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The package is on its way.&#160 And it’s what you requested, although I wish it could’ve been more.

It’d be nice if you’d at least let me know if he enjoyed it (the email link on the sidebar does&#160 work), but that’s your call, not mine.


Dan McLaughlin at Redstate is reporting that, per Brad Thor at BigGovernment.com, Taliban head/Osama bin-ByeBye ally Mullah Omar has been apprehended.

48-hour rule applies, of course – but if true, this is a huge win.

However, Dan, I have one minor quibble:

If Thor’s sources pan out, this is excellent news, and a moment for real vindication for everyone – from the military brass to Republican leaders and conservative commentators to, yes, President Obama – who argued for pressing on for victory in Afghanistan and not abandoning the region to the Taliban.

Oh, yeah, right.&#160 Sure.&#160 Anything you say, Dan.

Just like Barry Switzer gets 100% of the credit for winning Super Bowl XXX.

With Jimmy’s players.

Don’t think so, but nice try.&#160


(Hat tip to News Busters – and I know it sounds like their post, but I’m going to plead a Great Minds Think Alike&#153 moment here, mkay?)

Denizens, remember a Long Time Ago&#153 when the Demoscum and the Lame Stream Media&#153 (but I repeat myself) ripped into GHW Bush’s supposed unfamiliarity with grocery scanners?&#160 And the not-too-terribly-unexpected corollary that “He’s!&#160 Out!&#160 Of!&#160 Touch!&#160 He!&#160 Doesn’t!&#160 Even!&#160 Know!&#160 The!&#160 Cost!&#160 Of!&#160 A!&#160 Gallon!&#160 Of!&#160 Milk!!!!!”?

Fast foward twenty years:&#160 The Ayatollah doesn’t even know how to work a fucking IPod.

“You’re coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don’t always rank all that high on the truth meter,” Obama said at Hampton University, Virginia.

You mean like all the bullshit you’re spewing at BarackObama.com?&#160 Or, perhaps, at OrganizingForAmerica.com?&#160 That&#160 sort of stuff?

“With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, — none of which I know how to work — information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation,” Obama said.

Five’ll get you five hundred that you never hear about Bambi’s IPod Impotence&#153 amongst the Leering Leftard Lapdogs&#153 of the media.&#160 They’ll sooner be covering the story about how Simon Cowell still wuvs his mummy.

He bemoaned the fact that “some of the craziest claims can quickly claim traction,” in the clamor of certain blogs and talk radio outlets.

Translation:&#160 Damn&#160 those Right-o-sphere bloggers for catching me with my pants down on the BP oil spill!!1!!ONE!!1!1ELEVENTY!!!

Somebody call ol’ Jugears a waaaaaaaahmbulance, hmmmers?&#160


Just a quick note from the Commanders desk:  Yes, the General is still alive and kicking.  I’m just having to deal with an oily mess right now.  In the meantime though, here’s a little reminder for everyone…..


Yes, today was indeed Mother’s Day.  A day to celebrate all those things that mom has done for us.  A day where mom get pampered and taken out to lunch or dinner.  All that stuff.

But not to overlook the significant other events of May 9, let’s move over to the radar desk and see what else appears on the screen.

– For you sweet tooth dessert folks, today was also Nation Butterscotch Brownie Day.
– In honor of those of Dutch heritage, today was also National Windmill Day.
– Those of you who have a knack for all things tailoring, today was Hurray for Buttons Day.
– We’ve all seen the warnings, but the rebel in you took over…well here’s your day….it was Tear the Tags Off the Mattress Day.

And finally, this last one requires extreme solemnity, nay a full TWENTY-ONE GUN SALUTE!

Room, atten-hut!

For all those who have lost one or more of these over the years, today was:

Lost Sock Memorial Day

At Ease.

Now that mom is safely at home and resting from all the frivolity, be sure to honor the rest of these events appropriately.  That’s an order soldier!


My friends, on this day in 1945, Germany surrendered and the European side of World War II came to a close. The problem is that many, of not most of our countrymen have no idea of this, they have no understanding of just how many gave their lives to drive back tyranny.

I would like to request that each of you who read this, tell at least two others of the heroism of our soldiers in that war so many years ago. let’s impress upon them the fact that had we not won that war, the world would be a much worse place than it is today.


The Comment Of The Day&#153 – hell, the Comment Of The Millenium&#153 – comes from LC HJ Caveman82952 in this thread:

Maybe we could keep the hard working illegals and deport the lefties? They aren’t worth a shit anyway, most of them, clueless fucks.

