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For those of you who have been keeping up on the medal counts, maybe you should change what you’re keeping track of. Like the number of LIES and FALLACIES that the Chinese are pulling right in front of the TV cameras.

For starters, the opening ceremony had loads of fakes. From the fake fireworks to a lip-syncing singer. It’s bloody hilarious when govermental coverup is so blatantly obvious on such a large scale.

But wait, it’s gets better. Much better!!!!

If you were one of the dozens or so people that DVR’d the opening ceremony, check out this story, then check it out for yourself. If you didn’t DVR the ceremony, then you gotta read that story! Here’s a snippit:

Well, this is just perfect. At the exact moment Li Ning was rounding the lip of the Bird’s Nest during the amazing torch-lighting climax, someone snapped this photo of our good friend the BSOD nestled among the Nest’s steel twigs.

What’s more is….retired Microsoft big man himself, Billy-Boy Gates was in attendance there at the ceremony. No word on any comment from Gates-y boy that I’ve found so far. But as you’ll remember, Billy-boy has some history with that particular “malfunction“.

Here’s the video if’n you want to reminisce:

And now the latest fake appears to be with the Chinese “women’s” gymnastic team. Or should we say “little girl’s” and not women’s. Seems that the Chinese, given their supposed mastery of things like simple math, don’t know the difference between 16 and 13. Even worse, it looks like the IOC is gonna give a pass on this atrocity…..much like the lame-swine media has passed on digging up the dirt on Breck Boy.

Anyone wanna guess what’s gonna get faked next by the Chinese?


Denizens, those of you remaining from The Six Or Seven Who Used To Regularly Read Me&#153, if you’ve paid attention to me for any length of time at all, know me for having said this:&#160 With the heterophobic community, despite all their lispy-assed, manaical bleatings to the contrary over the years, it’s never been the slightest bit about “tolerance” with them.&#160 It has always been, and always will be, about acceptance.&#160 What they want, more than anything else – save, perhaps, for their next in-through-the-out-door tryst – is for us to say that what they do is perfectly okay.&#160 An eminently acceptable “alternative lifestyle”.&#160 Just another “choice” for said lifestyle.

Which, as you have always heard me tell you, is the one thing I will never&#160 say.&#160 There is NoWayInHell&#153 that His Rudeness&#153 will ever&#160 give the sodomite community the green light to have their little swishyfests.&#160 The practice of homosexuality was perversion in the ancient times; it is perversion today; it will be perversion tomorrow; it will always be&#160 perversion.&#160 Period, end, stop.

Thus, it should come as no surprise how pissed-off I am about the Pathetic Pussified Pinktards&#153 trying to shove both their “lifestyle” and their agenda down the throats of those of us in Flyover Country&#153.&#160 It’s already happening in Canada, where Focus on the Family’s&#160 James Dobson has been forced to edit his message, lest the Canorkian half-assed excuse-for-a-government do it for them at the point of a gun (they had already forced another Christian ministry out of their pathetic country previously).

Within the last few months, the Demoscum chief needle-dick executive of Colorado, Widdle Willie Witter, signed into law a blatantly un-Constitutional piece of shit that can theoretically outlaw certain portions of the Bible – a move that Focus&#160 calls a payback to the Butt-Buddy Brigade&#153 for helping to put his sorry little ass in office.

But now we have something that just might take the cake.&#160 A smarmy little pissant limp-wrist has filed two lawsuits totalling $70 million&#160 against two of the largest Bible publishers in the world.

A homosexual man who has a blog on Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign website

Pray tell, why are we not surprised that Swishy Boy here is involved with B. HUSSEIN!!!!!1!ONE!&#160 Obambi?

Jackass-i-miah Wrong, the Left Pfoul-mouth Pfelching Pfather Pfuckhead Pfleger, and now this&#160 guy?&#160 Day-um, Flopears the Manchurian Muslim sure knows how to pick his associates, doesn’t he?

is suing two major Christian publishers for violating his constitutional rights and causing emotional pain, because the Bible versions they publish refer to homosexuality as a sin.

