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(Hat tip to Michelle, of course.)

Item:&#160 A couple of weeks ago, the Mickey Mouse outfit known as ESPN was donning the kneepads for the Ayatollah as only they knew how – by having him participate in March Madness bracket-mania.&#160 (They even have a video of him doing it, if you have the stomach for it – I know I&#160 don’t.)

Perhaps they were swayed by the fact that he correctly guessed that North Carolina would win it all last year.&#160 (Really not much of a guess – if you&#160 were officiating games under the threat of The World’s Biggest College Hoops Pussy&#153, Tyler Hansbrough, pitching a fit everytime you called him for something, you’d give them a free pass, too.)

Item:&#160 Bambi’s proven to be just as inept at picking college hoops this year as he’s been recently at picking political candidates.&#160 Butler & W. Virginia made sure Saturday that his jugeared ass done got shut out.

President Barack Obama went 0 for 2 in the NCAA tournament Saturday when Kentucky and Kansas State lost in the regional finals, knocking out his two remaining picks for the Final Four.

In his ESPN.com bracket, Obama predicted that Kansas, Villanova, Kentucky and Kansas State would reach the Final Four. Kansas and Villanova were upset in the second round, then Kentucky and Kansas State went down Saturday.

All together now:&#160


The beautiful & talented Michelle is reporting that the lower chamber of the Imperial Socialist Congress has authorized Shrieker Of The House&#153 San Fran Nan Piglousi to finish ripping the United States Constitution to shreds by employing the Slaughter Solution, aka Demon Pass Deem-and-Pass Demon Pass, to ram the upper chamber’s version of HealthScare down the American People’s collective throat, should it be necessary.

For my part, I do hereby declare, here and now, that I will not comply with this 2,000-page piece-of-excrement excuse-for-a-bill, should Bambi sign it.

But congratulations, Demoscum bastards.&#160 You have just taken one giant step towards the Point Of No Return&#153.

The Can&#153 has been grasped by the handle.

Don’t say you weren’t warned.


It would appear as if the Imperial Socialist Congress&#153 is poised to give FINGER.TXT to the American people.&#160 (And yes, I’m already experiencing an RCOB&#153 over it.)

Two good articles on possible responses thereto can be found here and here.

That’s your homework assignment for today.&#160 Go.&#160 Shoo.


LC Rurik, via email, sends us this – and it is well, well&#160 worth your time to go see.&#160 (You may be prompted to register – go ahead & do so; it’s free.)


Well this&#160 was certainly a nice way to treat the Dalai Lama – out the servants’ entrance alongside the trash.

Be mindful, Ayatollah – the real&#160 trash gets taken out in November 2012.


The Comment Of The Year&#153 (for now, anyway) goes to a fellow named Chris Baker, who was commenting on this LA Slimes&#160 blog entry about “whatever&#160 could have possibly&#160 happened to Our Savior&#153?&#160 Sob!!!”

Mr. Baker writes thusly:

Seriously – what happened to Obama?

Nothing. Nothing that any mature, level-headed American didn’t see coming. Maybe the difference is that a bunch of sappy, pollyanna Americans grew up.

He came in as an overhyped, unqualified, under-accomplished, junior-light-weight-do-nothing-senator who is now a junior-light-weight-do-nothing-president. He did nothing in Illinois as a senator except vote “present” – he changed nothing but his address. Chicago is still a corrupt, bankrupt cesspool. He is all veneer, hype, smoke and mirrors – all hat and no cattle.

Face it – he was carefully packaged, propped up, paraded like a peacock on the shoulders of political interest groups and rode a wave of political correctness that was out of control into the Whitehouse. His vision to “fundamentally” change America is dead wrong and his cast of far left zealots, thugs and tax cheats are now learning that. After all his empty campaign promises and rhetoric – where are the rainbows and unicorns? Where are the spontaneous outbursts of Kumbaya?

The country has never been more divided. Never have prospects for our children been so bleak. Bad enough he’s a joke at home but he’s totally dismissed overseas as well. This liberal disease has been eating away at America for too long – the benefit of Obama is that he put that into hyper-drive and now the country is no in the throes of a massive backlash and we needed it.

