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FoxNews and CNET are reporting here and here that a bill that has been introduced in the Senate by Jay Rockefeller. Senate bill 773, aka the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 would:

offer President Obama emergency control of the Internet and may give him a “kill switch” to shut down online traffic by seizing private networks

Not on my watch!


This piece of shit legislation reeks UNCONSTITUTIONAL all over the place. If this is not a clear attempt at a total power grab by the DEMONSHITTERS and the WHINE HOUSE you obviously are a DEMONSHITTER yourself or are living in a DRUG INDUCED coma.

Attention all SENATORS who even CONSIDER voting yes on this bill. KISS YOUR JOB GOODBYE at the next election. WE THE PEOPLE will not for one iota of a second stand for this overt attempt at turning OUR country into a socialist/marxist oligarchy with Al-Obambi as your puppetmaster.

All Comm channels are to remain open until further notice.



Well, your General and the Generalette are now officially known as “un-patriotic”, “angry right-wing protesters”, and all those other bravo sierra labels the MSM wants to put on town hall attendees. We attended the town hall meeting that our US House Representative was holding at the local high skrewl (gotta put that “Rush-ism” in there for consistency). Considering that our House Rep is an outspoken Jeffersonian Constitutional conservative, the crowd was largely those of us who are of similar beliefs.

This town hall was a Q&A session rather than a single-topic event. Which of course, made for some lively discourse as the evening progressed. Both your General and the Generalette were impressed with how our congressman handled himself and some of the more outspoken critics that were there as obvious ACORN and Obamanik plants. It was as clear as the nose on my face when the donktards got up to ask a question. Problem was, nearly all of them COULDN’T form a substantive question to save their life! The insisted on tactics like “We’re in control now.” “Obama is the President so get used to it!” and other tripe of the same color. One thing that was rather interesting is that our congressman pointed out that the Constutition states that representatives and senators do not have ANY rights, only DUTIES. {Nancy “SanFran Piglosi” and Harry “Sleaze” Reid, please call your office} He also pointed out that if he or any other representative or senator (State or Federal) that doesn’t or can’t follow the edicts of the Constitution, then WE THE PEOPLE have a DUTY to see that they are removed from office by voting them OUT!

Folks, if you haven’t attended a town hall event in your area. DO SO. As responsible, informed CITIZENS it is our duty to know what our government is up to. One of the final comments that our congressman made was that because of all the town halls that have happened, it literally has certain senior officials scared silly of WE THE PEOPLE. And well they should be. As can be imagined, if Al-Obambi and his harem continue on the present path then the 2010 elections are going to be a resounding referendum on what WE THE PEOPLE think needs to be done.

As Glenn beck points out this week, question authority boldly. Get out to a town hall and ask questions.



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