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Time to get serious.

For those who haven’t had time to catch this, H.R. 2454 (aka, the Waxman-Markey energy bill) is the nefarious plan to tax America into oblivion. All under the auspices of “going green”. I could spend hours typing in the overview of this beatdown of a bill, but just go here to check it out.

Even the Wall Street Journal is saying this thing is a bad idea.

Even more surprising is that the Can’tBeStuck (in last place) networks are chiming in with this interesting piece about the energy and health reform bills. Color me slightly shocked once I read that article.

Folks, the time to get involved is now. The Generalette-to-be and I have already written our House rep to say vote “HELL NO” on the energy bill. You should do the same. Or start stockpiling cash cause any form of energy, from your electric to the gas for your car/truck/SUV/RV/Hummer is going to chew into more of your monthly budget. Like starting tomorrow!


UPDATE (1015 hours): Seems the weasel Demonscum have added 100 341 (H/T to David) pages to this bill overnight in order to “pork up” the bill. This is pathetic people. Get out there and let your House reps know they need to vote “NO”.


Not got much to say about this one since TMZ has extensive coverage, Misha has posted his thoughts, Darth’s secret lover posted her comments, and the lame stream pukers have posted on this ad nauseum already.

Yes, he was a talented singer…before he went WACKO. Misha got it right in the title of his post, “Wacko Jacko”. But being who we are here at the Southern HQ, we still offer our condolences to the Jackson family at their loss.


Had to lighten things up a little for Friday. Between triple-digit temps here and the humidity creeping upwards, it’s been a draining week. So here’s something from the lighter side of life.

Check out after the fold.

Look closely at the pictures below. Then continue reading after.

Yes, this is real

Yes, this is real

No really, this is an actual image

No really, this is an actual image

We are not joking here!

We are not joking here!

These images were captured from a city located in India. Yes India, that country where a lot of our American companies outsource their Help Desks to. Answers that annoying question of why your call got disconnected or why the call sounds like your talking into a tin can now doesn’t it.

Try not to laugh too hard….



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