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Politico’s got a sort-of puff piece on San Fran Nan Piglosi, The Shrieker Of The House&#153, and I was halfway trying to figure out the best way to do a rip job on the verbal methane that came from her stinking piehole.

Then I saw that Misha beat me to it.

There’s your reading assignment for tomorrow, Denizens.&#160 It’s that good, and you’ll miss out if you don’t go take a look.

UPDATE:&#160 LC Kwongdzu had the Line Of The Day&#153 yesterday in response to this Misha line:

And thanks to you, you’re just about the only surviving sentient being in this country who does still respect the office that you hold.

To which Kwongdzu replied:

Since when is Nancy Pelosi sentient?


Interesting news from the Blogosphere this evening:&#160 Longtime (and yes, in the world of blogging, six years is a Long Time&#153) gun blogger Kim du Toit is retiring at the end of November.

Kim was, in part, responsible for my acquiring the Spatula City Arsenal of Freedom&#153, and his writings about any&#160 subject can be counted on to be thoughtful, incisive and quite powerfully devastating to any socialist fucktard who dares to either read them or challenge them.&#160 The man, put simply, is a superior intellect.

I cannot admit to reading his site all that often (time just doesn’t permit it), and obviously it is my extreme loss.&#160 Now that opportunity is going to slip away, and it is a most sad day in the Blogosphere&#153 for it.

Godspeed, Mr. & Mrs.&#160 Both you guys will be sorely missed.


… that a Congresskritter actually has a sense of humor. You can see the whole bill here.

But when it starts like this:

To provide for the transport of the enemy combatants detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to Washington, D.C., where the United States Supreme Court will be able to more effectively micromanage the detainees by holding them on the Supreme Court grounds, and for other purposes.

So is this humor, a pork spending bill, or just a frivolous piece of legislation?


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