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I’ve said this before, and likely I’ll say it again.

As a Christian, I’m supposed to show love to someone like this, yea even pray for her.&#160 And in a perfect world, that’s exactly what I’d do.

But I’m sorry.&#160 Compassion fails me in favor of the Red Curtain O’ Blood&#153.&#160 I cannot for the life of me help but want to take my .380 and put a slug through this stupid-assed little bitch’s skull.

A heartless kitty killer hissed angrily at animal rights activists Wednesday, grinning widely as she took credit for stuffing the helpless pet into a 500-degree oven.

“It’s dead, bitch!” snapped an unrepentant Cheyenne Cherry, sticking her tongue out after a plea bargain that will put her behind bars for a year in the May 6 killing of tiny Tiger Lily.

A year.&#160 That’s all the trampy little piece o’ shit whore gets.&#160 A fucking year.&#160 (Of course, if it were a baby&#160 she had done that to, she’d be a fucking hero – right, NARAL?)

You’ll forgive me if I want to do things to her involving a forklift battery, cables, a big tub of water and whatever she’s got that passes for nipples.

Gonorrheic ape.


Founding Bloggers reports that Susan Roesgen – she who tried to shout down some Chicago Tea Partiers back in April (and failed miserably, I might add) – has been fired from CNN.

Karma is such&#160 a bitch, y’know?


Mid-afternoon.&#160 I’m getting off the elevator at work today as a middle-aged lady is getting on.

Another lady already on the elevator greets her and asks this question:

“Is it hot outside?”

You don’t want to know where these idiots work.&#160 You’d get majorly depressed.


2003:&#160 The Duchess Hilarious thinks dissent is patriotic.

2009:&#160 San Fran Nan Piglousi doesn’t think dissent is so patriotic anymore.

From the House GOP Conference Secretary’s office:

Democrats Gag Debate on Failure to Follow House Rules

(WASHINGTON, DC) – In an astonishing acceleration of the stifling of debate and transparency in the House, Democrats tonight voted to adjourn and gag the planned special orders speeches of U.S. Representatives John Carter (R-TX) and Steve King (R-IA).

Carter and King had announced they would discuss Democrat Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s (D-MD) statement that the upcoming health care reform effort would fail if Members were required to read the legislation. House Democrats accordingly silenced floor debate on the issue by voting to close early.

The watering can is on the verge of having its handle grabbed.


Pack yer bags for the Super Bowl, Dallas.&#160 Cowboys are snagging the Lombardi Trophy.&#160 You heard it here first.

And how do I know?

Simple.&#160 Rumor out of the Dullest Moaning Snooze is that Our Hero&#153, Tony Romo, has ditched Jessica.

No more trips to Cabo.&#160 No more Jessica in the pink Romo jersey on national TV.&#160 Tony can concentrate on f’ball now.

Saddle up, boys.&#160 Super Bowl or bust.&#160


I absolutely despise headlines like this:

Questions linger about raid at Fort Worth gay bar

And then the first four paragraphs sentences go like this:

Two weeks after a heated sweep of the gay Rainbow Lounge left one patron with a serious head injury, a key question is left unanswered: Did the raid go too far?

And if so, why?

Was the club singled out for inspection by Fort Worth police and Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission officers because it caters to gays?

Were the officers fueled by homophobic hang-ups as they knocked drinks out of people’s hands, slamming one young man into a pool table and gang-tackling 26-year-old Chad Gibson, the Euless computer technician who wound up in the ICU with a blood clot in his brain?

Translation:&#160 “How long are you bodathious brutethhhh in the Fort Worth Polithe Department going to let uth beat you with our pink feather boathhh until you thurrender and admit that you’re nothing but duthky homophobic devilth in bwue and let uth thwithh around with your headth on piketh like trophiethhhh?”

As far as I’m concerned, the FW police department & the TABC have all the credibility on this and the heterophobe community has zero.&#160 The limp-wrists could show me video of the cops doing the Rodney King on this punk Gibson, and I’d ask what Gibson did.&#160 I am not&#160 going to take the word of the Pink Pussy Brigade&#153 just on their say-so, in other words.

Moral to the heterophobes:&#160 Take your perversions and get the fuck back in your closet.&#160 Neither you nor the perversions are welcome amongst decent folks.

What you do is not&#160 okay with me; you wern’t “born that way”, and you will never get me to declare otherwise, so save your lilac breath.

Come see me when you’re ready to apologize and beg forgiveness for Jesse Dirkhising, fuckheads.


