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As if San Fran Nan Piglosi and Harry “What illegal real estate deals?” Greedyfingers are needing to cover their asses and make sure any other clueless fuck that can’t add 2+2 to figure out that they have more mortgage than income by passing the “Foreclosure Protection Act of 2008”, which of course the President has signed. Not the real relief we need, because this as the MarketWatch article states:

$300 billion in additional loan guarantees for the Federal Housing Administration, offer a temporary tax credit for first-time home buyers, and give money to local governments to buy foreclosed properties before they can blight the neighborhood.

Lovely, another $300 billion we all are going to have to pay for.

But buried in the fine print of this bill is this.

A slightly clearer explanation is here.

What this all comes down to is this. Big Brother, in the guise of the benevolent IRS, will be allowed to see ALL credit AND debit card transactions that occur. The author of all this invasion of our wallets? None other than San Fran Nan Piglosi. Can you say “DON’T WANT”? Yes, I knew you could.

Two things immediately come to mind. The first is Revelations 13:17 (I’ll leave the choice of translations to you). The second, time to get rid of any sort of plastic payment method and go to a strictly cash-only household. Until they start putting RFID transmitters in our paper money, or the first possibility occurs (see above).

Most transparent Congress in history, Piglosi you need to have you vision and intelligence checked cause you have no CLUE what that means.


Most of you probably saw or heard about the ranting, which we all promptly flushed down the crapper. Because we all know that’s exactly what the rant is — crap. Well ReasonOnline has a piece up on what the Gorebecil really meant by the fact that the U.S. must go “green” within 10 years.

Here’s a sample of the real “green”:

According to the Energy Information Administration, the existing capacity of U.S. coal, gas, and oil generating plants totals around 850,000 megawatts. So how much would it cost to replace those facilities with solar electric power?
Let’s use the recent announcement of a 280-megawatt thermal solar power plant in Arizona for $1 billion as the starting point for an admittedly rough calculation. Combined with a molten salt heat storage systems, solar thermal might be able to provide base load power.
Crunching the numbers (850,000 megawatts/280 megawatts x $1 billion) produces a total capital cost of just over $3 trillion over the next ten years.

Yes folks, that’s “Trillion” with a capital “T”. As if the current budget deficit isn’t enough, the Gorebecil in all his Gaia-enthralled intelligence just forgot to mention the cost. How quaint.

Apparently since the Gorebcil can afford to spend $16,533 a month of “green” power at his house (if you call it a “house” when it’s big enough to make Jed and Granny Clampett jealous), then he has zero problems with his conscience telling US FOLKS IN FLYOVER COUNTY that we HAVE to go 100% green on electricity production within 10 years.

Just who the fuck does this shitbag fatso think he really is??? Yo Al, in case you haven’t noticed YOU are getting as fat as the electric bills your fat arse is generating in that house of yours.

If you’re so damned pissy about getting the U.S. on green electricity in 10 years, how about coughing up some significant levels of “green” CASH for the project?

What’s that? You only tell us what the fuck we need to do, it’s not your place to fund your ideas (brain-dead as they are)??

Here’s a thought Gorebecil. Why don’t you, Breck Boy, and Hitlary all go investigate the lack of “green” electricity, love children, and universal health care in HELL. Be sure to take some sunblock, I hear the ozone hole is pretty big there. The people there are just screaming for a visit from a group like that!!!


Item:&#160 A couple of weeks ago, the Bennigan’s Grill & Tavern chain began offering its menus in Spanish:

The new menus, which were placed in the chain’s 310 restaurants last month and are available upon request, have been well-received, a company executive said Monday.
“Hispanics purchase a meal outside of their home as many as four times a week, and we don’t want language to be a barrier,” Jennifer Gamble, Bennigan’s director of marketing, said in a statement. “This Spanish menu gives our servers that option when they need it.”

Apparently the menus weren’t that&#160 well-received – Bennigan’s shut its doors after filing for Chapter 7 yesterday.

Hmmm.&#160 Might not have been a good idea to pony up for those Spanish menus, eh guys?&#160

Justice.&#160 Buford.&#160 T.&#160 Justice.

(Now, this is not to trivialize the plight of those employees hit hard by the resulting layoffs, nor to laugh at their misfortune.&#160 You guys know me better than that.

It is&#160 to point out that karma’s a real bitch to moronic bastards who try and kowtow to the illegal-alien community.&#160 Maybe sooner, maybe later – but there will&#160 be a reckoning, eventually.)


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