cot.

They, of course, would leave out the s.


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