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Well, well, well.&#160 One of our favorite cowardly asshats has seen fit to rear his ugly head here and start hissing like the little garden snake he is.

Non-Moron, the anti-Semitic fuckstick, decided he was going to take me to task concerning Bill & Roger Clinton in the thread below, and – well, see for yourself; it ain’t pretty… (snicker)

Dubya has done more drinking and drugs than Roger Clinton

Prove it, asshole.&#160 Let’s see a credible source, independently confirmed.

Put up or shut up, fuckface.

and Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar while Curious George was snorting coke

Hmmmm.&#160 Didn’t know they were that easy to get nowadays.&#160 Maybe you should try for one, eh, shithead?

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Well, I guess that ties it.&#160 The November elections have&#160 to have been a bloody farce.&#160 Completely illegitimate – we’ll just have to do ’em alllllllll over.

The Rum Raisin Diva has declared it thus.

Embittered first-lady wannabe Teresa Heinz is questioning whether President Bush’s re-election victory last November was legitimate, saying that many of the country’s voting machines could have been “hacked.”

“Two brothers own 80 percent of the machines used in the United States,” Heinz told a lunch for Seattle Rep. Adam Smith on Saturday, referring to the brothers as “hard right” Republicans.

Yeah.&#160 So?&#160 I suppose you’d’ve said that had the brothers been Bill & Roger Clinton?

(Wait, what am I saying?&#160 Those two don’t have the brains between ’em to blow their noses.)

She argued that it is “very easy to hack into the mother machines,” in quotes picked up by the Seattle Post Intelligencer.

But not quite as easy as it is to pluck off a dimpled chad, is it, T’Rumraisin?

“We in the United States are not a banana republic,” added the Mozambican-born billionairess.

No, we’re a representative republic&#160 – and you’d do well to finally get that through your thick, drunk-assed noggin, bimbo.

Heinz urged Democrats to insist on “accountability and transparency” in how votes are counted, and said the integrity of future elections hangs in the balance.

“How are we expected to steal elections if we can’t get flunkies we can trust, eh?”

“I think we should focus on ’06: If ’06 doesn’t work out, ’08 will be impossible,” she told the Democratic group, adding: “I fear for ’06. I don’t trust it the way it is right now.”

Duct tape over the mouth works very&#160 well in matters such as this, T’Rumraisin.&#160 I suggest starting with yourself first…


Hmmmmm.&#160 Maybe the Duchess Hilarious is on to something when she states that the economy could collapse.

At least, it’s possible if these are the best candidates they can find to head the World Bank.

Treasury Secretary John Snow on Sunday would not rule out the idea of Irish singer Bono, an activist on debt relief and AIDS, making the short list of potential candidates to lead the World Bank even though an American is expected to get the job.

“He’s somebody I admire. He does a lot of good in this world of economic development,” Snow said.

“Most people know him as a rock star. He’s in a way a rock star of the development world, too. He understands the give-and-take of development. He’s a very pragmatic, effective and idealistic person,” Snow said.


You do&#160 realize, don’t you, John-o, that we’re talking about a guy who just wrote a song, the lyrics of which start out…and I quote:


Which, for those of you who did not&#160 marry a native Honduran last year, literally means “One…two…three…fourteen.

Nice.&#160 That’s all we need to head up the World Bank – someone who can’t count.

Or, if Bono’s not your cup of tea, perhaps we could offer up…

Another candidate who has surfaced is Carly Fiorina, the recently ousted chief executive of Hewlett-Packard Co.

“She’s also a friend and somebody I think well of,” Snow told ABC’s “This Week.” But, he added, “I think we’re going to have to wait to reveal that next president of the World Bank for a little while.”

Wonderful.&#160 Just friggin’ wonderful.&#160&#160 A rockstar who’s numerically challenged and a supermodel CEO who drove her company into the ground.

Uh, Duchess?&#160 What was that you were saying about the economy again…?


(Hat tip to LC Staci – I think.)

A rule of thumb seems to be emerging when it comes to J. F’n Qerry:&#160 When you find his mouth open, the liklihood is that his size 13 foot is planted squarely within.

Now he purports to have Congress honor a man who was a Communist and a racial separatist.

Why has John Kerry sponsored a Senate resolution honoring a Stalinist who championed racial separatism?

The Soviet Union awarded W.E.B. Du Bois the Lenin Peace Prize. Maoist China staged a national holiday in his honor in 1959. Now, for reasons unexplained, the Democratic Party’s 2004 presidential nominee seeks to honor Du Bois too.

This should really come as no surprise to HE.&#160 McCarthy was the first to out the Demoscum as Communist sympathizers – that is to say, those Demoscum who weren’t Communists themselves.

