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First we were “a mob” (that is, according to Lloyd “Satan” Doggett).

Then we might as well have been called Nazis because we were “carrying swastikas”.

And now&#160 we’re “un-American”.

However, it is now evident that an ugly campaign is underway not merely to misrepresent the health insurance reform legislation, but to disrupt public meetings and prevent members of Congress and constituents from conducting a civil dialogue. These tactics have included hanging in effigy one Democratic member of Congress in Maryland and protesters holding a sign displaying a tombstone with the name of another congressman in Texas, where protesters also shouted “Just say no!” drowning out those who wanted to hold a substantive discussion.

Just so you know, Piglousi, a “substantive discussion” means that your water-carriers meet with their constituents and they talk with&#160 us, rather than at&#160 us.&#160 And then – and, I might say, even before that – they listen to us.&#160 And then – being our representatives – they do what we tell them to do.

Now, what part of any of that did you not understand, O Shrieker of the House?

These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American. Drowning out the facts is how we failed at this task for decades.

No, beeyotch, you “failed” at this task precisely because we heard you loud and clear.

Let’s get one thing straight, bimbo.&#160 Your party won because of the level of derangement amongst 52% of the voting populace towards George W. Bush.&#160 And that&#160 was because of your pussies in the leftard lapdog media and their&#160 hatred of Dubya.&#160 It certainly&#160 didn’t have anything to do with health care, trust me.

Now, because of a narrow four-point victory – in an election that wasn’t exactly above-board, with a candidate who still&#160 hasn’t proven his eligibility, you bastards think you have some sort of mandate???&#160 And that anyone who would dare&#160 raise the slightest objection is labelled “un-American”?&#160 Or worse???&#160 From a party that almost literally squeamed when anyone dared question their patriotism?

I’m not questioning it – I’m challenging it outright.&#160 You little needle-dicked leftist crapweasels don’t fuckin’ have any.&#160 You bastards hate America and all for which it stands, and are trying to impose your twisted morality on the rest of us at the point of a fucking gun.

Looks like it’s just about time to pick up a certain can…

UPDATE:&#160 And once again I’ll defer, Piggly & Dingy, to the Secretary of State of the U.S.:


A quote to start your week.&#160 Got this from commenter “THJim” over at Redstate (and it’s a damned shame I missed it the first time):

“…We’ve always known that Democrats are antiwar. We’ve always known we can’t really count on them for the national defense. But we have finally seen with whom they will go to war: The American people who disagree with them.”

-Rush Limbaugh August 7th, 2009

“Indeed”, as the Puppy Blender&#153 might say.


And so it begins.

Union thugs & goons attacked senior citizens and other protestors last night at townhall meetings in Tampa & St. Louis.

This comes on the heels of Al-Obambi encouraging their brownshirts to “punch back twice as hard” against America’s citizens during these meetings.

You people who’ve wrung your hands in angst every time one of us mentions a second civil war?&#160 Think this all can be resolved sans&#160 bloodshed and violence now?

War is coming, people.&#160 Bank on it, and prepare.


(Grudging hat tip to Politico, via Michelle.)

Just come try it, Lanny, you needle-dicked, cocksucking little coward.

Let’s have the media name names, publish photographs, and do interviews of those responsible for approving, even organizing these techniues. And let’s find an investigative journalist – are there many left – to prove these so-called grassroots shouters are, or are not, being paid.


I have two words for any Demoscummic pussy who would scream “RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIIIIISSSSSSMMMMMMM!!!!!!”&#160 over conservative opposition to Consuela Oscar-mayer:

Miguel.&#160 Estrada.

I have three more&#160 words if you leftist fucks still have a problem with it:

Janice.&#160 Rogers.&#160 Brown.

Now I have six words for the GOP:

Grow.&#160 A.&#160 Pair.

Take.&#160 Her.&#160 On.


