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Denizens, now that we’ve passed the new-year threshold…and since, for the first time in a while, I’m finally caught up on most stuff…I intend to do the (what should be) annual “spring cleaning” of the blog.

Meaning, in this case, that sidebar links, etc, will be tested – and those that are found wanting, abandoned, etc, will be summarily removed.&#160 (Yeah, that’ll really show ’em, won’t it?&#160 &#160 )

Anyway, if you look over there, you’ll find two links added – “The Deth Guild” and “TL In Exile”.&#160 Both are exceedingly good reads and well worth your time to go visit.

Once you’ve had your daily dose of My Eternal Wisdom&#153, of course.&#160


Okay, guys, we’re here at the North Dallas Hilton in the mini-headquarters for state reps Dan Branch & John Carona.&#160 We’re in one corner pounding away on the hotel’s wi-fi (thank you, Barron – give my regards to Paris, hm?), and we’ll be here as long as necessary.

Or until one of us passes out from sugar shock, take your pick.

22:14 – Fox News just called Ohio for Bambi.

That’s it.&#160 Goodnight.

Saddle up, fix bayonets, lock & load.

Let the civil war come.

22:00 – North Carolina & Idaho have been called for Romney.&#160 Washington State, Hawaii & Kalifornication go to Bambi.

Mrs. Venomous, we’ve made our last trip to San Diego.

21:52 – Fox News just called Minne-haha for Bambi.

Fuck you, Minne-haha.&#160 DK, get your ass outta there, it’s a lost cause.

21:24 – Fox News is calling Arizona for Romney.

21:13 – Fox News crawl states Republicans will keep the House.

For all the fucking good that’s going to do.

21:11 – The Missouri Senate race has been called for Claire McCaskill.

Fuck you, Missouri.

21:10 – Henderson tells me Montana’s been called for Mitt.

21:00 – Iowa goes to Romney.

20:52 – Back on wi-fi.&#160 Fox News has called Wisconsin & New Hampshire for Bambi, and they show him also ahead in Florida by one.

At this rate, if Bambi takes Florida, it’s over.

At which point, I’ll be looking to buy a helluva lot more ammo.

20:24 – Now on the wireless modem. More reliable then Hilton’s wi-fi.&#160 (Or his daughter’s affections, for that matter.)

20:17 – Fox News is calling Pennsylvania for Bambi.&#160 I’m calling bullshit.

19:57 – And not just in the Presidential race, either – Arkansas has gone completely red for the first time since Reconstruction, according to Hoft.

19:52 – Fox News is projecting Mitt to take Arkansas.&#160 (Take that, Der Kaiser!)

19:51 – Fox News crawl (at least, what I could see of it):&#160 Romney trashing Bambi in Missouri.&#160 Pray for Todd Akin.

19:35 – So far, we have Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee & Oklahoma all for Mitt, while we have fools in Vermont, MassaChewsShits, Noo Joisey (what do you expect from a state that Snooki calls home?), Ill-noise, Rhode Island, DC and (hack, spit) New York (hack, spit).

Will keep updating this as time allows.


Denizens, I was going to offer commentary on all the crap going on in Egypt and the rest of the Middle East, but Misha has it all covered.

Well worth your time, go and read, ThatIsAll&#153.


Kira Davis – I love you!

(She’s been added to the blogroll, in case you hadn’t guessed.&#160


Denizens, today is supposed to be the Bloggers’ Day of Silence in protest for what’s being done to fellow blogger Aaron Walker by He Whom Will Always&#160 Be Known As The “Speedway Bomber”&#153, aka limp-wristed chickenshit short-bussed pusstard Brett Kimberlin, the Boil To End All Boils On The Collective Ass Of Society&#153.

I haven’t blogged, of course, not because of that cowardly faggot Kimberlin – but because I’m up to my ass in work.

C’est la vie.

Nevertheless, I support the effort – and Aaron, soon as I can find some loose change, guy, it’ll be on its way to you.


(Hat tip:&#160 Guido.)

Denizens, I have another homework assignment for you:&#160 This post, authored by the host of Krissy’s Absurdity, is a classic.

Krissy?&#160 Bra.&#160 Freakin’.&#160 Vo.

You.&#160 ROCK.


