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ITEM:&#160 Demoscummic goober-natorial candy-ass-date Wee Willie White thinks term limits for the office of Texas governor is a hell of an idea.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill White said Tuesday that Texas governors should be limited to two four-year terms, a change he said would prevent incumbents from amassing too much power.

White is trying to unseat Republican Gov. Rick Perry, who’s seeking an unprecedented third full four-year term in the Nov. 2 election.

White, the former Houston mayor, said there should be a voter referendum on term limits and that he favors a proposed constitutional amendment that would have to be approved by voters.

One may make an educated guess that this is all because Wee Willie isn’t going to be able to unseat Rick Perry in November.

Because, Denizens, this is the same, exact Wee Willie White that also wanted to relax term limits for Houston’s mayor – if not remove them outright.

Mayor Bill White on Wednesday raised the specter of changing the term limits on Houston elected officials, urging City Council members to consider appointing a special commission to examine whether the restriction to three, two-year terms imposed by voters in 1991 has been too stringent.

Term limits are fine for Republicans.&#160 For Demoscum – not so much.

Doesn’t this kinda remind you of the fracas up in Massa-chews-shits whereby the Demoscum-controlled state legislature passed a bill to remove the power of a governor to appoint an interim rep or senator for some poor schmoe who had just bit the bucket while in office, in order to keep then-governor Mitt Romney from appointing a Republican to replace a departed Democrat?&#160 Then voted to reinstate said power for Duval Patrick so that he could appoint a Demoscum to fill in for Teddy “The Swimmer” Kennedy?

The Will Of The People&#153:&#160 Void where Demoscum have anything resembling a say in how things are run.

Wee Willie White, you are a pathetic ass.


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