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LCs – and Denizens – it’s Good Cause&#153 time.

Click the banner below:

That’ll take you to the web site of the American Cancer Ablation Center.

Why, you ask?

This would be why.

Chris Muir, who happens to be one of our favorite cartoonists, has a sister, Cathy, whom this clinic is working with, and they could use some visibility/good PR.

And we love Chris and his family.&#160 Therefore, this is an undertaking worthy of the Empire and the Realm&#153.

Get to clicking.&#160 Thatisall.


Rumor has it that Dr. YEARRRRGH! has a case of lockjaw, so when the Donks needed someone to be their dumbass du jour,&#160 they turned to backups Harry “Banana Boat” Belafonte and Big Dickhead Gregory.

And they certainly did not disappoint:

Celebrity activist Harry Belafonte referred to prominent African-American officials in the Bush administration as “black tyrants” at a weekend march, and he also compared the administration to Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany.

Hmmm.&#160 A Demoscum opens his mouth, exposes the vacuum between his ears and compares President Bush to Hitler.

In other news, the sun rose in the East today, water was found to be wet, and Bill Parcells placed the future of his football team in the hands of an ancient quarterback. (Stop me if you’ve heard this before, mkay?)

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In class today, our instructor told us of a helpdesk techie who…uh…well, let’s just say that English wasn’t his first language, mkay?

Go here and have a look around.&#160 MAJOR&#160 spew warnings in effect.


This scribe was sufficiently busy yesterday that I missed the fact that it was anniversary number 60 of the start of the chain of events that ended World War II.

In other words, Hiroshima.

Misha has a great piece on it, as usual – particularly addressing the liberal fucktards that keep insisting we “apologize” to the Japanese for finishing what they&#160 started.

Can’t add much more to that than a good, hearty “amen”.&#160 Except, possibly, to say “thank you” to President Truman, General Patton and the troops under their command who made sure that America didn’t have to live under that kind of totalitarianism.


Picture this:&#160 You’re a techie-type in a two-building combination call-center/business office, along with three other techie-types.&#160 The complex houses roughly 800 people at the moment (more will follow, but that’s another post).

Now imagine that one tech is tied up on a project in another city, another tech is on vacation, and the call-center tech is sick…and his supervisors haven’t notified your supervisors.&#160 In short, you’re the only tech in the entire complex…and neither you nor your superiors realize it.

Welcome to the One-Legged Man&#153 Week from Hell&#153.&#160 The fact is, Denizens, you were lucky to have received any of My Eternal Wisdom&#153 at all this week.&#160 Yesterday was the worst day of the five, which is why nothing got cranked out from this keyboard.

I’m in training next week, so you might see more posts, or you might not.&#160 Just hafta keep tuning in, I guess.


Color Ann Coulter right again – this time, on John Roberts.

Those of you who, like me, are fans of the conservative columnist, will remember that she wasn’t all that fond of the Bush pick to replace Sandy Ditzy O’Bint.

It means nothing that Roberts wrote briefs arguing for the repeal of Roe v. Wade when he worked for Republican administrations. He was arguing on behalf of his client, the United States of America. Roberts has specifically disassociated himself from those cases, dropping a footnote to a 1994 law review article that said:

“In the interest of full disclosure, the author would like to point out that as deputy solicitor general for a portion of the 1992-93 term, he was involved in many of the cases discussed below. In the interest of even fuller disclosure, he would also like to point out that his views as a commentator on those cases do not necessarily reflect his views as an advocate for his former client, the United States.”

This would have been the legal equivalent, after O.J.’s acquittal, of Johnnie Cochran saying, “Hey, I never said the guy was innocent. I was just doing my job.”

Well, Denizens, it’s looking like she was bang-on right about this guy.&#160 Roberts is now saying, in effect, that Roe v. Wade&#160 need not worry.

“Precedent plays an important role in promoting the stability of the legal system,” Roberts wrote. “A sound judicial philosophy should reflect recognition of the fact that the judge operates within a system of rules developed over the years by other judges equally striving to live up to the judicial oath.”

At the same time, Roberts said that “judges must be constantly aware that their role, while important, is limited.”

“They do not have a commission to solve society’s problems, as they see them, but simply to decide cases before them according to the rule of law,” he wrote.

So I guess we can go back to the days of Plessy v. Ferguson,&#160 John-o?&#160 The Dred Scott decision?&#160 Any other bad law you want to revisit on us, Souter-lite?

My apologies, Ann.&#160 After you came out against Roberts, I rather doubted you for a moment.&#160 I figured that, with so many liberal fuckheads screaming about this nomination, Waffleya had finally gotten one right.

Should’ve known better.&#160 This is yet one more wimp-assed nomination by a president who apparently is afraid to nominate a real&#160 conservative to the bench, thus telling the minority&#160 Party of Asses&#153 what they could go do with themselves.

