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President Obama, after breaking the bank with his “stimulus” spending, now wants us to believe that he is going to limit the Federal budget. Check this out.

“President Barack Obama is expected to make post-recession spending restraint a key theme of his State of the Union address in January and an important element of the budget he submits to Congress a few weeks later. He is under increasing pressure, including from moderate and conservative members of his own party, to show he is serious about tackling a deficit that has become both an economic and political liability.”

All I can say is that anyone who actually believes this tripe should be declared legally incompetent.


While Venomous is celebrating his birthday, we have some news which shouldn’t surprise anyone, even though it is highly irritating.

It seems that our incompetent excuse for a chief executive has once again decided that the American President bows to foreign heads. Check here for details.

In my opinion, such activity qualifies as a high crime or a misdemeanor. Unfortunately, our sorry excuse for a congress will not even consider impeachment proceedings.


…this time, on a planetary scale.

I can’t remember the last time I was so pleased that “US – Ewe Ess” (a little Paul Harvey lingo, there) lost a competition.

Remember all the pundits, wonks & wags speculating that Shit-cago was about to get the 2016 Summer Olympics?&#160 “Word on the street is that it’s a done deal…” – remember?

And why was that?&#160 Because The Messiah Hisownself&#153, B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi was Going(going…going…oing) To(to…to…ooo) Copenhagen(hagen…hagen…agen) to get those selfsame Olympics as a present for all those dead people in Shit-cago who voted for him more than 14 times.

And all the aforementioned pundits, wonks & wags were making GagaEyes&#153 about it all:&#160 “Well, you just know&#160 we’ve got it now.&#160 Why, Obama wouldn’t take such a big entourage with him if he didn’t know he was going to bring the Olympics back with him.&#160 All the heads of state do this, y’know.&#160 Tony Blair did this, y’know.&#160 So did the Chinese premier.&#160 This is just a fait accompli, don’tcha know, yes it is, yum yum yum (smacking lips)…”

All for naught.

And on the first ballot, no less.&#160 Meaning that we wound up tied for last place with whomever else got cut.

What is it Scripture says again about haughty spirits and falls?&#160


Item:&#160 The Ayatollah delivers his “pweeze, pweeze, give’ums us summa BambiCare, pweeeeeeeeeeze?!?!” song ‘n dance routine to a joint session of the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153 – and, according to the AP, didn’t do that good a job of it (hat tip:&#160 Ed Driscoll, via Michelle).

Item:&#160 South Carolina freshman congresscritter Joe Wilson shouts out “You liar!” after ol’ Jugears does, in fact, lie about BambiCare not covering illegal aliens.

Bill Jacobson at Legal Insurrection parses things a bit, but the bottom line is that Bambi’s a liar, plain & simple.

So does anyone wanna take a crack at telling me what exactly it was that Joe Wilson said that wasn’t true?

UPDATE:&#160 On the other hand, if he doesn’t rescind the apology – and, as of this update, it doesn’t look as if he has – he’s a spineless weasel who deserves all the vitriol he’s gonna get.

Seriously.&#160 Say something, especially on a national stage, and be prepared to back it up – or don’t say it.&#160 Had that been me, Rahmbo Emmanuel would have been the recipient of a follow-up middle finger.

And you can effin’ quote me.


As the pressure mounts on Al-Obambi & the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153 to get socialized medicine health care reform health care insurance&#160 reform socialized medicine passed so that Jugears McHopenchange can sign something by year’s end, yet another facet of the Ayatollah’s messianic&#160 personality has emerged.

The pussbag is a godforsaken, fucking crybaby.

President Obama took to the conservative airwaves Thursday to charge that Republican leaders are engaged in a vast right-wing conspiracy to kill health care reform in order to repeat the 1994 mid-term takeover of Congress, which followed the defeat of President Clinton’s reform plan.

Y’know, Juggy, that strategery didn’t exactly&#160 work for the Duchess Hilarious, now did it?&#160 As I recall, those of us on the right look at being part of the “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy&#153” as an effin’ badge of honor.&#160 Didn’t exactly get us all “wee-weed” up, now did it?&#160

“I think early on, a decision was made by the Republican leadership that said, ‘Look, let’s not give him a victory, maybe we can have a replay of 1993, ’94, when Clinton came in, he failed on health care and then we won in the mid-term elections and we got the majority. And I think there are some folks who are taking a page out that playbook,” the president said.