And don’t even&#160 get me started on Venona.

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(Hat tip to LC Beaker.)

Go have a look at this.

Couple of things I’m sorry for:

1. I’m sorry that company is run by a chickenshit who wouldn’t dare say that here.&#160 (But I’m pleased that his excuse-for-a-company will likely go belly up before the next election cycle.)
2. I’m sorry I don’t know who runs that company, so I can email them and tell them what I think of their particular brand of asshattery.
3. I’m sorry that sydes.net is run by a complete fucknozzle.

But I’m not&#160 sorry that his boy LOST!!!!!&#160 MUAH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…!!! (snort)


Uh-oh.&#160 Talk about sliding into oblivion.

John-Boy F’n Qerry has just received the Official Kiss Of Death&#153 for his presidential aspirations in 2008.

Teddy (hic!) Kennedy has endorsed him.

Sen. Ted Kennedy has already announced his pick for the 2008 presidential race, and it’s the same candidate he backed in 2004.

Asked if he’d be climbing aboard the Hillary Clinton bandwagon, Kennedy told ABC’s “This Week”: “I’m from Massachusetts. And we have a candidate, I think, probably up there as well.”

Yeah.&#160 And he’ll lose again, too – just like he did in 2004.

How’s that definition of clinical insanity go again?&#160 Doing the same thing over & over, expecting a different result…?&#160

Asked specifically if Sen. John Kerry had his support for 2008, Kennedy said, “Oh, yes . . My Man’s John Kerry.”

And what about Mrs. Clinton?

Why do I get the feeling that the Duchess Hilarious put the Hic!-meister up to this, hm???

“I have enormous respect for Sen. Clinton,” Kennedy said. “I admire her, I respect her. She’s qualified for whatever job she achieves.”

That reminds me of the old joke about a campaign ad in which the advertiser called the candidate “not qualified to be dogcatcher”.

After the ensuing brouhaha, another ad came out the next day:&#160 “I must apologize and confess:&#160 The candidate is&#160 qualified to be dogcatcher.&#160 Unfortunately, he’s running for the Senate.”&#160


(Tip o’ the hat to B.C., Imperial Torturer&#153.)

Whether or not you’re an astronomy buff, this is something it is well&#160 worth your time to see.

Click on the link, then click on the “Flash feature” link.

Then prepare to be amazed.&#160 It’s that good.&#160 No foolin’.


As most of you know, Steffi the Doublewide Bitch Supreme&#153 is a poor-excuse for a teacher.&#160 As such, she’s had to deal with her share of miscreants and malcontents.&#160 Unfortunately, due to the fact that this society worships at the Altar Of The God Of Self-Esteem&#153, her options for dealing with such crumb-crunching types is, shall we say, quite limited.&#160 One of the few conditions with which Her Son’s Father&#160 (lest she forget) does truly sympathize.

Anyway, the Department of Isn’t That A Wee Bit Of Overkill? runs this up our flagpole, leaving His Rudeness shaking his head and wondering what ever happened to a good whack upside the noggin.

James City County Police arrested an eight-year-old boy who allegedly had a violent outburst in school.

Authorities say he head-butted his teacher and kicked an assistant principal when he was told he couldn’t go outside to play with other students.

Now, this would put said tyke somewhere in the neighborhood of second grade.&#160 And an adult teacher and an adult assistant principal couldn’t handle him (snicker), so they had to call the police.

The four-foot pupil was led away from Williamsburg’s Rawls Byrd Elementary School in handcuffs Tuesday and charged with disorderly conduct and assault and battery.

I think it’s a damned shame that Fox News wasn’t there to videotape that perp walk.&#160 I mean, wouldn’t you have loved to have been there to see that? (chuckle)

Major Stan Stout says the student began tossing chairs and turning over desks after a teacher – and later the assistant principal – tried to stop him from joining his classmates.

The child was later released to his parents.

Who, if this kid’s behavior is any indication, promptly took him out for an ice cream sundae and a cheeseburger to soothe his injured psyche.&#160 Because I guaran-damn-tee you – if that little punk were being properly&#160 disciplined, said tantrum wouldn’t have happened in the first place.

As it is, he’ll make a nice little Democrat some day…


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Just in case you’d forgotten.&#160 Certainly John McCain and Russ Feingold did a long time ago.

They’re now talking about extending this unconstitutional piece of bullshit called the Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2002 to the Blogosphere.

If the McRINO-Foolsgold Dissent-Squashing Brigades get their way, episodes like Forgerygate threaten to become a thing of the past, as ISPs will be required to shut down bloggers who get too uppity.&#160 Can’t have no squealin’ whilst pickin’ dat dere cotton, y’know.