Denizens, your homework assignment for the weekend is to read this treatise by Zilla of the Resistance.&#160 (It’s a long read, which is why you have all weekend.)&#160 Additional information can also be obtained here and here.

(Yes, that last one is a link to Malicious Malkin’s column, but there’s a reason for it.&#160 Don’t get ahead of me, mkay?)

Today is “Everybody Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day” in the Blogosphere.&#160 This chickenshit needs to be put down like the rabid dog he is, and together we can all play a part in doing so.

Oh, and Kimberlin?&#160 Fuck you, you pussified douchetard.&#160 Try coming after me or mine, and I’ll see to it you don’t go after anyone else.

Bank on that, chickenshit.


With all the talk about how the Ayatollah has just come out of the closet, LC George the Apocryphal Prophet over at the Rott has pretty much nailed it in one:

The real problem as I see it is the next item on the gay rights agenda: adoption.

Most people can agree that the state has no business dictating what two adults do with each other in private, and if they love and trust each other it makes sense to let them enter into a legal union similar to a marriage.

The fact remains though, that the human race perpetuates itself by means of sexual reproduction. It is a simple biological fact that what homosexuals do is not how babies are made, so they can’t have any children unless someone else gives them kids. There is a 97% chance that a given child will grow up to be straight, and therefore will be best served being raised by parents who attempt to exemplify the partnership of man and woman, because that is what will prepare the kids with knowledge of how to conduct themselves toward the opposite sex, and conducting themselves toward the opposite sex is 97% likely to be what they are going to want to do when they get older. I am not expressing any kind of hate toward gay couples here. I’m just pointing out that when it comes to adopting children, it should not be presumed that it is just as well to give a kid to a gay couple as a straight couple. Nevertheless you can count on the gay activist crowd to come unhinged at an argument like this and construe it as some kind of unspeakably vile hate speech. When it gets to the point where we actually should draw the line, will we be willing to do so?

Here’s a brainbender for the lefty crowd:&#160 Suppose they identify the ‘gay gene,’ and suppose they develop a treatment, injected directly into the gonads, that can eliminate the chance of having children with any of a wide range of genetic conditions, including homosexual inclinations. Should people be denied the right of reproductive choice to secure the future existence of homosexuals?

Bammo.&#160 (Well, except for the part about the “love and trust each other” BS – trust me, it may be many things…but it sure as Hell&#153 isn’t love.)


1997.&#160 Kaiser Wilhelm vonSlickmeister had just “won” a second term (he’d faced noted Republican sqush BobDole (no, no typo; he himself pronounces it like its one word, kinda like AlGore), who was so enamored&#160 of our base that he hadn’t even read&#160 the GOP platform, much less agreed to abide thereby), and I was in a most foul mood and not ready to make nice with anyone&#160 even remotely resembling a Leftard.

I had loudly declared my intention to say what I wanted, when&#160 I wanted, and fuck anyone who wanted to do anything about it, bahGawd&#160 (a little Jim Ross lingo, there).&#160 And I was loaded for bear, as the saying goes.

And promptly ran out of time (not to mention inclination) to devote to running my BBS.

Fast forward to today.&#160 I’m in a snarly mood (albeit more because of who’s no longer in the Presidential race and why than because of who will&#160 be in it), I’m ready to tell the Demoscum just what the Hell I think of them, and come say it to my fucking face if you don’t like it, Donktards

…and I’m running out of available time to run this place.

No, no, Denizens – I’m not going anywhere.&#160 Not this&#160 time, anyway.&#160 But I’ve got rants all ready to go about Mittens Rommerhoid, Newt, Santorum, Malicious Malkin and her cunt-lapping sycophants over at Little Green Snot Malkinballs II, plus&#160 the Dullest Moaning Snooze – and I don’t get home ’til damned near 10:00 at night nowadays, fall into my Comfy Chair&#153 and promptly drop off the face of the Blogosphere&#153.

This is no way to run a blog.&#160 Grrrrrrr.


Fox News Channel is reporting confirming that Rick Perry is planning to perform the dreaded “suspension” of his presidential campaign.&#160 There’s supposedly a 10:00a (CT) news conference scheduled.

If this is true, I will be later on delivering the Mother Of All Political Rants&#153 against a certain Filipina skank bitch and her little toadie cunt-licking sycophants.

Stay tuned.