Waaaaaaaah.&#160 Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.&#160 WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

Look here, Bambi – just what the ever-lovin’ HELL did you expect&#160 Republicans to do?&#160 Bend over and grab the ankles for that needle-dick of yours and the rest of the Demoscum?&#160 Do you honestly think we’re just going to kow-tow to your every fucking whim just because you managed to lie out your ass to a four-or-five percentage-point vote advantage in November?&#160 Have you not gotten it through your thick-assed head that it doesn’t quite&#160 work that way, buttmunch?

Damn, are you dense or what?

Appearing on the Michael Smerconish radio show, Mr. Obama said he would “love to have more Republicans engaged and involved in this process,”

Of course you do, Bambi.&#160 You want to be able to blame the GOP when you and your overwhelming majority in the House and filibuster-proof majority in the Senate ram this piece-of-shit “reform” package down the throats of the American people.

Sadly for you, though, most of the Republicans are united enough on this to see to it that this is your baby, and your baby alone.

Good luck with all that.&#160

but he vowed to win the battle, with or without support from the minority party in Congress.

Dumbass, you could win it right fuckin’ now&#160 if you wanted. You’ve got all the votes in the Imperial Socialist Congress you need, right?&#160 We can’t do a damned thing to stop you, and you know it.

So quit your bitching and pass the damned bill.

If you can.


In case you missed it, the Al-Obambi email address “flag@whitehouse.gov”…..that email folks can snitch..errr brown nos….errr….report false information concerning The Great Messiah’s Healthcare plan propagated by non-believers…..right-wing wackos un-American citizens…..has been shutdown. As reported earlier today on the Drudge Report and shortly thereafter by Fox here, or here, it’s clear that Al-Obambi’s regime (or at least somebody with their head OUTSIDE their arse) got a wakeup call from somewhere that spelled it out in small, short, monosyllabic words that their “fishing” trip was just a wee bit UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

The Generalette had a good idea. Shoulda sent in an email stating that Al-Obambi and his Healthcare “czar”, and even Hitlary have been passing “fishy” information for YEARS now. Why don’t they quite wasting time (and our tax dollars) on a clearly unconstitutional information grab and get out of the way and let the real people get the job done!

That’s my Generalette!!! She’s got the right idea.


Interesting read. Then again we all know that Al-Obambi and his Obamaniks with the Brown Shirts are doing this and MUCH MORE!

White House Reviews Names of Recipients of Unsolicited E-Mail on Health Care – Political News – FOXNews.com

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Just received a notice from the US House Rep. for the Southern HQ that caused a major RCOB. Almost lost enough blood that I nearly had to call the medics in to the Executive Suite. Now I just have this annoying throbbing behind my eyes and temples.

Anyway, what set off this episode. Nothing other than Rep. Culberson reporting that the Obamanation and the Bidenites there in the District of Crackheads have set a new world record for the month of July.

What is it you ask that set this record?

Why SPENDING of course.

“Spend, spend, spend, and spend some more….we’ll just get ol’ Gaitner to print more cash.” was apparently the theme for Al-Obambi and Co. They SPENT $332 BILLION (yes, that is billion with a “B”) on OUR tax dollars during the 31 days of July. That represents the most EVUH spent by ANY administration during a one month period since the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

And on a lighter note, FOX News is report that the Breck Boy is likely to have some ‘splainin’ to do. This could get interesting.


(Hat tip Michelle, who got it from Jammie Wearing Fool.)

The Ayatollah Obambi is saying about this damnfool healthcare notion he has that “it’s not about [him].”


A telling episode recounted by Senate Finance ranking member Charles Grassley reveals the Obama administration might be more worried than they are letting on that a Republican senator’s comparison of the healthcare overhaul to Waterloo might be dangerously close to the truth.

Grassley said he spoke with a Democratic House member last week who shared Obama’s bleak reaction during a private meeting to reports that some factions of House Democrats were lining up to stall or even take down the overhaul unless leaders made major changes.

“Let’s just lay everything on the table,” Grassley said. “A Democrat congressman last week told me after a conversation with the president that the president had trouble in the House of Representatives, and it wasn’t going to pass if there weren’t some changes made … and the president says, ‘You’re going to destroy my presidency.’ “

Gee, Jugears – you say that like it’s a Bad Thing&#153.

“Not about you”, my lily-white cracker ass.


Y’know, Denizens, if the mob were doing this, it would be called a shakedown.

Americans who refuse to buy affordable medical coverage could be hit with fines of more than $1,000 under a health care overhaul bill unveiled Thursday by key Senate Democrats looking to fulfill President Barack Obama’s top domestic priority.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated the fines will raise around $36 billion over 10 years. Senate aides said the penalties would be modeled on the approach taken by Massachusetts, which now imposes a fine of about $1,000 a year on individuals who refuse to get coverage. Under the federal legislation, families would pay higher penalties than individuals.