Hmmm.&#160 Keep the hard-working Mexican nationals.&#160 Even naturalize ’em.&#160 And lose the libtard needle-dicks.

Sounds like a plan to me.&#160 When can we start?&#160


It seems that the Phoenix Suns have decided they do not like the new immigration law in Arizona. In order to make this clear to everyone, they will wear jerseys this evening [actually, last night&#160 -DV] which say “Los Suns” instead of their regular jerseys. In addition, this move has the support of the NBA and their opponent.

Given that approximately 70% of Arizonians and 60% of Americans in general approve of the law, I suggest that all sports fans boycott the entire NBA next year, and especially boycott the Suns. If the lease on their arena is up for renewal, the city of Phoenix should at least double the rent, or maybe evict them completely. If this team of prima-donnas is going to show so little respect for their fans, they do not deserve to have fans.


For Stinko de Mayo, this is all I have to say:


That.&#160 Is.&#160 All.


That’s the problem with Big Dickhead Perry:&#160 Y’just can’t trust the SOB.

Just as he’s riding a wave of popular support and walking a path that would likely have carried him to a third full term as Texas governor, he goes and steps in a pile of dogshit.

Texas Governor Rick Perry say he believes the recent immigration law passed in Arizona would not be the right direction for the Lone Star State.

And I guess that’s ’cause you think they’re just gonna march east to Texas and swear on a stack o’ Aggie calendars that they’re a-gonna vote fer you, don’tcha?

Got news for you, Big Dickhead, ol’ boy.&#160 More on that in a moment.

The Texas Republican says he fully recognizes and supports a state’s right and obligation to protect its citizens, but he has concerns with portions of the Arizona law.

Yeah, like the deportation&#160 part – right, Big Dickhead?

Some aspects of the law turn law enforcement officers into immigration officials by requiring them to determine immigration status during any lawful contact with a suspected alien.

That’s right, BDH, it does.&#160 But since being in this country illegally&#160 is supposed to be, you know, a CRIME, it’s the same damned thing as checking for a criminal record.&#160 Which is what the cops do anyway&#160 during that little period when they take your license from you whilst they check it.

But you didn’t think of that, did you, Big Dickhead?

Perry says the focus must continue to be on the criminal elements involved with conducting criminal acts.

That’s a fuckin’ Aggie for you.&#160 Arizona’s trying to stop the criminal elements&#160 known as illegal aliens from committing the criminal act&#160 of being in the country illegally, and BDHP is trying his damndest to keep Texas from doing the same thing.


Perry adds as the debate over immigration reform intensifies, the focus must remain on border security.

‘Scuse me for saying so, but I thought that’s what Arizona was trying to do, and what Texas needed&#160 to try to do.

Mexico is Texas’ largest trading partner, and they share more than 1,200 miles of border, which is more than any other state.

See, here’s your money quote, right here.&#160 Big Dickhead Perry thinks all those illegales&#160 are going to come here from ‘Zona and vote for him and his hairdo.

News flash, Big Dickhead:&#160 Illegal aliens…wait for it…can’t vote.&#160 That means they can’t vote for you.&#160 But neither can they vote for Billy White, y’know?

We Texas citizens, on the other hand, can&#160 vote.&#160 And we support Arizona.

Better get that past your helmet hair, down into your thick head.&#160 Before we decide you’re not worth our vote.


(Via Drudge.)

If I didn’t know better, I’d say Bob Shrum was running Charlie Crist’s campaign.&#160 Everything Charlie’s touching seems to be turning to shit.

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist (I) would not say Sunday which party he’d caucus with if elected to the Senate.

Crist, who left the Republican Party this week to pursue an independent bid for the state’s open Senate seat, said he would be open to voting for a Democrat as majority leader.

“I’ll caucus with the people of Florida,” Crist said during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Given the polls that have you down by 25 points or so, Chuckles, I’d say that “the people of Florida” have already made their decision on whom they’ll caucus with – and it ain’t you, son.&#160


Well, it’s not the excoriation Bush received for Katrina – but all things considered, it still ain’t bad:

The New York Times Saturday made it clear that it is willing to fault the Obama administration for its response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

On top of the editorial previously reviewed by NewsBusters, the Gray Lady published a front page piece largely critical of the White House.

Too little too late for the Senile Gray Lady&#153, which keep hemorrhaging readers at an alarming rate.

But what the hell.&#160 For the time being, it’s theatre.


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