Get ready for more of the same bullshit from the Not-so-supreme Court, guys.&#160 And maybe OneOfTheseDays&#153 we’ll learn not to trust anyone named Bush…

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Busy day today, Denizens, so Lady Heather del Jeep Wrangler steps in to serve up today’s offering…

Ways to tell if a redneck’s been working on your computer…

10. The monitor is up on blocks.

9. Outgoing faxes have tobacco stains on them.

8. The six front keys have rotted out.

7. The extra RAM slots have Dodge truck parts installed in them.

6. The numeric keypad only goes up to six.

5. The password is “Bubba”.

4. The CPU has a gun rack mount.

3. There is a Skoal can in the CD-ROM drive.

2. The keyboard is camouflaged.

And, The Number One Way To Tell If A Redneck Has Been Working On A Computer…

The mouse is referred to as a “critter”.



Actually, I did&#160 find something today on which to blog.

From the Department of Cue The Twilight Zone Theme comes news of a plane crash in Toronto involving an Airbus A340.

What makes it weird is that today is the 20th anniversary of Delta Flight 191, which took 137 lives.



Denizens, today was one of those days where I could find nothing in the news that: 1) I was passionate enough to write about, and 2) hadn’t already been covered by Emperor Misha.

Hence, for your reading pleasure, here’s something out of the Grab-Bag&#153.&#160 Not sure who wrote it, but it’s good reading nonetheless.

Got this in the old e mail today, while I don’t agree with some of it, it is amusing.

I like big cars, big hooters, and big paychecks. I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some midlevel governmental functionary with a bad comb-over who wants to give it away to crack addicts squirting out babies.

I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, you’d better do it in English.

I’m not in touch with my feelings and I like it that way.

I believe that it doesn’t take a village to raise a child, it takes two parents.

I think owning a gun doesn’t make you a killer.

I want to know which church is it exactly where the Reverend Jesse Jackson preaches. And where does he get his money. And why is he always part of the problem and not the solution.

I believe if she has her lips on your willie, it is sex, and it is sex for both of you. This even applies when you are President of the United States.

I think that being a student doesn’t give you any more enlightenment than working at Blockbuster. In fact, if your parents are footing the bill to put your pansy *** through 4-7 years of college, you haven’t begun to be enlightened.

I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God or gods, just leave the rest of us out of it. This also applies to sexuality.

I believe it’s called the Boy Scouts for a reason.

I don’t think being a minority makes you noble or victimized.

I don’t use the excuse “it’s for the children” as a shield for unpopular opinions or actions.

I think fireworks should be legal on the 4th of July.

My heroes are John Wayne, the Simpson’s, and whoever canceled Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.

I don’t hate the rich. I don’t pity the poor.

I know wrestling is fake and I don’t waste my time arguing about it. I think global warming is a big lie. Where are all those experts now, when I am freezing my *** through a long winter?

I’ve never owned a slave, or was a slave, I didn’t wander forty years in the desert after getting chased out of Egypt, I haven’t burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you, so shut up already.

I think the cops have every right to shoot your sorry *** if you’re running from them. I also think they have the right to pull your *** over if you are breaking the law, regardless of what color you are.

I think if you are too stupid to know how a ballot works, I don’t want you deciding who should be running the most powerful nation of the world for the next four years.

I think if you are in the passing lane, and not passing, your license should be revoked, and you should be forced to ride the bus until you promise to never delay the rest of us again.

I think beef jerky could quite possibly be the perfect food.

I think tattoos and piercing are fine if you want them, but please don’t pretend they are a political statement.

I think Dr. Seuss was a genius.

I ‘m neither angry nor disenfranchised, no matter how desperately the mainstream media would like the world to believe otherwise.

If that makes me a BAD American, then yes, I’m a BAD American.

If you too are a BAD American please forward this to everyone you know. We need our country back!

Amen & amen.


Back a few months ago, when Jos&#233 Canseco wrote in his book Juiced&#160 that he helped folks like Rafael Palmeiro and Ivan “Pudge” Rodriguez take steroids, pretty much anyone who cared castigated him and called him a liar in just about any fashion of which they could think.

Looks like those folks now owe Jos&#233 an apology.

Today, the latest member of the 3,000 hit club, Palmeiro, got his ass busted for using steroids.

Former Ranger Rafael Palmeiro was suspended Monday for violating Major League Baseball’s steroid policy, two weeks after joining the exclusive 3,000-hit club and five months after denying he ever used steroids before a Congressional committee.

Palmeiro, now with the Baltimore Orioles, received a 10-game suspension, effective immediately. The Orioles will be in Arlington to play a three-game series with the Rangers this weekend.

The announcement sent shockwaves through baseball. Six players had previously been suspended for steroids, but none had Palmeiro’s stature.

In a 650-word statement read on a conference call, Palmeiro denied he ever knowingly took steroids.

“I am here to make it very clear that I have never intentionally used steroids,” Palmeiro said. “Never. Ever. Period.”

Uh huh.&#160 Sure, Raffy.&#160 Neither did Barry Bonds.&#160 YeahRight&#153.


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