So on one of the 411 Mania wrestling pages we get where one of the indy wrestlers is calling out the guy known as Rob Van Dam for being a stoner.

(Which is why I have no particular use for Rob Van Dam, but that’s another post.)

Anyway, “Damien Demento” (probably not his real name, but who gives a shit; Van Dam isn’t his&#160 real name, either) attracts his share of stoner pussies who whine and bleat and generally berate him for having more common sense than a gnat’s ass.

(Which in itself is yet more than these stoner pussies have combined, but that’s yet another post.)

Anyway, this comment caught my eye (you’ll have to search for it – there’s no direct link):

So Americans don’t have self control? So what else should be kept away from us? If I can’t control myself what else should I be banned from having?

My vote goes for “oxygen”.&#160


It sucked.

Lather, rinse, repeat for the next four years.

(Yeah, this is all I feel like doing tonight.&#160 Bite Sue me.)


Well, guys, if you&#160 were married to Worf, wouldn’t you&#160 stare?????



(Hat tip to the good folks at Legal Insurrection, with a wink to the lovely & gracious Michelle, who had the link.)

This is Damned Good Stuff&#153.


And GOP – grow a set for once and get this on mainstream TV.&#160 Pronto.


If you’ll recall, a few days ago I opined that Steve McNair’s death might be the result of a gang hit.

Far-fetched, yes – but that’s what the initial evidence suggested.

Of course, we all know now that that guesstimate was – surprise, surprise – JUUUUUUUUUUST a bit outside.

Former NFL star Steve McNair was shot dead in his sleep last week by a 20-year-old girlfriend distraught about mounting financial problems and her belief that he was seeing someone else, police said Wednesday.

Sahel Kazemi “was spinning out of control” when she shot McNair four times as he dozed on a sofa early Saturday, then turned the gun on herself, Police Chief Ronal Serpas said.

I guess you could call it the Woman Scorned mob.&#160 As in, “Hell hath no fury…”?

On the other hand, I guess the mistress just did the wife a favor, since doubtless she would’ve wanted to, had she known about the affair in the first place.


One of the things I bookmarked during my absence was this poll, which turned out to be little more than a pro-Obambicare circle-jerk.&#160 Or the two wolves & the sheep voting on what to have for dinner, whichever suits you.

Compare that with the ridiculously high Obambi numbers, which only recently slipped below 60%, according to Gallup.

What confidence do we have that the Gallup poll, f’rinstance, isn’t skewed the exact same way as the Obambicare poll?&#160 What if the Ayatollah’s true numbers are actually below 50%?????

Guess he’s not the MESSIAH&#160 after all, hm?


But then again, that’s what we’ve come to expect from the Cowardly Left&#153, isn’t it?

@michellemalkin was in dallas tonight and i didn’t go shoot a firework into her skull. Epic fail on my part.

Come on over here to Arlington and try it with me, bitch.&#160 Let’s see what it gets you.

If you think you have the stones, that is.


Denizens, the next time you get into a silly little argument with an environ-mental case truther – you know, one of those OwlBore don-the-kneepad types who whiningly insist that “the debate is OVAH!!!!!” –

(Incidentally, I call it a “silly little argument” for this reason:&#160 it’s like trying to teach a pig to sing…it profits you little and annoys the pig.)

– try this little experiment with them.&#160 (I got this from LCrightismightNY over at the Rott, but it’s merely a reminder of something I’ve been saying now for years.)

Get a glass and fill it with ice.&#160 Tell the enviro-truther:&#160 “Okay, now this will represent the planet.&#160 The ice will represent the ice at the North Pole.”

Fill the glass to the top with water.&#160 Tell the truther:&#160 “Now, the ice sticking out of the water here will be the polar ice caps.”

According to their own dumb-assed philosophy, when the ice melts, the water will overflow the sides of the cup.&#160 Make sure you point this out to the enviro-nutcase.

Spend the next 30 to 45 minutes demonstrating to the enviro-truther what a flaming dumbshit&#160 he/she is.&#160 Great hilarity should ensue.

This tip comes from a guy who had a stepdaugher who bought into that bullshit, and was unable to convince her otherwise in the limited time I was married to her mother.

Get to ’em quickly – before they realize they know everything.&#160


Former Houston Oiler/Tennesee Titan quarterback Steve McNair was found shot to death today in downtown Nashville.&#160 McNair was 36.

A female was also found shot dead near McNair.&#160 Looks like it might have been a mob hit, but can’t be certain at this time.


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