This is it – America will either eradicate this far-left disease and rise again or we will let it destroy us like the cancer that it is.

Bravo, Mr. Baker.&#160 Effing.&#160 Bra.&#160 Vo.&#160


This is for you college football fans.

It seems that there is nothing that Papa Obama will not insert himself into.


Nah, I didn’t watch it.&#160 The replay aired on FNC while I was busy working a helluva lotta Unpaid Overtime&#153 working on two client machines, as well as prepping my “new” shuttlecraft laptop.

And I had no desire to watch it, either.&#160 Everything Bambi spews out of his mouth is bullshit, so what’s the point?

OTOH, I can do something that actually relaxes&#160 me – working on computers – and actually have a little bit of fun.

So, let’s see:&#160 Letting Bambi spike my blood pressure…work on my hobby.&#160 Spiked blood pressure…hobby.

Hmm.&#160 Decisions, decisions.

MERLIN:&#160 You’re weird, y’know that?

KORRIOTH:&#160 Tell ‘im something he doesn’t&#160 know.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Believe it or not, that’s the nicest thing that’s been said to me all day.&#160 How’d you like to be Fleet Captain?

KORRIOTH:&#160 I’m already&#160 Fleet Captain.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Yeah, well, go have Madfish Willie make you a prune juice smoothie.&#160 Tell him to put it on my tab.

MERLIN:&#160 Didn’t he say how you were already 10,000 credits past maxxed out on that?

VENOMOUS:&#160 He grouses about it.&#160 Then he remembers I have a verteron array pointed at his bar.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 That would&#160 explain all the benevolence.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Oh, and Kor – grab me a peach-tea Theragen float while yer over there.&#160 Headaches have been pretty bad lately.

KORRIOTH:&#160 (grunt)

One thing I did&#160 find interesting, however, is something about which the Right Side of the Blogosphere&#153 is buzzing this morning:&#160 He Who Has Surrendered His Testicles To The Wookiee&#153 dared disrespect the Supreme Court after they swatted down McRINO-FrankenFeingold last week.

Oh, did I mention the Supremes were in the audience?

Here’s Samuel Alito right as Bambi was spewing out his skanky piehole:

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Good luck arguing anything before these guys going forward, Ayatollah.&#160 You just made Erica Holder’s job that much harder.

Gotta love it.&#160


Folks, this may put me at odds with LSPK&T and the official position of this fine example of bloggery.

After seeing this article, I have just about decided that the smartest move for Israel would be for them to tell the US to take our money and insert it into that portion of the anatomy best loved by Barney Frank, that they will protect themselves, and determine their own future. Our ditzy politicians just can’t seem to figure out that for all their faults, Israel is not only our best friend in the Middle East, but they are also the only really free country in the area.


What with the economy supposedly&#160 making something resembling a rebound – the resizing of the last quarter from +3.5% to +2.8% down to +2.2% notwithstanding – one suppoes the Demoscum are feeling Pretty Damned Good&#153 about themselves at the moment – at least, with respect to the economy.&#160 They’re even consider a second welfare package, anywhere from $50 billion to upwards of $150 billion.

They might want to take another look from that crow’s nest of this economic Titanic they’re sailing.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue warned the U.S. faces a double-dip recession because of the taxes and regulations under consideration by the Democratic Congress and President Barack Obama.

“Congress, the administration and states must recognize that our weak economy simply could not sustain all the new taxes, regulations and mandates now under consideration. It’s a sure-fire recipe for a double-dip recession, or worse,” Donohue said in a speech providing the Chamber’s outlook for 2010.

Rush has theorized that Al-Obambi is doing this in a deliberate attempt to destroy the American economy.&#160 And to look at things, there’s evidence that Jugears McHopenchange has not only seen the iceberg, but has ordered a collision course, full speed ahead.

Bambi should have a care about what he wishes for.&#160 He just might get it.


Yeah, I’m still up.&#160 Don’t ask why – I’m not sure I&#160 know.

So here are the folks at Hot Air, and it looks like they’re pooh-poohing Der Sarahcuda for asking the same question that a helluva lot of us have been asking:&#160 where’s the birth certificate?