That’s nothing compared to the pain the little pussy is in for when he shuffles off our little mortal coil here, I’d be willing to wager.

Bradley LaShawn Fowler Bwadwee LaThhawwwwn Fowwer [Fixed it for ya.&#160 -Ed.], 39, of Canton, Mich., is seeking $60 million from Zondervan and another $10 million from Thomas Nelson Publishing in lawsuits filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, the Grand Rapids Press reported.

Wow.&#160 Suing to make the First Amendment un-Constitutional.&#160 What a novel concept.&#160 What’ll they think of next?

Fowler filed his claim against Grand Rapids-based Zondervan Monday, alleging its Bibles’ references to homosexuality as a sin have made him an outcast from his family and contributed to physical discomfort

Translation:&#160 Mom, Dad and whatever brothers he has knocked the shit out of him and threw his swishy, skanky ass out of the house.

and periods of “demoralization, chaos

There’s confirmation on getting his ass thrown out of the house.

and bewilderment,” the paper said.

Bewilderment, most likely, about why his rapidly-dwindling list of normal male friends weren’t terribly interested in a friendly&#160 (*cough*) little game of hide-the-salami.

U.S. District Judge Julian Abele Cook Jr. refused Monday to appoint an attorney to represent Fowler in the Thomas Nelson case, saying the court “has some very genuine concerns about the nature and efficacy of these claims.”

Now this guy Cook may be the only sensible party (other than Zondervan and Nelson) in this whole affair.&#160 No, absolutely don’t&#160 let this total waste of oxygen have his own counsel.&#160 He’s written a book under the moniker “Bradley Almighty” – let the dumb little syphilitic sow save himself with his own counsel.

Fowler alleges both Zondervan and Thomas Nelson, with its King James Bible, manipulated Scripture without informing the public by using the term “homosexuals” in a New Testament passage, 1 Corinthians 6:9.

Perhaps this legal Einstein here can, in his infinite wisdom&#160 (*coughbullshitcoughbullshitcough*), tell us Great Unwashed Masses&#153 just&#160 what Constitutional article, Constitutional amendment, U.S. law, state law or city ordinance requires that a Bible publisher give any sort of notice whatsoever just what&#160 it puts in its publications in the first place?!

(*massive amounts of crickets*)

Yeah, uh-huh.&#160 Thought&#160 so…

He told the Grand Rapids TV station in an interview he wants to “compensate for the past 20 years of emotional duress and mental instability.”

Yeah, I’m totally on board with the “mental instability” bit.&#160 Five’ll get you ten it extends to “emotional” and “psychological”, as well.

On his personal blog’s “About Me” page, Fowler says that while serving a sentence in the Michigan Department of Corrections

Ah, now&#160 the truth comes out.&#160 Quite easy to see the cause of all the “instability”.&#160 Serving a stint as Bubba’s bitchipoo will do that to a guy.&#160 Whaddya wanna bet that’s where he learned to better appreciate how to give receive and receive?

he “gained a sincere interest” in the Bible’s teachings and, over a 10 year period, “became so engrossed within” the Scriptures, he couldn’t do much more than eat and sleep

That, and take it up the ass every night from whichever prison gang won the nightly craps shoot.

Bwadwee, you’re nothing but a failed widdle jailhouse lawyer.&#160 You’re in way over your head on this one, and it’s all because you can’t handle the truth that you’re a freakish, effeminate little faggot puke with delusions of adequacy.

Yeah – I just called you a faggot, Bwadwee.&#160 Whyn’t you come sue me like you’re doing with Zondervan & Nelson?&#160 C’mon, needle-dicked little assclown – I dare you.

In fact, come serve the papers yourself, dipshit.&#160 You can get an instant response from me – 38/100 of a rejoinder at a time.

Stupid little pansy-assed fuckhead.


I guess the heterophobe community thinks that they’re going to take a page out of Goebbels’ playbook:&#160 Inundate skulls full o’ mush (a little paraphrased Rush lingo, there) with bullshit long enough, and said skulls will come to believe the memes as truth twoof.