(Hat tip Aggie Sith.)

Denizens, your Homework Assignment&#153 is to go read this treatise written by The Curtal Friar at Fountain Abbey.

Basically, this says what I said, only moreso.&#160 But it’s damned well written, and I encourage you to avail yourselves thereof.

Now go.&#160 Shoo.

Oh, and, uh, by the way:&#160 Five.&#160


Denizens, welcome to this week’s edition of the Perfect Football Weekend&#153.

Arlington Heights gets its season ended by Birdville tonight, fifth-ranked Smurf Turf Douchebag State proves once again it can’t beat TCU without their so-called “trickeration” (they’ll win, but they’ll have to use trick plays to do so), sixth-ranked Oklahoma has the week off, so we’ll plug in 18th-ranked Wisconsin at UMinne-haha, 19th-ranked Nebraska is at 12th-ranked Penn State, and Dallas has Beefalo at home on Sunday.

And I’m not pontificating on the games this weekend, because I’ve got a Red Curtain o’ Blood&#153 covering my eyes RightAboutNow&#153, and a certain Filipina bitch – not to mention a lot of other Lame-Assed Media&#153 types – are at the top of my shit list.

Some background.&#160 A damned good man lost his job today, and he lost it for the CARDINAL, UNFORGIVABLE SIN!!!!11!!!ONE!!1!ELEVENTYMILLION!!1!…of following Pennsylvania state law.

I refer, of course, to Joe Paterno.

For the first time in almost a half-century, someone other than Joe Paterno is calling the shots at Penn State.

The winningest coach in major college football history was fired Wednesday night

A good man is now persona non grata&#160 with a great many shitheaded asshats around this country simply because he followed Pennsylvania state law and delivered a second-hand report from an underling about a criminal incident that he did not personally witness.&#160 Paterno went to his athletic director, as he should have done, and reported what he had been told.&#160 Yet, he is being treated as a pariah by those of the Fifth Column&#153 who think they’re entitled to be the moral arbiters of us all.

And whether Joe Paterno was initially told the lurid specifics of that 2002 rape or not, the reports that say that Jerry Sandusky still had access to the locker room, still had an office, and still was entitled to roam the Penn State campus defy all definitions of responsible adult behavior.

What does it take for someone, knowing Sandusky’s questioned past, to go to somebody in charge — the athletic director, the school president, the police — and ask, “What’s that pervert doing near this football team?”

Instead, having failed to expel one-time assistant coach and defensive coordinator Sandusky, the people at Penn State tried to pull a rug over the situation.

Because they could.

What, because you&#160 say so, Gil LeBretard?&#160 And pray tell, what gives you the right to pass judgment over Joe Paterno?&#160 Or any of us, for that matter?

And then there’s that Filipina skank, Michelle “Malicious” Malkin.

And now, it’s college football. The failures to act, the cover up, the rationalizations all echo each other — and also mirror the institutionalized failures, cover ups, and rationalizations of Catholic Church officials who enabled pedophiles to prey on innocent young victims entrusted to their care and oversight across the country.

The systemic enabling of child sexual predators is an unspeakable evil. So is willful ignorance about the sordid details of the case.

The latest developments? It looks like Joe Paterno will get off and get out easy.

Yeah, Malicious?&#160 Tell me – when do you get your&#160 comeuppance for what you did to Rick Perry, hm?&#160 When do you get shunned and frog-marched (as you apparently want to do with JoePa) for whining & sniveling about Tina Brown’s “stupid photo tricks” against your honeygirl, Michelle Bachmann, then four days later did the exact same fucking thing to Governor Perry?

The point, skank, in case you can’t keep up:&#160 Who the hell appointed you, or anyone like you, to be the definitive moral arbiter of all of us?&#160 What gives you, or this pusstard excuse-for-a-police-commissioner Fwankie Noonan, any business to stand up there on a pedestal and say what any&#160 of us should&#160 do?&#160 WHO MADE YOU THE BOSSES OF US, YOU BASTARDS?!

And now Joe Paterno, who had a 61-year career setting the definitive example of how a football program, college, pro or otherwise, should be run, is treated as less than pond scum and unceremoniously dumped from a job he loved, all because a bunch of fuckheaded, asstastic piles of shit decided to impose their own moral values on him and say he should&#160 have done something a lot of them probably wouldn’t have had the balls to do themselves in his stead?