Denizens, one thing that pisses the snot outta me about libtards – indeed, one thing that damn near puts an RCOB&#153 around all our eyes is the snot-nosed, elitist notion that, not only are they more intelligent than you, more feeling and caring than you, more thenthitive sensitive&#160 than you – they also believe that they’re more sophisticate, more nuanced – yea, better&#160 than you.&#160 When in fact, of course, all they really are is far & away more pussified and estrogenatified&#160 (a little Shrubya lingo, there) than we on the right ever thought about being.

It is with that in mind that the aforementioned RCOB&#153 falls over my eyes when I read a column appearing in the political department of a site called 411mania.com.

411mania.com, you may be interested in knowing, is a site dedicated to writing about different & myriad things – among them, politics, music, entertainment gossip, professional wrestling, and posting the occasional pictures of Kim Kardashian’s ample ass.&#160 Which is to say, the only halfway-decent pieces of shit to come out of this particular website are the wrestling writing and the pictures of Kim Kardashian’s ample ass.

Everything else is just abject pussified bullshit.&#160 Such as this column written by a douchebag named “Enrique” who maintains that, yes, waterboarding is torture and anyone who doesn’t agree simply isn’t worthy of being heard.

As the debate over waterboarding-as-torture has unfolded over the last few years, several brave souls/attention whores have voluntarily subjected themselves to the procedure, including the likes of writer/bon vivant Christopher Hitchens and Fox News reporter Steve Harrigan.

Harrigan I don’t know – not that I’d care about him if I did&#160 know him.

Hitchens, though, I’d personally plant in a foxhole in Afghanistan for 48 hours, then bring him up just to see to whom he was praying.&#160 Just for shits & giggles, you understand.

On Friday, Matthew “Mancow” Muller became the latest willing waterboard victim during a segment on his popular radio program.

Ex-squeeze me?&#160 Baking powder?&#160 There’s a radio program hosted by someone named Mancow?

Actually, I tend to like what Guest #1613 had to say in comments about that:

since when does mancow have a popular radio show? Doesn’t it actually have to be played in major markets to be popular?

Preach it, brother.

After only a few seconds and less than a gallon of water, the shivering rightwing talker had to admit waterboarding is “absolutely torture.”

Yeah, well – when he becomes a bona fide&#160 expert on what constitutes “torture” and what doesn’t, maybe he might gain a little street cred.

For now, though, it’s gonna take more than the word of someone who goes by the name “Mancow” to convince me that what they were doing to Khalid Sheikh Mohammad constituted “torture”.

C’mon, “Enrique”.&#160 I’ll wait.

And excuse me for asking, but since when was “Mancow” ever considered a conservative?&#160 We got anything to back that up?

Two points: First, according to publicly available information, no more than three alleged terrorists in U.S. custody have been waterboarded, meaning that several more people have waterboarded themselves recreationally

And of course, we won’t talk about the scores of military personnel who undergo this type of treatment as part of their combat training.&#160 I guess they don’t count, you see.

Certainly they don’t to the Pussified Left&#153.

than were waterboarded as part of the so-called Global War on Terror.

Excuse me, “Enrique”?&#160 “So-called” Global War on Terror?&#160 Have you not been paying attention during the last eight years or so?&#160 Or do you supposed we can just make nicey-nice to those poor, old misunderstood ragheads Arabs and see – just see&#160 what it is they want, hm?

Second, any suggestion that waterboarding isn’t torture simply isn’t serious.

What, “Enrique”, because you&#160 say so?.&#160 The Ultamate Moral Authority&#153 on all our lives?&#160 He Who Can Tell Us What To Think Or Believe At Will&#153?&#160 You don’t want to call us “serious” because we happen to think you’re a dumb fuck when it comes to the definition of “torture”?

Would you like to “seriously” try saying that to a military man’s face, for example?&#160 See how “serious” he or she thinks it really it?

Hell, I think I’d pay real money&#160 to see that.

Although waterboarding doesn’t appear to cause lasting physical damage, it obviously falls under any reasonable person’s definition of torture.

Because, of course, it doesn’t cause lasting physical damage.&#160 Unlike beheading, connecting an auto battery to the nipples, lashes across the back with a whip/cane/what have you, which our pussy “Enrique” here apparently doesn’t&#160 consider “torture”.

