Posted by Supreme General Rayegun @ 17:31
As long as the Senate doesn’t fark with things that is.
If House Republicans have their way, the Obama administration’s “czars” will no longer be able to dictate pay at bailed-out mega-firms or negotiate new emissions standards for U.S. vehicles. An amendment attached to the 2011 spending package, which passed the House last week, would strip funding for a select list of the so-called czars.
Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., the author of the proposal, hailed the vote as a step toward ending the administration’s “shadow government.”
Scalise goes on to say in this from FoxNews.com
“Hardworking American families should not be forced to pay millions of dollars to fund these czars, who are implementing radical policies under the cloak of darkness,” Scalise said in a written statement.
Darn tootin’ right we shouldn’t have to fund these “beholden to NO ONE” progressive activists or worse. It’s bad enough that WE THE PEOPLE are being taxed to to the point where dimes, nickels, and pennies are about all we have left anymore. But these clowns are are getting paid with OUR tax dollars, and they’re making POLICY decisions with ZERO oversight or public approval. Last time I checked, that was taxation without representation….which if the numbnuts in D.C. would stop for THREE SECONDS they would see that such measures are patently UNconstitutional.
The Scalise amendment was a refined version of a catch-all anti-czar bill he introduced earlier in the session. That bill called for effectively shutting down any Executive Office task force or office led by an official who had not received Senate confirmation. At the time, Scalise estimated that 39 officials would fall under that description.
The latest amendment, which would still have to survive a vote in the Democratic-controlled Senate, narrowed that list down to nine positions. Several of them have been responsible for shepherding high-profile policy changes that Republicans opposed practically in lockstep.
Start writing and calling your Reps and Senators folks, this needs to be changed back to all 39 and have them defunded, then summarily escorted off the premises. Poste Haste.
You have your duty assignments, time to get to work.
It seems that not only does Columbia University not allow an ROTC program on Campus, but they show great disrespect to those who have laid their lives on the line to defend their freedom to be fools. This article gives details.
In the opinion of this veteran of a peacetime military, those educational institutions who refuse to host an ROTC unit should immediately lose all Federal funding, including the aid given to students to pay for their education. This would also mean that no faculty or staff would have access to Federal research funding.