Ever noticed how the same ones who snivel, piss & moan about Christians supposedly imposing their values on others suddenly decide it’s okay for them&#160 to do so when it involves their own&#160 half-assed excuses-for-values being imposed.

Fuck ’em.&#160 Just fuck all&#160 of ’em.&#160

UPDATE:&#160 Oh, and not to put too&#160 fine a point thereupon (and yes, I know this doesn’t mean shit to anyone outside this blog – give me credit for still realizing the world doesn’t revolve around me)…from this point forward into perpetuity, a Perfect Football Weekend&#153 will be declared on the spot, regardless of how the rest of my teams do, anytime Penn State gets its ass handed to them.

Meaning, for example, that if Nebraska wins this weekend, it’s an automatic PFW, even if I go 0-4 with the other squads.

Fuck you, Penn State “trustees”.&#160 I wouldn’t trust you now with my shit, much less my kid.


Looks like Malicious Malkin is having a little trouble handling the flak she’s rightly getting for her continuous kvetching about Rick Perry.

(UPDATE:&#160 You might be thinking that it’s no big deal that ol’ Malicious comments in her own thread.&#160 Unless you’ve been reading her for a while, and realize that she hardly ever&#160 comments in her threads, much less leaves a second&#160 one – like this was.)

In response to this comment

On September 15th, 2011 at 4:18 pm, theporch said:

I have been reading Michelle’s site for several years now. Seems like she has nothing good to say about any of the Republicans running for office. It seems she is wanting to ensure that obummer gets reelected in 2012. I have in the past, almost exclusively agreed with Michelle but something has changed. She seems to have changed. I have come to the conclusions that she has become very bitter. Sorry Michelle.

…ol’ Malicious bleated the following:

Where do you see “bitterness” in the post above?

It’s all over the fucking post, Malicious, and if you could see what you’ve become from the standpoint of…say…eight months ago, when your little cousin Marizela disappeared…you’d be shocked.&#160 Hell, I’m surprised you haven’t yet accused Rick Perry of having been complicit in that disappearance.

But that’s coming, I’m sure.&#160 Give it time.

I made a carefully thought out argument against appeals to emotion as a governing tactic, while at the same time acknowledging that we all have personal stories about the ravages of cancer.

No, you didn’t.&#160 You as much as said, “Hey, lookit me, Rick!&#160 I can ante up with the human interest story, too!!!&#160 And at least I&#160 didn’t try to force Gardasil down my&#160 brother-in-law’s or best friend’s throat, you Hitleresque monster!!!!!1!!ONE!!!1!!ELEVENTYTHOUSANDTEEN!!!!!1!~

As for detecting some kind of “bitter” tone on my blog:

Yeah, skank – “bitter”.&#160 As in, you hate Rick Perry, you’ve shown&#160 you hate him, he’s the only Republican candidate you photoshopped, after&#160 you ripped Newsweek’s Tina Brown a new one for doing the same thing to your honeygirl Michelle “When’d Elvis die again?” Bachmann, and you barely touched on yet another stupid-assed comment she made about Gardasil & mental retardation (h/t Misha).

In fact, you haven’t treated any of the other&#160 GOP candidates that way – oh, but fucking hell no, there’s not one shred of bitterness&#160 there, is there?

I invest considerable research and time into every post, providing background links and citations and striving to be as honest, fair, and thorough as I can be. I try to give as much credit as is due to others. I provide a diverse mix of topics every day of the week.


Bull.&#160 Fucking.&#160 Shit.

Pure, unadulterated, 100%, non-biodegradable bullshit.

You decided early on that you hated Rick Perry, and have done nothing but provide “background links and citations” to support your festering hatred of him.

You were even pointed to a site that gave an even-handed analysis of what people were saying about Perry – but instead of giving any thoughtful consideration thereto, evaluating it for what it was and giving a heads-up-and-thanks to the author for going to all the trouble to do his&#160 research, your&#160 “honest, fair and through as I can be” response to it was this.

Nonsense. Where does that post “debunk” Perry’s trampling of the deliberative process, human shield demagoguery, any of the FACTS included in my column about fed CDC chairman’s own opposition to mandating Gardasil for school enrollment, key difference between communicable diseases like measles vs. STDS, or the disingenuousness of Perry’s so-called walkbacks.