Conservatives might conceivably be able to argue that such low-impact torture should be legal in certain circumstances (even if those circumstances are extraordinarily unlikely to ever occur)

You’re damned right we can make that argument, dumbass.&#160 Just ask the aforementioned Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who gave up information after undergoing waterboarding that prevented potentially several thousand Americans from being hurt or killed.

Oh, but you can’t make the case for extended interrogation techniques.&#160 Doesn’t work, after all.&#160

But anyone who claims waterboarding is not torture – such as Liz Cheney did on Good Morning America – should be politely dismissed from the realm of civil discourse.

And any limp-wristed, pansy-assed douchebag pussy named “Enrique” who seriously thinks that should be taken out back and had the shit beaten out of him for wanting to deny us our right to express our opinion.

Get the motherfucker within five feet of me and I’ll be happy to volunteer.

Dumbshit little fucknozzle.&#160


(Hat tip Gateway Pundit.)

Yet more of the Tolerant Left&#153.

I could only make it through the first minute before the Red Curtain O’ Blood&#153 set in.&#160 Perhaps you’ll have better luck.

It’s a damned good thing I wasn’t there at the Correspondents’ Dinner.&#160 There would have been some guaran-damn-teed Ass Kickage-ery&#153 going down – starting with that female impersonator who greeted the Rumsfelds at the door and going from there.

And no – I’m not&#160 kidding, nor am I practicing hyperbole.&#160 That ass-clownish bitch would have hit the floor with a broken jaw two seconds after opening her skanky piehole.

Code Pinko and the rest of you Short-Bus leftards, take heed:&#160 You’re running out of room to push us before the Shit Hits The Fan&#153.

Trust me – you don’t&#160 want that to happen.


People’s Exhibit Number 717,468 of how the leftist media is in the tank for the Ayatollah:

Idle thought:&#160 When the SHTF&#153, the first lampposts should probably be reserved for the media.


Hm.&#160 So now I’m a “right-wing radical” and an “extremist”.

The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in “rightwing extremist activity,” saying the economic recession, the election of America’s first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias.

A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines “rightwing extremism in the United States” as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.

I see.&#160 So the Founding Fathers were themselves radicals & extremists.

Nice to know I’m in such honored company.

(U) Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.

Let’s see…

Anti-government?&#160 Anti-this&#160 government.&#160 Check.

Prefer state/local government over some tin-plated bureaucrat with a pathetic comb-over trying to tell me how to live my life, what vehicle I can drive, how much gas mileage it has to get, how much so-called “pollutants” it dumps into the atmosphere, paper or plastic, etc?&#160 Check.

Opposition to immigration?&#160 Yeah, the illegal variety.&#160 Check.

Opposition to abortion?.&#160 Yeah, absolutely.&#160 Check.

Yep, guess that makes me an “extremist”.

Or one majorly pissed-off, had-it-up-to-here with-a-bunch-of-socialist-pussies American citizen.

You decide.


Another day, another Red Curtain O’ Blood&#153.

So lemme get this straight:&#160 Timmy-boy “Tuubo Tax-Cheat” Geithner not only thinks that Al-Obambi’s forcing-out of Rick Wagoner at GM head wasn’t unconstitutional – he’s got the hots to do it again.

Days after GM’s CEO Rick Wagoner was forced out by the Obama administration, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner left open the possibility that such moves could happen again.

In an interview with CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric, Geithner acknowledged the government has had to do “exceptional things” – citing AIG as well as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Yes.&#160 “Exceptional things”.&#160 Like illegally “firing” a corporate CEO using extortion to get a corporate CEO to quit a job with which Al-Obambi had no business or right to interfere in the first place.

Very nice, Timmy Taxcheat.&#160 Very Mafia-like.&#160 Tony Soprano would be proud of youse.


When asked if he would leave open the option to pressure a bank CEO to resign, Geithner replied: “Of course.”

Shame I don’t own a bank.&#160 I’d love to see him try it with me.&#160 Somehow, I don’t think he’d like my response.