Yeah, well, that’s MassaChewsShits, where the numerous oxygen wasters keep sending a murderer back to the Senate, every six years, and a war “veteran” whose only contribution to the effort was to shoot a fleeing Vietnamese in the back.&#160 You can piss on their backs, tell them it’s raining and they’ll not have the balls to challenge you on it.

In a revamped health care system envisioned by lawmakers, people would be required to carry health insurance just like motorists must get auto coverage now. The government would provide subsidies for the poor and many middle-class families, but those who still refuse to sign up would face penalties.

Called “shared responsibility payments,” the fines would be set at least half the cost of basic medical coverage, according to the legislation.

Presumably, the IRS will be conducting these Fourth Amendment-violating searches for those insurance deadbeats.&#160 They force you to prove you’re in a qualifying (read:&#160 approved by Obambi) plan, and if not – boom! fine!!!

I for one can’t think of a better reason to see about refusing to pay my taxes, can you?

Mark my words – most Congresscritters who vote for this will be forced out of office.

One way or another, and by any means necessary.


Or, at least, you might not care as much.

The Nose On Your Face&#160 has this great video to help you get through your Sunday.


(Hat tip to Dan Riehl.)


(Hat tip to the good folks at Legal Insurrection, with a wink to the lovely & gracious Michelle, who had the link.)

This is Damned Good Stuff&#153.


And GOP – grow a set for once and get this on mainstream TV.&#160 Pronto.


Stephanie Dawn Stewart Crager – front & center.

(No, Your Cantankerous Doublewideness – this post is not&#160 about you.&#160 Contrary to your hyperinflated opinion about yourself, you’re just not that important anymore.)

Congratulations, Steffi.&#160 You are, officially, no longer the Most Hated Redhead On The Planet&#153.

That title hereby passes to this lard-assed Cupid Stunt&#153:

Want you guys to meet Linda Kellen Biegel, aka “Celtic Diva”, aka “Celtic Tub O’ Lard”.&#160 (Come to think of it, Cianderella Tierney might wanna get it on with this beeyotch.)&#160 She posted this pic on her half-assed excuse-for-a-blog a couple weeks back while I was away:

(For the Uninitiated&#153, this is a photoshopped pic of Sarah holding her Down’s Syndrome son, Trig, with the picture of an Alaska radio talkshow host pasted in.&#160 The pic is supposed&#160 to symbolize how joined-at-the-hip Sarah and the radio host are, but is really just a cheap shot at Sarah and her little boy.)

Now, as I’m sure you guys know by now, Our Beloved Sarah&#153 resigned as governor of Alaska yesterday.&#160 And I have not the slightest doubt that the constant cheap-shot attacks on her & her family are part of the reason she did so.

So, okay, libtards.&#160 This is what you want?&#160 Despite the bleatings of your MESSIAH&#153, B. HUSSEIN OBAMBI,&#160 to the contrary, a politician’s family is not&#160 off limits?


Let’s start with the MESSIAH&#153’S&#160 very own family, shall we?&#160 Let’s see how you pussies like our portrayal of Dumb & Dumberer, the Obambi twins:

Suck on that,&#160 assholes.

Venomous hath spoken.&#160 I’m fuckin’ back.


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls….here is your reading assignment.

You WILL go here and read this letter. You WILL do it now.

If you are like everyone else that frequents here, you are like both Darth and myself in that you are completely FED UP with what Obamanation is doing to us and the mockery they are making of our Constitution, you will read that letter.

Take five minutes, heck take fifteen minutes if you need to. Just read it.

Then do what I and the Generalette-to-be have done. Sign the petition that is linked on the same page.

If you care about your country and are tired of the total disregard Al-Obambi and the ENTIRE Washington Inside-the-Beltway clan has for “We The People”, then it’s now time to have your voice heard.



Okay, Denizens – I lied.&#160 Now I’ve got something.

Was crusing the Just One Minute&#160 blog prior to crashing (a really good read – five stars; Joe Bob says check it out), and came across this commenter who references the daily Rasmussen poll.

Now, you people know me & polls:&#160 my official position on ’em is “They haven’t asked me”.&#160 But I found this blurb interesting:

Overall, 55% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President’s performance so far. Forty-three percent (43%) disapprove.

O RLY???

Hmmmm.&#160 Seems that only a month or two ago, that number was upwards of sixty-five percent.&#160 Could be the Implosion&#153 is beginning more quickly than we’d dared hope…?

And it partially explains why the Demoscum have been crowing over Benedict Arlen Sphincter&#153:&#160 As a diversion for this looming disaster.

Curiouser & curiouser…


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