That post doesn’t “debunk.” It makes excuses.

You haven’t been nearly&#160 as “honest, fair and thorough” with Herman Cain, your honeygirl Bachmann, Ron the Paultard, Mittens Romney, Timmeh Pawlenty (of shit), or any of the other&#160 Republican candidates.

Or, for that matter, candidate wannabes.&#160 I’m still waiting for your hit piece on Sarah Palin and your photoshop of Donald Trump.

Guess I shouldn’t hold my breath, should I?

I mix serious posts with fun posts, timely topical news with cultural commentary, original reporting and aggregation.

No, you pretty much mix in some criticism of Bambi and snark about Moo-chelle the First Wookiiee with all your screeching about Rick Perry.

In fact, about the only humor on your half-assed electronic rag nowadays comes from…

Guest blogger Doug Powers adds stimulating and entertaining contributions while holding down a full time job with a family.

And here comes the straw blogger, right on time.

Really, Malicious, what was the point about even mentioning him, anyway?&#160 What’s he got to do with your abject hatred of Rick Perry?&#160 That is&#160 what all your gaseous, nauseous bloviating has been about, isn’t it?

If all you want is GOP pep rallies, I invite you in the most non-bitter way possible, to please go somewhere else.

Y’know, I seem to remember some other blogger saying roughly the same thing.&#160 What was his name again…Chavo…Chili…Chan…Chuckles…

Ah, yes!&#160 Charles “Chuckles” Johnson, the guy that ran Little Green Snotballs into the ground.&#160 You remember Chuckles, don’t you, Malicious?&#160 How he started out as one of us, right after 9/11 – then, slowly, gradually came to the point where the conservative movement was anathema to him?

Where he turned on us, and started banning people left & right, ’til it was only him, Sharmuta, Kilgore Trout and a handful of retarded, liberal hangers-on?

That’s where you’re headed, Malicious.&#160 When Perry gets the nomination, I fully expect anyone who says a decent thing about him on that rag of yours will find him/herself bounced in short order.

And I can’t say I’ll be terribly surprised.&#160 That’s what happens when a self-important bimboid becomes consumed with irresponsible, irrational hatred.

Enjoy the screaming fit you have over President Perry, Malicious.&#160 We conservatives will be laughing our asses off – all the way to the White House.


Denizens, the more astute amongst you will have noticed by now that the name of Michelle Malkin no longer graces the blogroll.

(Not that that fact has any major significance beyond my feeble mind – as I’ve said before, give me at least partial credit for realizing that the world doesn’t revolve around me.&#160 Still.)

There’s a reason for that – this.

I’m far less aggravated by Gov. Perry’s injudicious toss-off remarks than I am by his profoundly troubling, liberty-curtailing actions in office and his fresh batch of specious rationalizations for them. My syndicated column today dissects Perry’s recent, so-called “walk backs” of his odious Gardasil vaccine mandate for children. I’ve written and reported on vaccine bullies in the schools and on informed parental authority over vaccines previously. But as you’ll see from my column below, Perry defenders who dismiss critics as “single-issue” activists are willfully blind to the Gardasil disgrace’s multiple layers of rottenness.

Yeah, well, I’m&#160 far less pissed off about Shelley’s knee-jerk (emphasis on that last part) leap to conclusions than I am about the fact that she seems overly eager to do the work of the Lame Stream Media&#153 for them.&#160 The RCOB&#153 is also intensified by the fact that, just as we finally have the candidate that will undoubtedly kick B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi’s skanky Kenyan ass out of the White House, along comes the self-named, self-important moral arbiter&#160 of all things conservative, to loudly, screechingly proclaim to the GOP masses that Rick Perry just isn’t conservative&#160 enough for her tastes.

Now, a lot of this bitch’s ass-kissing sycophants will call, and have been calling, this whole rip job of hers a “vetting”.&#160 As if he’s supposed to just stand there, bend over & take it up the ass from all the Torquemadas of the Right, the so-called guardians&#160 of conservative purity, and be effin’ grateful for the privilege!&#160 (“Thank you, sir, may I have another?”)


This is a vetting.&#160 A dispassionate, logically presented, fair & balanced analysis on all the points against Rick Perry, with a corresponding link to positive things being said about the governor and the reader invited to make up his or her own mind.