Obviously, they’ve never met me.&#160

So here comes the latest round of sodomite bullshit in the form of a movie, the title of which (“For the Bible Tells Me So”) seeks to co-opt a part of one of the first songs you ever learn in Sunday School – thus proving the old axiom that when limp-wristed heterophobic liberal shits hit rock bottom when it comes to depravity, the first thing they’ll do is pull out their trusty jackhammers.

MERLIN:&#160 Ew.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 Gross.

KORRIOTH:&#160 Tell me that wasn’t intentional, m’Liege.

LSIK&T:&#160 Well, no…but you gotta admit…

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Item:&#160 Guy dies.&#160 Church agrees to make its facilities available to host the guy’s funeral.

With me so far?&#160 Okay.

Then the church finds out that the dead guy was a flaming heterophobe.&#160 And&#160 that said flaming heterophobia was going to be a central theme at the funeral.&#160 Whereupon the church immediately withdraws the invitation to host.

My question:&#160 Why is this news?

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One wonders how we’re going to win this war if the leadership is this spineless.

As most of you know, probably my biggest pet peeve is someone who speaks truth to leftist douchebags one day…then turns around and offers up his balls while groveling for forgiveness the next.

Which is what we have here.&#160 And by a Marine general, no less.

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So here I was, all ready to make Tim Hardaway the new SpatulaHero&#153.

Then he goes and pisses the hell outta me by recanting.

“Yes, I regret it. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said I hate gay people or anything like that,” he said. “That was my mistake.”

No, Timmy, your mistake was caving in to whomever got to you and showing one hellacious lack of spine.&#160 Another mistake was letting that fuckhead Danielle Le Bastard label you a “homophobe” and actually agreeing with it.

Memo to the sodomite community:&#160 We don’t fear you.&#160 You do not strike the slightest bit of terror in me, or anyone else for that matter.&#160 It’s actually revulsion & disgust – not unlike the feeling you get upon finding that you’ve stepped on a dog turd and tracked it into the house.&#160 I wouldn’t exactly call that a “phobia” – more like a gag reflex.

On the other hand, you limp-wristed pussies seem to want to shout down posthaste anyone who might offend those delicate sensibilities&#160 of yours.&#160 Almost as if you’re terrified of letting any attack of your lack of character go unchallenged, lest people see that our revulsion with you asswipes isn’t such a bad thing to have, after all – as if it makes a helluva lotta sense to despise perversion such as yours.

So who are really the phobics here?&#160 Here’s a clue – tain’t us, McGee.

Shame that sticks in your craw (not!), but I don’t rightly give a shit about that – and you won’t find me apologizing to you, ever.&#160 I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – it’s not tolerance&#160 you faggots want, it’s acceptance.&#160 You want me to say that what you do is okay and a perfectly normal “lifestyle choice”.

And that ain’t happenin’.&#160 Ever.&#160 Suggest you deal with it, nancy-boys.

And Hardaway?&#160 Fuck off.&#160 Come back when you grow a set.


(Hat tip to the SpatulaGoddess)

This is something I really&#160 didn’t need to know.&#160 Mithter Thulu Mister Sulu has come out of the closet.

Or rather, as he tells editor Alexander Cho, “It’s not really coming out, which suggests opening a door and stepping through. It’s more like a long, long walk through what began as a narrow corridor that starts to widen.”

Funny thing about those wide corridors, Georgie boy.&#160 They don’t always wind up where you think they’re going to.

Just sayin’, is all.


Denizens, time for another WITY&#153 to brighten your day.

How long have I been telling you guys that the heterophobic sodomite limp-wrists aren’t the slightest bit interested in our tolerance&#160 of their lifestyle, but in forcing us to express our approval thereof – whether we like it or not?

WorldNetDaily has a report about a pair of lesbo bitches who have filed a complaint against a mom-&-pop-run hotel – because of their beliefs about marriage:

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