Welcome to the Realm™ - Version 5.0...

[SCENE:&#160 Realm&#153 spacedock, where ISS Pegasus&#160 floats quietly in a maintenance hangar.

Cut to interior view:&#160 Engineering.&#160 Lieutenant Cmdr. Ozymandias McCool and his engineering staff – which consist primarily of an overworked Jawa, three Ewoks and two pair of Bynars – are putting the finishing touches on installation of a new warp core.

The Engineering doors open and we see Admiral Darth Venomous and Captain Korrioth stride in, making a beeline for McCool.]

OZY MCCOOL (loudly):&#160 ADMIRAL ON DECK!!!

VENOMOUS:&#160 At ease.&#160 McCool, report.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 Installation of warp core complete, m’lord; we’re performing the final quality checks now.&#160 We will begin testing and calibration in three hours.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Excellent, Commander, excellent.&#160 Submit a timetable for testing the new transwarp drive to the captain upon completion.

OZY MCCOOL:&#160 (nods) Aye, sir.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Korrioth, you will render whatever assistance the commander needs with fine-tuning the intermix settings.&#160 I went through enough wormholes the last time, understood?

KORRIOTH:&#160 Understood clearly, Admiral.&#160 (throwing a wolfish grin McCool’s way)

VENOMOUS:&#160 Without&#160 the painstick, Captain.

[The look of extreme disappointment & angst is written all over Korrioth’s face.]

KORRIOTH:&#160 (grunt)

Denizens, I’ll be taking the Big Box&#153 down shortly to install a new SATA-type solid-state hard drive.&#160 Not that you guys will notice anything, but I’ll be slightly more incommunicado than usual.



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(KORRIOTH:  Oh, great.  More wormholes.)

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