Geithner also skirted criticism that the Treasury Department still has no mechanism for tracking how banks have spent billions of dollars in TARP money, saying the doled out dollars were showing immediate results.

“Interest rates are now at historic lows … for mortgages,” he said. “Millions of Americans are now able to refinance and take advantage of those interest rates. That’s gonna reduce monthly payments very materially for millions of Americans.”

Oh, go fuck yourself, Timmy Taxcheat.&#160 You didn’t have shit to do with that, and both you and the Ayatollah damned well know it.&#160 Mortgage rates were on their way down long before your boy (yeah, I said “boy” – what of it?) even thought&#160 of winning stealing the election, so don’t even&#160 think about trying to take credit for that, assclown!

Geithner acknowledged the enormity of the crisis but said a unified effort would help reverse the financial downturn.

“We’re gonna have setbacks ahead,” he said.

Yes, I’d say pitchforks & torches definitely&#160 count as “setbacks”.

“And that’s why it’s so important that we’re moving together with the world to try to make sure we bring recovery back. And the world is with the president on this.”

Oh, sure you do, Timmy Taxcheat.&#160 China’s been criticizing the Ayatollah for his spending; Putin’s been warning you bastards not to go down the path of socialism, and Sarkozy is even threatening to walk out of the G-20 conference, and he&#160 agrees with you!

Try again, Taxcheat Boy.&#160 Use some reality this time, mkay?


If I were an employee of AIG – one that had earned a multi-million-dollar bonus for which I’d negotiated a contract, that is – I think I might have this to tell both AIG and the Imperial Socialist Congress:

Dear AIG – and not-so-dear Imperial Socialist Fuckwits in what used to be an honorable deliberative body known as Congress:

Unlike a lot of you pissweasels, I actually work&#160 for my living.&#160 Moreover, as a person living in a heretofore capitalist society, I – meaning, my skills & talents, my experience my efforts are all worth whatever the market is willing to pay for me/them.+

This includes, but is not limited to, base salary, incentives of all sorts and whatever bonuses (bonusii?) I can fairly negotiate with whatever company has me in its employ at any given time.

The bonus I received from AIG was given to me as part of AIG’s contractural obligation to me – I know very damned few of you pussies up there in DC have ever even heard&#160 of a contract, much less been a part of one, but work with me here, mkay? – and it was a bonus that I negotiated with AIG in good faith&#160 for either doing what I was hired to do or for not taking my ass and bolting to the competition once the initial contract was up.&#160 In other words, you bastards, that money is mine, it was legally earned, fair & square, and I resent the hell out of any leftist dickbreath that dares to even suggest&#160 that it wasn’t.

In fact, it was one of your own, Senator-ette Chrissy Dodd-ering-Idiot (Communist-Connecticut), who had the idea to put my bonus in the damned stimulus package to begin with!

Now here comes the Imperial Socialist Congress gonna tax mll the money I earlned fairly & squarely.

And what kind of representation do I get for my confiscatory and Draconian taxation?&#160 Not very damned much – a lot of squabbling and finger-pointing, but not a helluva lotta leadership.&#160 Then again, that’s pretty much been the case since the Demoscum regained control back in 2004, isn’t it?&#160 And I note that no one really wants to talk about the $630,000 in campaign contributions, part of which went to the selfsame Chrissy Dodd-ering-Idiot and his White House henchman, B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi, have they?&#160 Not to mention the nearly $60,000 given to the RINO John-boy McLame, huh?

So go ahead and try to take my hard-earned money, asslicks.&#160 See how many tax shelters I can find, how many money-losing businesses I can invest in, etc, in order to keep from having to pay you one red fuckin’ cent&#160 of that money.

Or perhaps how many attorneys I can pay to sue your asses into obliviion.&#160 Whether I have a case or not – it’ll be worth it just to see your skanky asses squirm, just for once.

Not to mention how many guns & how much ammo that bonus money will buy.&#160 If you know what I mean.


A pissed-off AIG’er


Roland Burris, a Constitutionally-appointed replacement U.S. Senator from the state of Illinois, so appointed by a lawful sitting U.S. state governor who followed the process outlined in the United States Constitution, has been denied his lawful seat in the United States Senate by Dingy Harry Reid.