(Side note:&#160 Allahpundit and Antagonist?&#160 Just between the three of us – fuck you pussified little needle-dicked douchebags.&#160 Either one of you wanna call me an “embarrassment” to my face, let’s see you do it and see what it gets you.&#160 Asswipes.)

Anyway, for months now on this issue, I’ve been hearing shit like “the issue is settled, the debate’s over”.

Yeah?&#160 The issue of “global warming” was supposedly “settled” and that&#160 debate was supposedly “over”, too.&#160 How’d that work out?

(Incidentally, stay tuned – this won’t be the only time I mention East Anglia.&#160 I’m about to rub a certain religious denomination’s – and a certain pastor’s – face in it.&#160 Hard.)

Seriously.&#160 Bambi has spent millions&#160 in attorney’s fees suppressing something, the producing of which would not only humiliate the so-called “Birther” movement, but also encourage a severely lagging (right now, anyway) Demoscum party and&#160 probably jack up his sagging poll numbers, all in one fell swoop.

Yet he won’t produce it.&#160 Why?


President Obama, after breaking the bank with his “stimulus” spending, now wants us to believe that he is going to limit the Federal budget. Check this out.

“President Barack Obama is expected to make post-recession spending restraint a key theme of his State of the Union address in January and an important element of the budget he submits to Congress a few weeks later. He is under increasing pressure, including from moderate and conservative members of his own party, to show he is serious about tackling a deficit that has become both an economic and political liability.”

All I can say is that anyone who actually believes this tripe should be declared legally incompetent.


While Venomous is celebrating his birthday, we have some news which shouldn’t surprise anyone, even though it is highly irritating.

It seems that our incompetent excuse for a chief executive has once again decided that the American President bows to foreign heads. Check here for details.

In my opinion, such activity qualifies as a high crime or a misdemeanor. Unfortunately, our sorry excuse for a congress will not even consider impeachment proceedings.


Item:&#160 Back in February of 2008, B. HUSSEIN!!!!!&#160 Obambi, called for an end to the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy as regards to heterophobes serving in the military.&#160 (The link is at http://my.barackobama.com/page/community/post/alexokrent/gGggJS – sorry, I’m not linking to it; go look at it yourself if you wanna see it that badly.)

Item:&#160 Bambi pledges once again to repeal the policy.

“I will end ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ ” Mr. Obama told an audience of nearly 3,000 people at a fund-raising dinner for the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest gay advocacy group. “That is my commitment to you.”

(Incindentally, how ironic is it that the Slimes’&#160 article was written by Sheryl Gay&#160 Stolberg?&#160 &#160 )

Reaction:&#160 So he repeated a campaign promise.&#160 It’s federal law (UPDATE:&#160 Wiki, as generally unreliable as it is, has the info on that), and that would require any repeal be passed in the Congress – and that, while eminently possible, isn’t the slam-dunk some folks think it might be.&#160 Yawn.

Jugears might have done better to keep his fucking mouth shut for once.


…this time, on a planetary scale.

I can’t remember the last time I was so pleased that “US – Ewe Ess” (a little Paul Harvey lingo, there) lost a competition.

Remember all the pundits, wonks & wags speculating that Shit-cago was about to get the 2016 Summer Olympics?&#160 “Word on the street is that it’s a done deal…” – remember?

And why was that?&#160 Because The Messiah Hisownself&#153, B. HUSSEIN!!!&#160 Obambi was Going(going…going…oing) To(to…to…ooo) Copenhagen(hagen…hagen…agen) to get those selfsame Olympics as a present for all those dead people in Shit-cago who voted for him more than 14 times.

And all the aforementioned pundits, wonks & wags were making GagaEyes&#153 about it all:&#160 “Well, you just know&#160 we’ve got it now.&#160 Why, Obama wouldn’t take such a big entourage with him if he didn’t know he was going to bring the Olympics back with him.&#160 All the heads of state do this, y’know.&#160 Tony Blair did this, y’know.&#160 So did the Chinese premier.&#160 This is just a fait accompli, don’tcha know, yes it is, yum yum yum (smacking lips)…”

All for naught.

And on the first ballot, no less.&#160 Meaning that we wound up tied for last place with whomever else got cut.

What is it Scripture says again about haughty spirits and falls?&#160


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