If Shelley the Asian Bimbette&#153 were the slightest bit interested in a fair, balanced, dispassionate “vetting”, would she have published this picture on top of the post?

Almost as if to imply (if not state outright) that Rick Perry is the Merck Antichrist.

And as if that&#160 weren’t bad enough – and, by Gawd, dont’cha think it oughta be? – her little unflattering photoshop job on the guv comes on the heels of her kvetching…of stupid photo tricks the leftard media pulls on her honeygirl Michelle Bachmann (among others):

Sigh. Seriously, Tina Brown?

Yes, I’m talking about you, Oxford University-educated Newsweek/Daily Beast editor Tina Brown.

You’ve resorted to recycling bottom-of-the-barrel moonbat photo cliches about conservative female public figures and their enraged “crazy eyes?” Really?

Who’s in charge of Newsweek cover graphics now — a Media Matters Soros Monkey? A random Daily Kos commenter? Keith Olbermann’s intern’s intern?


Rep. Bachmann is unabashedly conservative, willing to take both parties’ leaders to task, passionate about her work, popular with grass-roots activists on the Right, committed to reining in the size, scope, and power of government, and yes, expressive. For all this, she must be destroyed.

No doubt the editors and photog will deny doing anything to make Bachmann look bad.

Kinda like the liberties you&#160 took with Rick Perry, Shelley babe?&#160 PotKettleBlack&#153 much, you little shit-for-brains media whore?

It should be clear to anyone who thinks with the head on their shoulders (as opposed to the other one) that you clearly hate Rick Perry and will stop short of very little (if anything) to see that he doesn’t get the GOP nomination.&#160 This wasn’t a “vetting” – it was a fucking hit piece, a smear designed to injure Rick Perry’s (and the GOP’s) chances for the White House.&#160 Thereby ensuring another four years of Al-Obambi – because if anyone thinks that Mittens, Bachmann, etc, have a Snowball’s Chance&#153 of beating Bambi in 2012, I have a bridge I wanna sell ya.

In fact, Shelleyslut, you were apprised of Peskytruth’s analysis.&#160 And here’s what you had to say about that:

Nonsense. Where does that post “debunk” Perry’s trampling of the deliberative process, human shield demagoguery, any of the FACTS included in my column about fed CDC chairman’s own opposition to mandating Gardasil for school enrollment, key difference between communicable diseases like measles vs. STDS, or the disingenuousness of Perry’s so-called walkbacks.

That post doesn’t “debunk.” It makes excuses.

Bullshit.&#160 It offers an analysis of Perry’s record without any of the screeching hatred you’ve developed for him.&#160 That the CDC chair-critter opposed any sort of mandate is completely irrelavant.&#160 That Gardasil themselves didn’t recommend it doesn’t mean a damned thing.&#160 If they were that&#160 doubtful about it, why’d they even submit it to the FDA for approval?

No, Shelley, you little bimboid harpy, you hate Rick Perry.&#160 So much so that you’re willing to even violate your own standards in order to see him defeated.&#160 You bitch when it’s done to Bachmann, but you’re willing to do far worse to Perry.&#160 You’re no fucking better than the lame-assed media whores you bitch about.

ESAD, you stupid-assed skank.

Oh, and one other thing…

As for the ridiculous idea that scrutinizing Perry’s much-bragged-out gubernatorial record is tantamount to “smearing” him, toughen up, buttercups. This is just the beginning of 2012 campaign heat. Limited government activists already know Perry’s ready, willing, and able to dish it out against them. If Perry can’t take it from supposed allies and friends on his own side of the aisle, why should he be trusted as the GOP contender against our Democratic enemies?

This from the retarded little Filipina trollop who’s always the first to whine & snivel about the hate mail she gets.

Real piece of work, ain’t ya, dumbass?

But anytime you’re feeling froggy and wanna come down here to Texas and call me “buttercup”, little chickenshit-ette, have at it.

Let’s see what it gets you, bitch.


…comes from “Another Drew” on Patterico’s board, when he says…

There is now conclusive evidence that Osama Bin Laden is dead. Last week he registered to vote in Chicago.

Thread winner.&#160 Blog winner.&#160 Blogosphere winner.

The competition can stop now.&#160


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