Oh – did I mention that Burris is black?

Failed comic and character actor Al Franken has claimed one of the U.S. Senate seats from Minnesota – despite not having clearly earned it (he currently “leads” the Senate race amidst some extremely&#160 strong evidence that the Demoscum in Minnehaha stole the election through bogus voter registration, fradulent voting and fradulent/illegal vote-counting.

It will be interesting to see whether or not Dingy Harry decides to seat Franken.

Oh – did I mention that Franken is white?

Your move, leftard racists Demoscum.


The strongman governor of Ill-noise has been arrested and taken into custody:

llinois Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich and his Chief of Staff, John Harris, were arrested today by FBI agents on federal corruption charges alleging that they and others are engaging in ongoing criminal activity: conspiring to obtain personal financial benefits for Blagojevich by leveraging his sole authority to appoint a United States Senator; threatening to withhold substantial state assistance to the Tribune Company in connection with the sale of Wrigley Field to induce the firing of Chicago Tribune editorial board members sharply critical of Blagojevich; and to obtain campaign contributions in exchange for official actions – both historically and now in a push before a new state ethics law takes effect January 1, 2009.

Or, as they call it in Shit-caca, “business as usual”.

And you damnfools just elected one of The Machine’s&#153 own.&#160 Nice.

Demoscummic dumb-asses.


And we thought Das Klintonreich went after its enemies.

The goons of B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi, in their daily roles of governmental flunkies & hacks, have been poring over more of Joe The Plumber&#153’s records than was first thought.

A state agency has revealed that its checks of computer systems for potential information on “Joe the Plumber” were more extensive than it first acknowledged.

Helen Jones-Kelley, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, disclosed today that computer inquiries on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher were not restricted to a child-support system.

The agency also checked Wurzelbacher in its computer systems to determine whether he was receiving welfare assistance or owed unemployment compensation taxes, she wrote.

Gee, such prurient – and unconstitutional, I might add – interest in a private citizen.&#160 It’s almost like he dared point out the the emperor had no clothes.

Oh, wait…

Jones-Kelley made the revelations in a letter to Ohio Senate President Bill M. Harris, R-Ashland, who demanded answers on why state officials checked out Wurzelbacher.

Harris called the multiple records checks “questionable” and said he awaits more answers. “It’s kind of like Big Brother is looking in your pocket,” he said.

If state employees run checks on every person listed in newspaper stories as buying a business, “it must take a lot of people a lot of time to run these checks,” he said. “Where do you draw the line?”

Offhand, I’d say they draw it at people who dare call Flopears McHopenchange what he is – that being a pussified, ball-less, dickless wonder of a socialist.

Which reminds me:&#160 Hey, ObamaNazis!!!&#160 I’m still waiting for you chickenshits to get “in my face” like your Messiah wants you to!

Hurry up, pansy-asses!&#160 I ain’t got all day!

Wurzelbacher became a household name when Republican presidential hopeful John McCain frequently referred to “Joe the Plumber” during his Oct. 15 debate with Democrat nominee Barack Obama. The checks began the next day.

Wurzelbacher, who has endorsed and campaigned for McCain, had been caught on videotape challenging Obama about his tax proposals during a campaign visit to “Joe’s” neighborhood in the Toledo suburb of Holland.

Republicans have painted the checks on Wurzelbacher as a politically motivated bid by Democrats to dig up dirt and discredit the McCain ally. The Obama campaign has said it has no ties to the checks and supports investigations.

Bullshit, bullshit and more bullshit.

You’ve now proven, Obambi, that you’re nothing more than a lying skank bitch.&#160 Had a Demoscum went and challeneged McCain, I’ll bet you your so-called “tax cuts” that not only would nothing have happened to him, he’d have been praised as a “Hero to the Fatherland”.

Which would be appropriate, given your nature and that of your campaign.

This is how the pussy intends to govern, sports fans.&#160 Just like Hitler.

And we all remember how that&#160 turned out, don’t we?


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