For my part, let me make my position on this very&#160 clear:

I will post whatever I damned well please.&#160 I will post it whenever I damned well please, whereever I damned well please and in that fashion which I damned well please.&#160 And I double-freakin’-dare&#160 McRINO, Foolsgold, Bradley Smith or any&#160 of his fellow goat-humping neo-fascist commissioners to come and do something about it.

Just so you know, FEC.

Don’t like it?&#160 Kiss my rosy red cracker ass.

UPDATE:&#160 The Lone Star Times has offered, should this Putrid Crock O’ Shit&#153 come to fruition, to cover any blogger who would ask by giving them press credentials.

Towards that end, they’re going on the blogroll, right up there under the Dullest Moaning Snooze.

Guys, gimme press creds and you’ll even top ’em, mheh.&#160

Update the 2nd:&#160 And I really ought to give Geek With A .45 a shout out for alerting me to this little movement.&#160 If there’s one thing I love more than pissing off liberals, it’s pissing off RINOs who are liberals in conservative clothing.

“Arrrrrrr”, as Bluto might say… (grin)


Desperate to blame anyone but the real culprit for his November defeat at the hands of President Bush…that is to say, himself…John-boy F’n Qetchup-ass this week took a swipe at…

…are you sitting down?

…the media

Still smarting from his election defeat last year, Sen. John Kerry blasted the mainstream media during a panel discussion at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library earlier this week,

Thus giving new meaning to the phrase “biting the hand that feeds you”.

saying they had contributed to an atmosphere of fear and lies.

Translation:&#160 “…they didn’t do a good enough&#160 job of creating an atmosphere of fear and lies”.

“There is something wrong with who is arbitrating the truth,” he said, according to Boston’s Daily Free Press. “When fear is dominating the discussion, we have a problem.”

Well, that’s funny, Botox Boy, because it seems that’s all you did throughout the campaign – tried to spread fear about a second Bush term (and lying out your Fwench ass in doing so).

Kerry said news conglomerates – particularly of broadcast news – were a large part of the problem.

“Dammit, CBS, your incompetence during Forgerygate screwed up my campaign!!!&#160 Waaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

“The corporatization of the media has taken away some of the muckraking,” he complained.

Now I’m confused.&#160 Are you saying, John-Boy, that you couldn’t have won the election without&#160 the muckraking?&#160 But I thought you said that the media had “contributed to an atmosphere of fear and lies” – certainly an environment of muckraking, or so it would seem to me.

Would you please make up your mind, O Qetchup Qing?

Kerry also criticized President Bush, saying his tax cut program had created a “middle-class squeeze.”

Yep.&#160 Squeezing the life out of your chances to ever retake the majority. (snicker)

And thus continues the implosion of the Demoscummic Party.


The SpatulaGoddess has opined on Martha Stewart’s release from prison today, and how we’re about to have all-Martha, all the time.

Just when you were starting to pull your hair out at the prospect of all-Michael, all the time. (grin)

When I first heard the news this morning, I was like, “Oh, really? (yawn)&#160 That’s nice.”&#160 Right before I turned over and went back to sleep.

Anyway, go read Beth’s take on it all.&#160 See if you’re not nodding your head knowingly afterward…


You may have noticed some small tweaks since I opened up shop here last week. (Well, besides&#160 the ongoing troubles with the formatting. (grin))

Comments now appear in popup windows.&#160 When I have an unusually long entry – as will happen, sometimes – and I have to use Movable Type’s “extended entry” feature, you now can view the extended post on the same page instead of being taken to another page, just by clicking on the “that all ya got” link.

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As some of you may know, time seems to be growing short for Acidman’s mom.

They could both use your prayers right about now.&#160 They have mine.


(Hat tip to Mamamontezz.)

The Department of Give Me A Fucking Break makes sure we get our government RDA of unbelievable, head-stuck-squarely-up-the-ass stupidity with this column about a woman who, during a civil-rights temper tantrum march, Became Offended&#153 at something the police were doing while maintaining their presence there.

Eating bananas.

I’m going to say that again, just in case you didn’t believe your eyes the first time.&#160 This stupid bimbo took offense at two cops who were.&#160 Eating.&#160 Bananas.

Let’s let the nice columnist, Tim Chitwood, relay the story.&#160 (Who knows?&#160 Hopefully he won’t be too pissed at me because I’m giving him credit for writing about it.)

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Eric over at Vince Aut Morire asked us to – and I quote – “steal this post“.

Welllllllll…I don’t know about stealing it – but I’m happy to link to it and strongly&#160 recommend you go read about a mother’s gratitude for the kindness shown to her soldier son, stationed in Iraq.

Go.&#160 Shoo.&#160 Relax – I’ll be here when you get back.


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